
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you know the name of the voice actress that promoted ghost in the shell stand along complex?

Ahhh so long ago! It's actually a famous actress, I can place her face but I can't remember her name! She's older. Dang.

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Have you ever considered giving voice acting a try? I think you did a minor voice in igpx.

I do the occasional VO. There are at least two spots on Adult Swim right now with my voice in 'em!

I typed that wrong. Ahem did cn get the idea to make 15 minute shows cause adult swim started that trend with shows like aqua teen that became popular?

Well, Adult Swim really got the idea for 11 min episodes from CN, not the other way around!

Did the voice actors for igpx record at Bandai studio or at cartoon networks studio?

Neither. They recorded at a studio in L.A. called Bang Zoom.

I cant tell if the eric and andre show is a late night comedy/talk show or just two a random funny show?

Best way to tell is to watch, tonight at 12:30.

Is it true that adult swim is the only network that likes to bring back shows that once aired?

I dunno, it's happened on a few other nets. TBS, ABC, NBC, Netflix have all done it.

Not trolling I saw the promo and it literally was old clips of gary coleman and old clips, adult swim is the troll here just saying.

Why not watch the show and see if it's funny before talking shit. Maybe check out TV Carnage, which has been doing it for years. Maybe open your brain a little.

What game genre do you like to play the best personally if you had to choose?

Probably RPGs or adventure games.

The new adult swim online stream does it cost to use? (my tv provider is dish btw)

It's free if you have a cable or satellite subscription.

Wtf hot package is a show that airs 80's and 90's clips you guys are great at making shows , Lel.


It's a big thing in hip-hop where people like to refer to the sounds of different regions, like the "East", "West", & "South". Do you have a particular region of hip-hop you find yourself enjoying the most often?

Well I'm from NY State, and I live in the South, so those are my preferred regions. ATL especially has so much great hip hop, that's my favorite- even though I listen to music from all over.

Not a question but I just wanna say I found this promo for IGPX (http://youtu.be/rSXy1OgouGA) on youtube & I want to tell you that it is a flawless show. As far as the music, voice actors, especially the art, & the concept goes. I love it! That's all. U don't have to say anything, I was just saying.

Thanks for saying so!

At this point in time is it even worth it to keep a VCR/VHS tapes around anymore? Because I still have mine.

Honestly? No.

If you're life ended up becoming an 80's movie montage for one day what song would you use?

"Everybody Wants to Rule the World."


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