
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Nicholson, Ledger, OR Hammil?

I think of Hammil's Joker as a TV Villain, not a MOVIE villain, which is what the question was about. Between the three, my preference is Ledger, although they were all brilliant.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

I think we had enough time to talk about the ending of Breaking Bad. Now the real fun begins! Walking Dead finally returns next week.

I'm excited for the Walking Dead. Let's be clear, it's not the show Breaking Bad is, and never will be. But it's still good fun.

Every family have their traditions. Do you carry any traditions that you do with a family yearly or maybe just you do yourself?

All of my family's traditions are around holidays. We have a bunch, but they're the same as most Americans. I was raised Catholic in the Northeast US, so they're similar to a lot of other folks' rituals who have that upbringing.

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Who are some of the best villains in movie history to you?

I mean, Darth Vader has to be number one, right? Then I'd go with The Joker- either Nicholson OR Ledger. Gotta mention Jack again in The Shining, Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver, Daniel Plainview from There Will Be Blood... Roy Batty from Blade Runner, Amon Toth from Raiders of the Lost Ark...many more!

Since you seem to like Patlabor, I'm curious: have you ever read the Birdy the Mighty manga? It's a pretty fun franchise, some great shows too.

Nah, haven't read the manga!

Would you recommend Boardwalk Empire to a Breaking Bad fan on withdrawal?

Boardwalk Empire is a great show, but it's not at Breaking Bad level. It's well worth watching though. For me the only show left on TV that comes close is Mad Men, or maybe Homeland (we'll see what they do this season).

Now that you've had time to sit with it, ... did you like Magna Carta Holy Grail? Do you have a favorite song?

No, I don't really like it at all. There are about three decent songs on there but the longer I've sat with it, the more tossed off and bullshit it seems to me, to be honest. I wish Jay would just retire for real.

Help! Reflektor won't leave my head. What's a good new song I can sing along to so i can banish this foul thing from my mind?

Try the Meow Mix theme.

what are a few cartoons that every animation fan should watch?

I'd say Looney Toons, early Disney shorts, Astro Boy, Gigantor, Tom and Jerry, Batman: The Animated Series, Dragon Ball, Popeye, Star Blazers... and many others.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Back in the shigeru Miyamoto whenever he was developing a new game on the Super Nintendo. To motivate his team to do better he would say hey this game looks like a Sega game. We are not sega! do you do that in the TV business?

Ha! No, not really. Our metric is more "does this suck? how do we make it not suck?"

do you think Fox is losing their grip on being the King on Sundays night TV?

I don't know, really. Doesn't seem like it? It's not like anything else is rising to take it's place...

Hey jason that migel track you guys made for this year singles was super dope!!! ive been listening to it on repeat for like 30 mins on repeat!!!

Thanks, glad you dig it!

What do you think about the Government Shut Down?

I think there's enough noise out there about that right now. I don't like to get into politics on the internet.

what were your thoughts on the Breaking Bad finale?

Pretty great. A little bit of something for Heisenberg lovers, a bit of something for Jesse fans. Everyone lost and yet the show went out a blaze of glory.

Are you a fan of the Kick-Ass franchise?

I liked the first graphic novel and film okay. Don't think there's any reason for a second one though.

What are your thoughts about double albums? Do they seem excessive with a lot of padding in most cases? Any favorites?

They're almost always not worth the excess. As far as double albums that ARE great, there's The Wall, Electric Ladyland, The White Album, Louder than Bombs, etc etc.

why do you think it's so hard for Batman fans to let go of Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy?

Because those actors brilliantly defined those roles in what is arguably the greatest action cartoon of all time, and no Batman toon or voice actors since have done it as well as Hammill and Conroy? Just a guess.
Liked by: Sam Constantino


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