
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why do you think the 90's is such a beloved time period

It's only beloved by 90's kids, some of whom seem to REALLY love nostalgia.

Point is great director don't always equal amazing show.

Which is what, some way of saying we don't KNOW 100% Space Dandy will be amazing? So what? Spielberg has some crappy movies and some amazing ones. But who wouldn't bet on Spielberg? You bet on talent, that's how it works. We aren't worried about it. Why not tune in and judge the show on it's own merits rather than sending little snipe-y messages to me?

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Kids on the slope is garbage that makes one show that sucks even having Watanabe involved.

And? Your point is what, or do you even have one?

Favorite superhero movies?

THE INCREDIBLES is still the best superhero movie of all time. After that, I like the Tim Burton Batmans, the Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy, and the Richard Donner SUPERMAN. The first IRON MAN is pretty fun, too, as well as X2, and SPIDER-MAN 2. That's pretty much it.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

When are you going to start showing Naruto Shippuden promos also are Space Dandy and Shippuden going to have different promos or will they have combined promos?

Please send Toonami questions to Toonami.tumblr.com, thanks!

Have you heard or have listened to Eric B & Rakim? (if so what do you think of their music).

Ha! Of course I have! Legends. Rakim is one of the greatest emcees of all time. In college, I did a music video for "Lyrics of Fury." I've memorized all the words to "Microphone Fiend" and that used to get me through my work day when I was a prep cook at Applebee's. Will love them forever.

You've said before that action cartoons are in decline. In addition to a simple lack of them being made, does this mean they've been getting lower ratings in the US?

Yes, sadly.

What's one show that you can think of that's extremely good but wouldn't work at all on Toonami?

Please send all Toonami related questions to Toonami.tumblr.com, thanks!

I think Shinichiro Watanabe has a great style that shines through in all his works. Each show he's done (Samurai Champloo, Bebop, Kids on the Slope) has 2 boys & 1 girl--who the story follows, and a great balance of humor and seriousness. Will Space Dandy have seriousness, in addition to comedy?

From what I've seen so far, it will.

Are you a nice lich or a wicked lich?

****LICH LAUGH****

You listen to rap so you like to do what everyone else does such a hipster. Country is real music.

I listen to country too, moron. Also "moron" means a stupid person, aka you. Unlike "hipster," which is a word that has no meaning. Like your life.

I heard you did a mixtape called "Apocalypse Now" which uses samples from the movie. Any chance you'll release it, or is copyright an issue?

If enough people ask for it I'll release it, just didn't think anyone would care!

What do you think of MMLP2? (IMO I think it pretty good, It been growing on me)

I'm not a fan, I think I'm pretty much done with Em.

This is something I've been wondering for the better part of 10 years, about FLCL: given the DVDs have the credits in English, why did Adult Swim opt for tapes with the Japanese credits? Any reason for that?

Just what we were given by the distributor.

Any ideas why so many action cartoons get cancelled so early nowadays? There's no more love for them. :(

Yeah, there's not as much demand, it seems. I've said this before but I think if you're a kid, why wouldn't you go see THOR, etc or watch the various superhero TV shows, all of which have pretty high production value. One thing cartoons used to have over live action was that you could show fantastic things you could never afford to do real life. With the advent of CGI, that's no longer true. Then the rise of "nerd" culture and superheroes in particular mean that there are ample opportunities to see the types of action we could only dream of when we were kids.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Do you happen to know why IGPX season 2 complete collection is so rare now? And do you own IGPX on DVD?

I think they printed less of them? Not sure. And yes I own a couple copies of every IGPX release.

have you heard of that documentary called I know that voice? Are you going to watch it when it comes out?

Yeah I've heard about it. I definitely plan to check it out!

when you visited Japan were you the tallest person there?

Ha no, that's actually a myth. There were plenty of tall people other than me in Japan.

How long have you been working at Adult Swim/Cartoon Network? Did you always want to work in the TV business?

17 and a half years! And I've always wanted to tell stories. Books, movies, TV, whatever. I love it all.

Do you respect your audience?

I certainly do. I respect them enough to never lie to them. I respect them enough to listen to them when they tell me something is wrong. I respect them enough to work for free every single week every year to make sure they get great new work (in the case of Toonami). I respect them enough to always try to give them great new music to hear and to treat the shows I'm charged with presenting as well as I can. I respect them enough to not pretend like shit is okay if it isn't. I respect my audience more than most people in TV, and that's a fact.


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