
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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since you dont like blockbuster does that mean you dont like red box or are you a digital kind of guy ?

I don't use Redbox, I usually do Netflix, rent on Itunes, or just buy or borrow Blu-rays.

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When you were Shinji's age, how do you think you would've handled piloting an EVA?

I did not have a super happy childhood, if you put me in a giant robot I would have TORN SHIT UP. I'm more Char than Shinji.

What would you say to a guy in his twenties who doesn't know what do to with his life/potential? (Does that same question happened to you when you were young?)

Well this is a tough one for me, tbh. I'm lucky in that my whole life, I've known what I wanted to do. And I'm doing it. What I would say to someone who doesn't know what to do with his life, is that you should think about a few things... what makes you happy? where do your interests lie? What have you been told by others are your areas of strength? Is there any way for you to practically match the two together? The second this would be to think about where or how you might get an entry level gig doing something that may in some way, shape or form relate to your skill set or what you eventually want to be doing. The third thing is to do it, very hard and for a very long time, and be as good as you possibly can at it. I happen to think that perseverance is a highly undervalued asset. Good luck!

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How come cassette tapes and 8-tracks are out of style after a 10 or 20 year period?

I disagree, cassettes are very much in vogue right now. Which I think is stupid, btw. Technology left those formats behind, there are better, more convenient ways to hear music now.

Are you looking forward to watching the raid 2: berandal?

I don't think THE RAID is the end all, be-all of action films like people seem to think it is, but I definitely dug it and I'm absolutely gonna watch the sequel.

What is your biggest inspiration? I ask this cause a lot of the work you do has inspired me to tackle the cartoon industry.

Well a) thank you, and b) for me personally, my inspiration is my Grandfather, who fought in a world war, raised a family, lived a long and amazing life, and showed me what it means to be a good person and a man. As far as inspirations in the larger world, I find Miyazaki's work inspiring. I find David Simon's work inspiring. Johnny Cash and Miles Davis are two big ones for me. Cormac McCarthy inspires me. So many things!

When you were divorced what did you do to move on? Like did you follow a quote, listen to music, hang out with friends, or just head right into moving on? (Sorry for this weird-ass question)

Wow this is a personal one! Hm, getting through a divorce after a long time being married (which is what happened to me) is something that just takes a long, long time. Two things are true that people always say about divorce: that it takes about half the life of your relationship to get over, and that it's similar to dealing with a death in your family. For me, when I was going through my toughest times I focused on the things I loved: my daughter (who is everything), my friends, my family, my work. I worked to distract myself by always reading, listening to music, watching film, etc etc just anything to keep my mind active. The "moving on" part is the hardest one, and you eventually figure out that when you first are saying "I'm over this" you're actually NOT, what you're doing is beginning to understand that one day, you WILL be over it. And then something will hit you and you'll be right back in it. Eventually, though, you'll actually move on, and with perspective you will hopefully learn something important about that relationship and how it affected you and shaped you. And what you want to avoid going forward. Good luck!

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You ever feel like you lost your way on becoming VP of Adult Swim, and if you have, what advice do you have for someone who feels that they have?

Well, I can't say I ever "lost my way" in becoming who I am, but I have had times where things seemed like they would be too much for me, whether in my personal life or at work, for sure. I would say the best thing to do if you feel you've lost your way- and I'm talking in terms of a career, here- is to step back and reevaluate what started you down the path you're unhappy with. Then try to figure out a) if you still even WANT the goal you originally set out to achieve, and b) how to get yourself off the path that's making you unhappy. Talking to friends, loved ones, or co-workers is important, too. They can offer you perspectives on yourself that you may be lacking. I can't stress enough how important it is to listen to the people around you about things like this. Reach out, don't let yourself fight through it alone. Good luck!

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What are some of your favorite romance movies?

You know, that's a genre of film I really have a hard time with. Most romance films are just so formulaic and treacly. I love THE ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, which is "romance" but so much more, a lot. I like PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE (also the only Adam Sandler movie I like), BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is amazing, THE GRADUATE, IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE, HAPPY TOGETHER, and LOST IN TRANSLATION, as some other examples...

Which character from Regular Show do you thimk is most like yourself?

Honestly I feel like I'm a cross between certain aspects of both Mordecai and Rigby.

Is it hard keeping up with work and family?

Man, sometimes it is! I want to be there every moment for my kid, my wife, my dogs and cats etc, but I have a very demanding job that I'm pretty much always thinking about, so it can be a delicate balancing act.

What's the biggest difference in sound between Vinyls and CD's?

CDs capture a wider range of sound, technically, but vinyl sounds far "warmer" and with a great stereo, I would always prefer vinyl.

Do you like Eliott Wilson or do you think he's full of shit a lot of times?

Kinda both. Lately I feel like he's starting to exhibit toxic levels of ego...

You don't think Stillmatic's better than the Blueprint? I swear I just don't see how people can call that a classic (the Blueprint). And I do own that album

No, I don't think Stillmatic's better than Blueprint. But to each his own!

Do you like Rick Rubin's work, let's say, within the past 10 years? Honestly, I haven't been much of a fan. I'm not feeling the work he did with: Linkin Park, Hov, Kanye, & Eminem (the beats were ehh). I do like what he did with Black Sabbath tho. What do you think of him tho?

Pretty done with him. Haven't heard anything from him I really liked since 99 Problems and the Cash records.

I'm not sure we're talking about the same badbadnotgood. The one I'm referring to is a three piece jazz band from Canada, who do some original stuff, but a lot of hiphop covers/reimaginings. Not trying to be rude of course. It just threw me off when you referred to bbng in the plural and refd weeknd

Haha no sorry I'm thinking of another band. Haven't heard them!

Opinion on badbadnotgood? I love 'em.

I like them okay. I'd like to see what he does with his first real album. Right now it's a little too derivative of The Weeknd for me, but I enjoyed him live.


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