
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm trying to get a degree in marketing, how likely/unlikely is it less that I could land a job in tv/movies?

It's still hard to get a job in the TV biz even as a marketer. But there will always be a need, so keep going for it! You'll get lucky eventually.

"I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait to check it out. 5 days ago" So either you saw it less than 4 days before airing or you're a liar. ;P

Ah! Forgot about that. No, I lied, so tough shit.

People have a lot of different opinions on the dreamcast, what do you think of the console looking back now 14 years(has it really been 14 years!!!) later? Personally think it was a great console.

I liked the Dreamcast fine, but it died for a reason. There were a lot of great games for it, but there was a lot of trash, too.

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Did you plan to show Kick-Heart without watching it? Not that I'm complaining since Kick-Heart's great.

You think I HAVEN'T seen it?

Since it's not gonna be on Toonami, I can ask: what do you think of Panty and Stocking? Know it's a divisive show and wasn't sure if you rejected it out of personal distaste or rather censor issues/not fitting the block.

All three, actually. Just not a good fit for us.

Why do you feel we separate anime from other animation? Why do you think we ended up with a word for Japanese animation, but not French animation, Korean animation, etc.?

I really don't know. I'd guess it's because Japanese animation was/is such a huge industry with such a large amount of varied content.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Jason do you have a hard time showing people new music since you know so much music ? i tried to show my friend death grips and he hated it. he said it was like Mr.T was yelling at him.

Hahah "Mr. T yelling at you" is a hilarious Death Grips quote! I don't find it hard to introduce people to new music. Before I do, I make sure I have an understanding of the kind of thing they like, and think about whether it not the music I'm exposing them to seems like it's in their lane. The other key thing is to not get too worried about it if they don't like it. It's just music, man!

since now your VP , do you have to be in a executive suit or could still wear what ever you want ?

Hah I can still wear what I want.

What do you think is the best video game ever made. For me it's crash bandicoot warped

Objectively the best videogame ever made is probably Tetris. My FAVORITE videogame is a tougher question. Probably the first Fallout (PC game), or the original Starcraft. Skyrim is every close too.

Who are two of your favorite current music producers today? FlyLo and El-P? Any others?

Araabmuzik, Alchemist, Mike WILL made it, Beautiful Lou, Clams Casino, FRIENDZONE, Blue Sky Black Death, and many many more.

Which show do you not care about in all of toonami's history

Don't talk Toonami here, sorry! Save any Toonami Q's for the Toonami Q&A, tomorrow am from 10-noon et!

Do you at all follow current metal bands? And if you do, what are a few of them?

Alexander D'Vispure
Pig Destroyer, Nachtmystium, Inter Arma, Blut Aus Nord, Skeletonwitch, Ghost, Gorguts, High on Fire, Mastodon, KEN Mode, Power Trip, Kylesa, Black Pus, Kvelertak, Lost Society, Pelican, to name a few current ones.

What are your top 10 personal favorite cartoons?

across ALL genres? JEEEZ. Hm, here's a rough stab at a top 10 animated SERIES (kind of impossible though):
1. Tom & Jerry
3. Adventure Time
4. Batman, the Animated Series
5. Cowboy Bebop
6. Ren & Stimpy
7. Gundam Wing
8. Pink Panther
9. Dragon Ball
10. Future Boy Conan
11. Flapjack

Best cg movie not including pixar ?

Jeez I don't even know who would be in the category. How to Train Your Dragon is probably my favorite non-Pixar CGI movie.

now that you are vp , do you get a window office now ?

Haha no I've had the same office for 10 years or so, I'm happy with it.


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