
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Who are your role models?

My Grandfather, my Mom, Johnny Cash, Bill Watterson, Gary Larson, Hayao Miyazaki, Stanley Kubrick.

We are now on the eve of the release of the next GTA so I pose a question to you good sir: Do you believe violent games cause violent behavior?

Absolutely not. In my case, they've actually PREVENTED violent behavior. I believe firmly in the concept of catharsis.

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Regarding Evagelion it pains me to hear how people say Shinji is a 'pussy' or 'little bitch'. As a person dealing with depression/anxiety myself, I can relate to Shinji's troubles a lot. Unless the person has been down that dark road themselves I don't think they have a right to judge his actions

Trust me, 99% of the Internet tough guys calling Shinji a "pussy" would simply shit themselves and die if they ever had to attempt the things he does.

What are your 5 favorite episodes from the best cartoon ever, 'Batman:TAS'?

Other than "Return of the Joker," which is obviously a movie and so doesn't count, I don't have like 5 eps that tower above the rest. Any of the Victor Freeze eps were always great. I really enjoyed the first Harvey Dent/Two-Face two parter, and the introduction of Catwoman in season one. Too many great stories to narrow it down like that!
Liked by: Sam Constantino

how were the 90's different from now? (yeah i'm that young lol)

Pretty different. No Internet everywhere, cell phones were not super popular, smart phones didn't exist, no DVR, no mp3s. Things moved slower but you appreciated them more, I think.

what was something that was popular in the 80's-90's that you think could make a comeback in this age?

I dunno man. From where I'm sitting it seems like pretty much everything from the 80s and 90s has already come back.

any new albums that you're excited to hear this year and next year? i personally can't wait for tychos new album and danny browns

I can't wait for Danny Brown, looking forward to Tycho, The Field, Drake (bootleg dropped last night but I'm looking forward to the real album), a whole bunch of stuff. Too much to list, really!
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

When I said done pretty well pretty well I meant by the standards of anime (in that there's even been a blip and any of the anime distributors would die for their product to do as well as the Miyazaki movies) and of arthouse releases.

Well, those movies lost money upon theatrical release, so they aren't anything someone would aspire to, economically.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

What were your and Sean's duties as executive producers on Big O season 2?

We read the scripts and made sure the story was progressing in a way we liked and thought made sense. We approved character designs, watched rough cuts, and approved final episodes, as well as the English mixes. We made the most changes to the series finale.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

What about family-oriented anime movies? Miyazaki's less-actiony stuff has already done pretty well. Of course few can measure up to Miyazaki, but something like Hosoda's Wolf Children seems like it could do well.

Theatrically, Miyazaki's films have been a BLIP in the US. They haven't "done pretty well" by any stretch of the imagination. Shoot, most of them aren't even on Blu yet in the US, and we're talking about WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED FAMILY CLASSICS. No, family oriented anime is not moving the needle. Sadly!
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

What show's cancellation angered you the most? (the Toonami block in 2008 doesn't count for obvious reasons)

I think getting ANGRY about cancelled shows is super dumb. Shows get cancelled because not enough people watch them. You might as well be angry at all of humanity. That said, I was kind of bummed when LAST RESORT was cancelled, I was enjoying that show. JERICHO is another one I liked. A couple of older shows I was bummed about being cancelled are DEADWOOD and CARNIVALE.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

If the action genre's not doing great for animation, do you think other genres of anime might have better chances of success?

No, I'd say the other genres have even LESS of a shot.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

are you gonna be sad when Breaking bad ends ? feel empty?

Haha I have never "felt empty" after a TV show ended in my life. If I miss a show I can just watch it again!
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

Is there any manga, new or old, that you are getting into?

I'm not reading any new manga at present. I'm going back over some old stuff, like AKIRA and Nausicaa, but nothing new for now.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

what was one show you thought was going to be bad like really bad but when you watched it you were like "damn son this is good"?

Hannibal is a perfect example of that kind of show.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt

Toonami faithful are running low on steam can you guys please tease us with something so we can have something to talk about. Thank you.

I don't talk about Toonami here, sorry. Dunno why you'd be "running on steam" but I'm sure you'll be happy with what the future holds.
Liked by: Daniel Gtt


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