
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you think it's not fair that Steve is getting paid to voice Tom for you guys, while you guys are doing it for free?

Totally fair. Steve is gold and he's a very busy man, he's not Toonami staff. He deserves every single penny. The value of what he brings and has brought to the character of TOM is incalculable.

This might come off a bit snide, so I apologize if it seems that way as it's not intended, but you have said you are pretty much over superhero movies, so why exactly do you give a shit about Snyder making a new Supes/Bats movie and the JL movie? Some of us "assholes" do actually enjoy what he made.

Hm if you know I'm getting "over" superhero movies, you should know why- but here it is again: I feel they're increasingly empty, and turning even further away from the characters that inspired them. Characters that meant a lot to me, by the way. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing a Superman that betrayed what I think that character stood for, all for the sake of smeary CGI bullshit that will age poorly. I didn't. And the fact that a crass, fake-Nolan version of Superman was rewarded by the public at large, now means the same architects of this vision get to mar even more characters I like? THAT IS MY PROBLEM WITH SUPERHERO MOVIES. So what I'd say to you is, "hey man, if you don't like what I say on my Twitter feed, why not unfollow me? Why bitch about it anonymously on my ask?"
Because you'll get nothing positive from me about Zack Snyder bullshit.

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Would you rather be a bar owner, or a worker at AS?

I've worked at several bars, I would never want to own a bar.

Were you involved in getting Outkast for the Adult Swim party in May? If so, awesome work! Will you guys be recording their performance for air online or anything/ I'd love to watch it.

I was, thanks. Sadly we will not be broadcasting the performance, it's a private party.

Why are trolls mean?

I think for most of them, they're lonely and it's a way to get attention, any kind of attention. It's also a relatively consequence free way of getting away with stuff they could never do in the real world. Basically? Weak, cowardly people lashing out in their darkness, hoping to spread it.

What are your thoughts on Spongebob

I love Spongebob. It's not what it once was, but they had some classic seasons. And the whole crew are just the nicest people.
Liked by: Duelist

Any TV shows you would like to see cancelled?

I don't have a problem with people enjoying things I don't, but in a vacuum I'd enjoy seeing American Horror Story and True Blood cancelled.

Do you think places like blockbuster went down hill because once people had DVDs no one had to pay the return rewind fee of VHS tapes?

It went downhill because people just started watching Netflix!

Are you a more serious toned person or have more lighter personality?

I'd like to be a more light-hearted guy, but the truth is I'm pretty serious.

What was your source of T.V and Movies in college?

I had no TV for several years on college. When I had money I always took the bus to the mall for movies, though.

Do you think people hate on Family Guy because its mainstream?

Oh, I'm sure many people hate it for many reasons. To each his own!

How long do you usually read per day and how many pages do you read within that time?

It varies every day. At least 20 mins a day, all the way up to two hours or more, page count is totally dependent upon the writer.

Anime Live Action: Have you seen the recent Rurouni Kenshin movie? I've heard lots of good things about it but haven't seen it since its still unlicensed.

Haven't seen it, and I have to confess I have no interest.


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