
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Have you heard Hugh Laurie's Recent album that came out?

No, I like him as an actor but I'm not really interested in whatever music he's making.

What did you think of Black Sabbath's 13? Did you get the album?

Nah, I'm not interested in any Sabbath after Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.

Do you prefer buying music on iTunes or on a physical format? Or do you even buy music?

I buy lots of music every week. I buy almost 100% digital, with the occasional vinyl piece in there.

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When I was looking up music from IGPX a long time ago I was introduced to the "Ninja Tunes" record label & "trip hop" genre (which is down-tempo experimental electronic music).. Are you a fan of the genre and what "trip hop" artists and artists on "Ninja Tunes" do you like?

Ha well, of course I'm a fan, I'm the one who got Ninja music for Toonami and IGPX! My favorites are probably Amon Tobin and DJ Vadim, who you heard a ton of in IGPX. Glad it got you into Ninja stuff?

While I have no interest in claiming your throne, I am interested in an apprenticeship, your lichness. My qualifications include ability to achieve target goals on time, motivation to further the organization as a whole, and of course, an insatiable desire to consume the souls of mortals.

*****LICH LAUGH*****

Hey Jason, have you heard of the Kickstarted Production I.G. short anime film "Kick-Heart"?

Of course! It was a big story and those guys are friends of ours. I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait to check it out.

What do you think about a "night of shorts" on Toonami? Y'know, an event like movie nights only you play a bunch of cool animated shorts like Magnetic Rose, Little Witch Academia, Kick-Heart, etc.

Sorry, I don't answer Toonami questions on here! Try asking us at the next Toonami tumblr Q&A.

With TV ratings typically being out for public eyes these days, what are some common misconceptions fans have when reading them? It gets frustrating seeing people outside of the industry act like they understand TV ratings the way they do, when in reality they have no idea.

Great question. I think the biggest misconception people have about ratings is that networks worry a ton about small variances week to week. 1.2 mm vs .9 is not a big deal as long as it doesn't represent a downward trend. Networks are playing a long game. As long as a show isn't REALLY tanking, and it's consistently pulling in a respectable rating, we're happy. It's just that simple.
Other most common misconception: that a show that's done well in the past will automatically do well if brought back.
Liked by: BigOnAnime Eric

What's the farthest-away place you've been?

Probably Johannesburg, South Africa. I produced an album of South African rap music there for Adult Swim called "African Swim."

**Lich laugh** I am challenging your throne as Lich King. I have devoured the nessisary amount of souls and preformed all spells needed. Fear me world!

****LICH LAUGH****

As a fellow Italian, what are your favorite Italian meals?

Man kind of everything! I make my grandmas sauce and I make a mean baked ziti, and a good lasagna. I'm also no joke at meatballs.

Were you a Nintendo or Sega kid growing up?

Neither man. I'm old, I was an Atari/Commodore 64 kid. Since then I've had every console you can have.

Will Month Of Miyazaki ever be back? Maybe one film....just one...please. I was in the 4th or fifth grade at the time and I loved every bit of it!

Probably not, sorry! Glad we got to expose you to some Miyazaki though!

What do you think was the reason why animation ended up becoming something that was viewed only as stuff for kids and fun for the whole family rather than that and a wide variety of other things?

That's such a huge question. It's cultural though. It goes back to the very beginnings of cartoons and how they were originally perceived. But honestly I don't have the wherewithal to take it on here.

What are your thoughts on char clones in every gundam series ? why do you think they do that that?

I don't know, but I don't have an issue with it. I like the idea that through all of the various Gundam timelines, there are these opposing forces that continually echo brought the universe.

What is some of the work you are most proud of looking back?

I'm proud of Toonami, of course. I'm proud of some of our interviews, like the one we did with DJ Q-Bert and the one we did with astronaut Robert Curbeam. I'm proud of a lot of the music projects I've done and how I hear all the time that I've exposed people to new music through Toonam, or AS, etc. and I'm proud of all the amazing stories people have told me about the time that some of that work helped them get through a bad day, or helped them find a new favorite thing, or even in some cases saved their life (unbelievably amazing that some ppl have told me that). All I ever wanted to do was have a positive effect on the world, and I feel like in a very small way, I've been able to do that- while having a lot of fun.

How do YOU get rid of stress or nervousness?

Hm good question. Really, music is a big one. Music helps me relax or channel my feelings when I'm upset. Videogames, movies and books help take me away from my problems. My pets, my kid and my fiancée obviously, as well.
Liked by: Eric

are you still rooting for Walter white to win in breaking bad ?

Always! But of course, he's a horrible, awful person and it can't possibly end well for him or his family.


Language: English