
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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what are some good motivational rap songs?

What motivates you and what motivates you are probably very different. For example, early Young Jeezy motivates me, as does Future.

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What is your favorite Miyazaki movie?

My personal favorite is a tie between NAUSICAA, the first one I ever saw, and MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO, which is such a beautiful portrayal of childhood.

Which do you think will be more admired and looked back on in a few decades: Breaking Bad or Mad Men? Though I actually like Mad Men better from what I've watched, Breaking Bad was remarkable in how popular it got while retaining its intelligence. It was just such a phenomenon, you know?

Well I think in general, Breaking Bad appeals to more people. It's a "cleaner" show in terms of a narrative arc, and it's a thriller, so it's very easy to tune in week to week and not get bored or feel like the show is meandering. It was just so tight. Mad Men, on the other hand, is a more difficult sell. It's a lot slower, it's much more of an ensemble show, it's a period piece, etc. It's also an existential meditation on who we are and were as Americans, and so many other things. It also features a main character who may be a less despicable human being than Walter White, but is pathetic and weak in his own way, too. It asks a lot, maybe more than Breaking Bad did. If Mad Men sticks the landing as well as Breaking Bad stuck theirs, I'd be hard pressed to tell you which show I thought was better. I don't ever think it will be as popular as Breaking Bad, though. Crime is just sexier!

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I saw Winter Soldier and it was actually really good IMO. You should check it out if you care in the slightest.

I may on video.

What do you think about Leonardo DiCaprio? Do you think he is a good actor? Did you like Inception & The Wolf of Wall Street?

He's awesome and I love both of those movies. I don't love everything he's doing but it's usually interesting.

I'll be honest: I feel like the new look of Toonami will need to grow on me. Is it bad if it's not my favorite look? I guess I just feel like it's less spacey and seems a bit less "interesting looking" than the last one. and I'm not sure If I love the new logo/font. Not hating, just giving feedback.

I appreciate the feedback, it's fine! Not everyone is gonna like everything. Just part of the business. And you're right, it's quite a difference!

Is it me or does TOM sound a bit different in the new set of bumpers? His voice seems less robotic and lower pitched. Not that I'm complaining, I kind of like it this way.

It's just you. Glad you like it though!

What are some of you favorite superhero movies and what's your favorite of the marvel ones (specifically the ones tied to avengers)?

sldy93’s Profile PhotoSldy93
I think THE DARK KNIGHT, the original SUPERMAN, HELLBOY, X-MEN 2, and SPIDER-MAN 2 (Raimi) are the best superhero movies made. Of the Marvel movies, I think IRON MAN is best, although I like the THOR movies okay.

What font are you using for the new toonami design? Really think it looks nice and might want to use it in the future

It's a custom font! Glad you like.

What was up with those Toonami videos, that appeared out of nowhere on CartoonNetwork.com back in late 2011/early 2012? Were those hints that Toonami was coming back?

Sorry I don't know what you're talking about.

opinion on THE AVENGERS?

I think THE AVENGERS was good fun and I enjoyed it. Yet at the same time, it was a sloppy, overlong mess with smeary, generic looking aliens and a plot that made little sense. It did a great job of bringing the characters together though. Still, I probably never need to see it again. And the idea that it's some classic or the "best" superhero movie is just... Crazy.
Liked by: Sldy93 Superman ♛


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