
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What's your favorite track on My Name Is My Name? I'm tied between Suicide and Nosetalgia.

Andrew Abbensett
Hands DOWN, "Who I Am." It has that dumb Big Sean verse, but the ESG sample is so classic and Pusha's "WOOO! THEY SAID BE ALL YOU CAN BEEE" gets me super amped. Also love his verse and 2Chainz "And I be on my own dick, ain't too much room for you-A!" cracks me up. It's what I wanted from a Pusha record.

Really digged the killer mike and EI-P album, The rap game needs for that good stuff.

Thanks, glad you dug it. I worked very hard to make it happen for two years!

I think I asked you this a few months back, but you hadn't seen it (and at the time, neither had I). What did you think about "Only God Forgives"? I like Refn's stuff but this one felt a little off to me. Not bad, but I don't think I fully got it.

I found it very disappointing and frankly half-assed.

Space dandy blue exorcist too many kiddy shows on the block.

Space Dandy hasn't even come out yet, how do you feel at all qualified to call it a "kiddy" (your dumbass spelling) show? Oh, right, because you don't know what you're taking about, obviously. Must be hard just fundamentally not understanding the easiest stuff. Does it make you crabby? I bet it does.

Just realized I've been asking questions with "ask anonymously" on by default. I found myself watching Saturday morning cartoons and i was really impressed (I was expecting Tom and Jerry though...). KND, Titans Go, Billy & Mandy, and Brak for some reason. How long has he hosted Cartoon Planet?

spacejam2539’s Profile PhotoAlex J
Sorry man I have no idea. Glad you're digging it though.

are you going to watch the Doctor Who Special Live today or record it and watch it later?

I'm recording it to check it out later!

If I wanted to pitch a show to adultswim, who would I want to get in contact with?

Mail your pitch to the program development department, 1065 Williams Street, Atlanta, GA 30309. Good luck!

I think Teen Titans Go! is getting a bad rep for ... well, not being Teen Titans the show. I totally disagree and think the writing is great. I also think its hilarious that each episode has some reference to batman in it. What's your opinion? (Also, people have complained about Raven's character)

Honestly haven't watched it.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Why do you staff people say one thing then do another? #hypocrite

Since I don't know what you're referring to and you're sending me anonymous insults, I'm not gonna be too troubled about your hurt feelings, okay? Cool! ;)

Many of us would love for you to release both Apocalypse Now and Warm & Scratchy 2. Pretty please?

Hmmm I also have mixes for BLADE RUNNER and MEMENTO… maybe Thanksgiving might see one of them drop!

Can I suggest an interesting documentary? http://youtu.be/Yil_cn_1gMo (read the youtube description & watch it if you're interested) Does this change your views on Japan? Do you agree with the way things are out there with the whole "otaku" culture & such?

That documentary is a weird mix of a lot of stuff I've heard before and know to be true about Japanese society, and total bullshit. It doesn't change anything for me because it's not telling me anything I didn't already know (the stuff that's true, anyway).

Hm did you choose Blue Exorcist to be on Toonami because fans demanded it like SAO or do you just dig the show alot and decide it was a good fit? also what you've of the dub do you feel its a respectable dub? Anyways have a pleasant night Jason.

Please send Toonami questions to Toonami.tumblr.com, we'll have a months Q&A in about a week! Thanks.

You're gonna lug your Xbox One back and forth though!? That thing is huge! But for real, don't let the trolls ever get ya down Jason, always keep the the good work!



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