
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Fan of native tongue process? De La Soul? Tribe Called Quest?

Tribe, De La, Black Sheep, Jungle Brothers, all that shit. Tribe is my favorite of that crew.

Have you ever seen Ridley Scott's 'legend'?

Of course! Not bad, not great. Awesome atmosphere, photography, makeup.

What John Carpenter films do you enjoy the most? I suspect The Thing might be in your answer.

Michael Flinn
THE THING is his best, I love HALLOWEEN and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, and THEY LIVE and BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA are also a lot of fun.
Liked by: Zeki Kadmon

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I heard you helped get Off the Air together. Awesome show. Get it out on DVD

Thanks. Just helped behind the scenes really.

Why is everyone so nostalgic for the 80's. Even these days?

I really don't know. I lived through them, they weren't so great!

What are your thoughts on the animation style in Beware the Batman? Many Animated series purists have criticized it, but I find it to be a fresh take.

I think "purists" are usually the worst people to judge a show's quality, and I like the style of Beware the Batman.

Do you prefer Amazon Prime, Netflix or Hulu?

I don't prefer any of them. I use all of them, but I prefer TV.

For Dragon Ball GT, we're you a fan of the newer animation style used or do you prefer the original? I believe both have merits but I find the original to be more appealing.

I prefer the OG.

Where did the name Clarknova come from? Clark = Middle name? Nova = Super Nova? No? well it was worth a shot.

It's the name of the typewriter in the William S. Burroughs novel, "Naked Lunch."

Do you like Transformers? And if so, which was your favorite series?

I like them okay but I've never been a huge fan.

Have you ever been into Glam Metal or anything like that? Steel Panther is pretty ridiculous.

Never liked glam metal at all, sorry.

Whoa, the Lich is now a big baby! Did not expect that, you?

****LICH LAUGH****
Liked by: Andrew Abbensett

What's your opinion on Eddie Murphy? Personally I believe that his best stuff was SNL and Trading Places. Shame he keeps picking the wrong movies to get involved in

I think Eddie had a great and brilliant early run, and anything post NUTTY PROFESSOR is pretty much total trash. Sad but true. Man has some stone classics under his belt, though. I sometimes wonder what went wrong inside him. For a long time now he's just seemed... Dead inside. I dunno.

Since you seem to enjoy tweeting about TV and media in general, does it ever bother you that you can't tweet about the anime you watch or do you never feel the need to?

sldy93’s Profile PhotoSldy93
Limits of the job. I'd be talking about what I'm watching a lot, if I could, but it's better to actually be able to work with it, so no complaints here!
Liked by: Sldy93


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