
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Stop being such a fucking brat, your incessant whining is grating. One Piece is something that's always been close to me so I'm going to think it's one of MY favorite pieces of fiction, just like I said. To ME. Everything you pointed OP is completely untrue. Face the facts, you're a loser.

Who's the anonymous crybaby jumping into someone else's ask here, me or you? Don't like what I have to say? Good. Go the fuck away. Nobody's asking your opinion, no one cares, beat it. (waves)
Liked by: corey barnes

What exactly changes about Attack on Titan after EP8? Just the troll who said the previous question, just wondering.

I dunno what he means, who cares he's a troll.

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Do you have a favorite time of the day? Mines in the really early morning drinking my first cup of coffee.

I think mine is the dead of night, when everyone is asleep. I also enjoy the odd lazy spring afternoon.
Liked by: Andrew Abbensett

My most hated anime are Naruto, Bleach, every Gundam series, Code Geass, Eureka 7, every episode of Attack on Titan after 8, InuYasha, Soul Eater, Kenshin, Yugioh, Wolf's Rain, Evangelion, Tenchi in Tokyo, FMA, .hack, Death Note. Did you know if you like any of these shows, you have bad taste?

"Every episode of Attack on Titan after 8" hahaha thanks for the clarification dum dum! Hilarious.

what ever happened to those transition comics that you guys promised in momocon 2013?

We've been working on them, but they're back burner for us.

I meant do you have a favorite video game console from any generation? Retro or current, it doesnt matter.


I know you have the Xbox One and PS4, but I can't remember if you have a WiiU or not. If you do, how do you feel about it as far as function and games available since it's a year and a half old now and would you recommend buying one to someone considering it?

I have a Wii U and I barely play it. I would not recommend it, personally. I love Nintendo and their games, though. I'm just not a NINTENDO MEGA FAN like so many others.

Do you have a favorite video game console/s?

Nah I'm console agnostic. I think loyalty to a machine is dumb, especially in this current era when almost every game is available across multiple consoles.

What's your idea of a perfect day?

The beach, a book, music, my wife, my kid, a great meal, scotch, a good movie. I'm easy.

Thoughts on Kickstarter? Cool new trend or retarted money bait idea?

It's a tool, I don't get too excited about anything on there until I see how serious the project is. I think it's great for a lot of people who can't raise money another way. I don't like how it was used for Zach Braff or Veronica Mars, though.

I hear you don't like South Park, what about Futurama, Family Guy, America Dad, Simpsons etc?

Awesome, cool, cool, awesome.


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