
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Why do rappers try to act when they have 0 talent for it?

I don't know what you mean, or who you're talking about...

Sales would disagree sir anime dvds you cant stock them fast enough while American cartoons lets just say they get dusty in that warehouse.

DVD sales, period, are down, for any kind of animation. You want rah rah anime cheer club, go somewhere else. I like cartoons and my brain is big enough to like toons from different places. Now beat it.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

You mentioned Eminem being "the most technically gifted rapper alive". Who else do you consider the to be the most technically skilled rappers? I'm thinking about guys like R.A. the Rugged Man & of course Kendrick Lamar.. What do you think?

R.A. and Kendrick are both pretty great, Jay CAN be, Danny Brown is amazing.

Have you watched the horrible edited version of Nausicaä Warriors of the Wind?

I grew up with that. That's the first way I saw anything Miyazaki as a kid. I became fascinated with it, and it's what lead me to seek out (at the time) Miyazaki bootlegs, and become the superfan I am today!

If you were asked, 'Why are Action Cartoons so important to the world of animation?' What would be your answer.

They by and large demand a more fluid, realistic style of animation very different from most comedy shows. This is a good thing because it allows for artists who's "style" is more realistic to have a platform. It's also a part of the human experience to want to see dramatic stories told well, and whole comedy can certainly tell amazing stories, there must be room for drama in our lives, as well. I think action 'toons will always be a great gateway into more serious storytelling for young folks. I really hope we don't lose them.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

You a fan of any late night shows (Conan, Leno, Letterman, etc.)?

Not really, no. I used to watch a lot of Conan back in the day, but not so much now.

Are you excited for Eminem's new album? Do you have a favorite album by him?

Not really. Em's only record I mess with is The Marshall Mathers LP. I stopped caring about Em when he turned to his angry shouty phase. He bores me now. He's the most technically gifted rapper alive, but his music is deadly boring. Him producing his own stuff was such a bad idea.

do you believe that there is a appropriate time to quit or do you believe in never quiting?

Eh, that's completely situational. I think you should quit when you have nothing left to say or no more passion to say it, beyond that it's hard to say.

whats your favorite track out of your free singles offered?

Hm I don't have a favorite, but I love the Cap Murphy Singles, the Cults jam, the Miguel track, and the Autre Ne Veut!

Does the lich king accept offerings?


why does adult swim to take all the employees that cartoon network no longer wants anymore?

What are you even talking about?

Wasn't megas xlr Toonami's first original show?

I don't talk Toonami here, sorry. Send your question and maybe it'll get answered at the next Toonami Q&A at Toonami.tumblr.com!


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