
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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what makes williams street records better then the other labels?

I don't think we ARE better than other labels, necessarily. I just know we put out music we like and believe in.

Are you trying to get like a duck dynasty look going with you beard?

No, goofball. I've had a beard for more than a decade, and it stays short. I can't do the Duck Dynasty thing.

Have you seen Shameless and do you like it?

I have seen it, and I don't like it at all. I love William H Macy but I think that show is kinda garbage.

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Any favorite general show theme song/ending theme? Same question for cartoons/anime.

Nah I pretty much don't care about show opens or closes and their songs, whether American or Japanese, animated or live action. There are obviously some good ones but I'm just not a huge fan like that...

Have you seen/read the new Gundam The Origin manga that recently came state side? It's a pretty great retelling of the original series

Yeah I have em. They're great.

What do you think is the best album opener? What about album closer?

Don't have a favorite in either category. I've listened to way too much music to be able to pull just one for each.

what would you consider to be the most disappointing show you have ever watched?

In terms of squandered potential, I'd say either Dexter, or Lost.

Has there ever been a time where someone was asking you a honest question but you accidentally misinterpreted it as them being jerks/trolls?

Oh, happens all the time. "Tone" is very hard to read, and sometimes ppl aren't perfectly clear when they ask a question. I try to apologize if it do that, though.
Liked by: Clinton Davis

Is there only thing that will make you go from calm to super angry very fast

Ha! Several. I'm not sharing them here though, so trolls can try using them against me.

Do you think it's possible to have a viable music radio format that isn't corporate-driven? What would you play on an Adult Swim-branded radio channel?

Probably not, to be honest. I'd play all the stuff we play on-air and let the creators pick artists to feature as well!

Do you think the Billboard hot 100 is an accurate representation of whats good music?

Absolutely not. It represents what's popular or what's being paid for/pushed out by record labels. That's not the same thing (although sometimes it can be).
Liked by: Clinton Davis

Is the Jack Reacher novel (or what you've read so far) better than the movie? I felt like there was a lot that could have been good that just didn't work with Tom Cruise in the role.

Yeah they're a lot of fun. I actually didn't think the movie was bad, but Reacher is supposed to be 6'5" and 230 lbs, Tom Cruise is just a bad fit for the role.

Are there any current comic books you've read?

I answered a very similar question last night, scroll down, you'll see it!

Have you ever considered holding speaking seminars about how to be successful in your work environment or similar seminars?

Ha no, I can't imagine ever doing something like that!

Since you grew up poor do you consider you story rags to riches?

Not really, more like "from kinda a bit poor to kinda a bit well-off," more like.

What books have you read or currently reading?

Just finished "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene, and "The Last Policeman" by Ben Winters. Right now I'm blowing through the first Jack Reacher novel, "Killing Floor." It's fun!

As far as things being better than Fall 2008 for me: I am at least employed again and Toonami is back. Could be much worse.


Have you ever been to Boston. If so what did you think about it?

I spent 5 years in Massachussetts, so I've been to Boston many times. I like the city a lot!

Have you tried Atlanta-based Frozen Pints yet? It's ice cream made with beer. If so, what did you think of it?

Nah, sounds kinda nasty tbh.

What anime do you truly want to see become live-action movies by Hollywood?

Hm Battle Angel or Ghost in the Shell would make good live action films, but to be honest, I don't need any anime to become a Hollywood movie. I like them just the way they are!
Liked by: Jeff Harris


Language: English