
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you still work for the cartoon network on some things or is it just strictly adult swim stuff now?

Pretty much strictly Adult Swim these days. I'm sure I'll help out now and again, though.

What is a theme song you would pick for yourself, every time you walked into a room it would play for you?

Slayer, "Angel of Death."

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is there a food you body cant digest ?

My tummy does NOT like mushrooms too much, which is too bad, because I like how they taste.

is the theme for the lich king TAKYON by death grips ?

****LICH LAUGH****

Do you feel happy to have such a great position in work and such a dedicated fanbase rallying behind you?

Though I've worked hard for it, I'm very very thankful for everything I have. There's no question I'm one of the luckiest bastards I know. I'm really enjoying myself these days, too!

what are some of your favorite action anime?

I mean, watch Toonami, almost all of them have been on there at one point. :)

do you not consider yourself rich?

Well, no. I'm not rich. I'm now, I'd say, upper middle class or lower upper class. I'm doing well, but not so well I can move out of my crappy house or not worry about money.

What actresses do you like?

I like Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Jessica Chastain, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, Brit Marling, Clare Danes, Edie Falco, Marion Cotillard, and many more. I like actresses that can ACT.

Since you are an A&R and I'm looking to go to college for something like that in the music biz (right now I'm in college but undecided), what does it take (besides having the right connections)?

Whew, that's a tough career path man. Shrinking market for that kind of thing. I'm not necessarily the best person to ask, since I did it an unusual way. But I'd say it take a monumental effort of focused hustling, as well as really being up on whatever type of music you want to be an A&R person for. Know about new, up and coming bands. Get an internship at a label or publisher or agency and hustle, hustle, hustle until you get noticed. Bust your ASS and get a job. Then take that opportunity and really run with it. No one is going to give you shit in the music industry, so be ready to push constantly. Good luck!

do your dogs and cats fight with each other?

Nah they get along pretty well in fact. I'd call it a peaceful coexistence rather than a friendship, but my dogs are small and my cats are big so everyone's about the same size. I think it keeps everyone honest. :)

why do you have muts, why not have a pure breed dog?

I like mutts because they're generally both healthier and more even tempered than purebred dogs. Purebred= INBRED. Way more health and mental issues with all pure breed dogs. Also I like rescuing animals, and you will find more mutts at shelters, because purebreds cost a lot more money, so rich folks have them and they are given away less often, generally. I'll never NOT own a mutt.

What do you think about Diplo? I know he had some music on IGPX & he's making rap beats now

I like Diplo, obviously, which is why I put him on IGPX!

who are the best and worst artists to see live?

I don't believe in talking about "the worst," but of the bands I've seen live, Prince, Slayer, Killer Mike, The Boredoms, My Bloody Valentine, Jay-Z, Empire of the Sun, and Death Grips are some that jump to mind.

What is, for you required book readings if you are suggesting books from your tastes?

All Cormac McCarthy but particularly Blood Meridian and The Road. Tolkien. Charles Bukowski. WIlliam Faulkner. A lot of Stephen King, especially The Dark Tower books and The Stand. William Gibson. Haruki Murakami, especially The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore. China Mieville, especially Perdido Street Station. Frank Herbert's Dune books. Lots more.

Since you watch so much movies, what do you look for when you pick a movie to watch? Or is just like fuck it, I'll watch this.

Man, I look for directors, writers or occasionally actors whose work I enjoy. I look for subjects or genres I'm interested in. I read a lot of film sites, writers and periodicals and watch trailers for the films that interest me. And sometimes, I just say fuck it.


Language: English