
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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So I'm almost wondering if part of me dropping out of college was because I wanted to find a way to work on Toonami and then it got cancelled. Both things happened in Fall 2008. My first gf also broke up with me around the same time. i don't consider it a great era of my life to be honest, heh..

Oof, tough break! Hope things are better now...

What do you think about the tons of people that decided to drive in the ice and snow outside Atlanta?

A lot of those people didn't "decide," they had no choice because they had to work. I think it's a much bigger problem than just people not knowing how to drive in ice or snow.

Do you think getting an education in marketing would be useful if I'm aiming at working in the animation industry? I'm preparing some portfolios for art schools, but I have a hefty sum of college credits (former engineering student) that I could use to get an additional degree in ~two years.

I mean it couldn't hurt, but anyone of reasonable intelligence can be a marketer. It's not a necessary skill set for an animator, but it's certainly something that might help you understand how and why shows become successful!

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What are some good Clams Casino beats? I only heard a few beats of his but I like his sound & wanna hear some of his work

Well I'm biased because I'm a huge @clammyclams fan, but I'd start with any of his "instrumental" tapes, which you can find using Google. They're all pretty much perfect. The new one has been in constant rotation for me.

In response to your answer about deciding what you wanted to do for a living , I kind of have the same situation my dream job is to be in animation and to produce my own show for CN but I'm that good at drawing , are you saying its better to focus on more realistic jobs depending on your skills?

Well I would never tell anyone to give up on their dream, but you should know your particular dream is one that very, very, very few people will ever have the luck or talent to achieve. I think you should go for it, but be prepared to work hard and long and maybe have a backup plan! Good luck to you!

I realize this is a Toonami question and I asked during the Q&A but it didn't get answered. Can you comment on whether or not season 2 of Black Lagoon (technically just a continuation of it) and/or the third "season", Roberta's Blood Trail will also be airing on the block?

HeartofSword75’s Profile PhotoDuelist
If your realize it's a toonami question and you know I don't want to answer those here, then please respect my ground rules, thanks.

Do you drink Atlanta beers, and if so, what's your favorite?

I don't, really. I like beer fine, but I'm more of a scotch guy. I guess I like Sweetwater 420 okay.

With the success of December as a "Month of Movies", will December become the Official Month of Movies in the future?

Please send toonami related questions to Toonami.tumblr.com, thanks!

Any Toonami related mixes coming up soon???

I normally don't answer Toonami questions here, but I think I'll be getting this one a lot, so I'll answer. There probably won't be another one for a couple of years, if that. We're tapped out on new music. The IGPX mix is going to be the last for a while. We want to collect lots of music and pull together the best of the best to use for those mixes. Sorry!

What are some of your fav comic books to read? Also have you seen justice league war? If so what did you think about if? And do you like any of the new 52?

Haven't seen JL War, I will eventually though. Don't care about the new 52. Not reading any new superhero titles at present, only collections. Really enjoying the Darwyn Cooke Parker books. Also just grabbed the Sage collection, and Celebrated Summer by Charles Forsman.

When did you get into anime?

When I was about 6 or 7. Star Blazers, Force Five, Nausicaa, Robotech, Voltron. All seminal for me.

Robocop remake, what are your expectations of it?

Dog shit. I'm not usually anti-remake, and I like the director, but there is only one Paul Verhoeven.

I'm a marketing student with only one year left. As cheesy as it sounds I've always wanted to work on Adult Swim since I was young. What steps would you suggest to take after college to get closer to this goal?

Ugh, another marketer?? Hahaha. Just kidding. To get closer to your goal, I'd say keep checking Turnerjobs.com and get yourself an entry level marketing position somewhere inside Turner if you can. Then kick ass, work very hard, and do some stuff you can show Adult Swim. Then wait patiently for a job opening to appear, apply, and hope for the best! Good luck!

What movie do you feel should win Best Picture?

My personal favorite film of the year was UPSTREAM COLOR, which wasn't even nominated. I'll be happy if 12 YEARS A SLAVE and THE ACT OF KILLING (doc category) win, both are totally essential.

What is the best advice and the worst/most useless advice you've gotten?

Man I'm so bad with that sort of stuff. I never had too many "mentors" and I haven't had a lot of enemies, so really- I can't recall any particularly great advice or useless advice I've gotten, sorry!

Do you believe the dump months for movies really exist? How do you feel about what are considered the "dump months"?

They definitely exist. I think there are a lot of great movies studios have decided not to support for whatever reason in those months.

What were some things in your life that helped you decide what you wanted to do for a living?

sldy93’s Profile PhotoSldy93
Well, it wasn't so much of a decision as a drive. I've pretty much always wanted to write, draw, make comics, direct… tell stories, in other words. Sometime in my teens, I began to focus on the idea of being a comic illustrator. I had always been pretty decent artist and really loved comics, so I figured why not? Once I got to college, I realized after my second quarter that I was OKAY at drawing, but I wasn't going to be able to be a professional. I decided to switch over to film and video, and it turned out to be the right choice. In college, I met Sean Akins through a friend. He had a job at TNT and told me he was leaving to work at CN. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I asked him if he would put in a good word for me with his bosses at TNT. He did, I moved up to ATL hoping for my shot, took a writing test, did some interviews, and got an entry level PA job at TNT. From there I just worked my ass off and had as much fun as humanly possible. And here I am...

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