
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm the one that asked about the whole would you still talk to your ex question. Well I have found a website that will help me get over my ex. It's called: Exaholics! lol Seems fitting for my situation! lol

Good luck.

What's you're opinion on Wes Anderson? Are you fond of any of his movies?

Yeah I like him a lot. Pretty much enjoy all of his films except THE DARJEELING LIMITED. Looking forward to the new one!

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What are some things you think everyone should do or try at least once?

Hm, eat an AMAZING meal at a great restaurant. Have consensual sex (of age of course) with someone you love. Stay up all night talking with someone. Get in a fist fight. Fly to another country. Have a pet. Ride a roller coaster.

Do you have a bucket list and/or anything goals you really want to accomplish going forward?

HeartofSword75’s Profile PhotoDuelist
Raise my daughter right. Make my wife happy. Live up to the ideals my Family instilled in me. Pretty simple stuff!

did you go to your high school prom if so how was it?

Didn't go. I didn't care at all about my prom. I was a delinquent.

Will the lich king ever be defeated

((Casts unforgivable curse at you))
****LICH LAUGH****

One celebrity that you admire?

Living? Johnny Depp, Clint Eastwood, Ice Cube, Lil B. Dead? Paul Newman, Johnny Cash, Jimi

Have you ever seen Citizen Kane and would you recommend it anyone if so?

Yes, and yes. It's a classic for a reason.

isn't art history kinda a useless degree?

Depends on who you ask. I certainly didn't use mine for much, but it sure gave me a solid understanding of composition, light, and general aesthetics.


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