
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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did you ever predict that boybands would make a comeback? What do you think is the next fad to make a comeback in the music bizz?

There have been boy bands since there's been bands. The Monkees were a boy band. I don't know what the next trend is, but I'm wondering if maybe it's about time for another rock and roll revival thing?
Liked by: Sam Constantino

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You are living the life of my dreams as far as what you do in life. I'm just too afraid to risk everything and go for a job in your field of work.. Was it a struggle for you or were things a lot different back then?

Well I never wanted to do anything else, and I went to school for this, so my "struggle" was really putting myself through school. I think it's always worth trying to go for your dream if you're prepared to work really hard for it. You've also got to be prepared to deal with what happens of it doesn't work out. I know I'm one of the lucky ones, but I've seen plenty of folks who didn't have solution for themselves when a chosen path didn't work out. I still say it's worth the risk!

Since Toonami "Black Hole Megamix" has been out on the internet for some time do you think (since you were part of it) you can give us all the track names / list?

Sorry, I don't answer Toonami questions here.

If a show has a bad ending can ruin the entire show for you?

Not if I really loved the show, but it can definitely ruin a show I'm not 100% on. I enjoyed Lost a lot, for example, up until the last season, which blew it all for me. Ugh.

What would you consider to be the most "messed up" show that you have ever watched?

Ehh I don't really know tbh? Don't watch a lot of "messed up" shows....

imagine you , Gill , Mike Lazzo , and Steve Blum are in a band. who would play what instruments ?

Steve would be lead signer obviously. I'd play lead guitar and Gill would play drums.

do you think Gta 5 tops the last of us story ?

Absolutely not. The GTA 5 story is fun, but it's not something to be taken seriously. GTA 5's best feature is the WORLD. The Last of Us had an amazing story.

do you believe that things that are red should be 3 times faster then there other color counter part ?

I don't like red very much, I think red cars for example look like shit.

opinion on superjail? also have you ever met christy karacas?

One of my favorite Adult Swim shows. I LOVE it. Any serious fan of animation needs to watch Superjail! And yes I've met Christy many times.

Do you have a favorite station in GTA 5 yet? I'm tossed up between LS Rock, FlyLo FM, and honestly, the non-radio ambient score. They did a great job with the ambient music.

FlyLo FM is obv my favorite, but I pretty much like all of the stations. I find it hilarious to listen to the classic rock station and like, be running over someone while listening to the soothing sounds of the Doobies. My only beef is that although there are punk rock and hard rock stations, there's no metal station?? Wtf?

Have you finished the story in GTA 5 yet? I'll be curious to hear your decisions and thoughts about the ending. No spoilers, but I was happy with my outcome.

I'm not rushing through it, I'm only 25% through the story. I get caught up doing weird personal shit like stealing a jet from the military base (done), or getting five stars and trying to steal a SWAT Suburban (done), or stealing my actual car (the Challenger) and armoring it up and saving it, or flying around/jetskiing around just looking for cool spots to take photos. Story is super fun so far though!

Do you have to a label or can an artist rise to the top unsigned?

I don't think you have to have a label... Look at Lil B! He's still "unsigned."

How much freedom do the artists get when making their music on Williams Street Records? Does their music have to be OK'ed by a lot of people before releasing it?

Nope. Pretty much just a couple of people. The artists have total freedom.


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