
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Have you seen the foreign film The Good, The Bad, The Weird? It is a Comedy 'Western' that takes place in Manchuria.

Yup. Pretty fun, not amazing.

If Turner ever gave you a giant pile of money and said "Go pick out a book for us to make into a show/movie and you're in charge of everything" what would you want on the catering menu?

"Y: The Last Man" series, stat. The Goon action cartoon. Hellboy weekly series. So many ideas for good stuff out there!

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Jason. when did you start realizing tlc was no longer the learning channel ?

When they stopped showing anything that would even resemble something one could "learn" from.

Any regional music scenes outside of Atlanta that interest you?

Chicago is definitely popping off in a huge way. New York should always be paid attention to. The Brainfeeder crew in LA. Houston rap for sure, and a lot of good new music coming out of Detroit as well.

I'm pretty sure we all have a favorite commercial or a commercial that sticks in our head, what commercial would you say is your fav/sticks in your head?

Hm, well I always get the Pizza on a bagel commercial from the 90's stuck in my head! PIZZZAAAAAAAAAA

Hey jason , a while ago you predicted that death grips was going to end there record deal with epic . did you think it was a ballsy move from them? Do you think they will ever have have record deal with someone?

I think they aren't really interested in any sort of traditional record deal at this point. I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone signs them again, though. I doubt it would be a major label.

Do you watch foreign films? What would you suggest to watch? I just watched Le Femme Nikita and loved it!

I watch lots of foreign films. I don't know what kind of movies you like, but if you dug LA FEMME NIKITA, you'll probably enjoy OLDBOY.

Favorite Warp Records, Stonesthrow, and Ghostly release, go!

Man I don't have just ONE favorite release from those labels! I have many from each, which is why we work with them!

If you were to write a movie script – what would it be about?

Man I don't know, but it would probably be a horror movie!

Are you in a lot of meeting most of the day for your job?

I have a decent amount, but not too many. Too busy for meetings to fill up my whole day!

Did you have any part with creating all the great video bump's from CN's 20th anniversary?

NO, that was mostly Jacob Escobedo's doing. He's a genius.

I'm a huge fan. thank you for creating an option for music discovery. Bands like Ballsy are really dope and deserve the shine, Mike is a homie and I thank you for having more courage than most labels to put out great music. I can't wait for what's next...and DeathKlok RULES!!!!

Gregory Jones
Cool, 'preciate it! Thanks.

It sounds you hate fairy tail from that comment I say early is that true or is that basically a cant say cause of how the biz works?

What? When have I ever said even the first bad thing about Fairy Tail? Look, just because I can't talk about acquisitions doesn't mean I hate something. Use your head.

So you never watched Death Note (at least the ending). Any other ASA shows you never watched?

A few. I was pretty busy working at the time!

did your like reboot sir ? you gotta admit it had a pretty good cliffhanger.

I don't "have to" admit anything, but yeah I liked Reboot.


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