
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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hey jason did you ever have a moment were you just couldn't believe what happen, you shouted at the tv. I.E optimas prime dying, the red wedding from Game of thrones.

I'd read that Game of Thrones book a decade ago, so the Red Wedding was no surprise to me. I think for me, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos are two shows that constantly surprised me.

My best friend is a talented artist/drawer who is doing CGT in college. Meanwhile i'm in Digital Communications in the hopes of working for a network to some degree, hopefully doing commercials/ads. My friend almost got an internship at Pixar, but i'm worried I won't find anything. Advice?

I think the best thing you can do is work very hard, make as much good stuff as you can and build up a solid portfolio or reel or site or whatever. Then, bust your hump and get yourself an internship somewhere, anywhere, related to your skill set. If you know anyone in a position to give you a leg up, impress them. Let them know you need their help and are prepared to work hard. Then, work hard and soak up as much as you can, and if you're lucky, you'll get work somewhere! Something I think people can never say enough is that PERSEVERANCE and HARD WORK are almost more important than raw talent. If you have all three? Unstoppable.
Liked by: Eric

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What was the first anime that opened the door to you watching more or made you excited to want to watch more like it?

I saw Star Blazers as a kid while growing up in New York, and it forever changed my perception of "cartoons." I realized that people could die, romance could happen, adventure and excitement on the same scale as my favorite movies and stories and comics. Later on, Robotech cemented this feeling. After that, I was both an avid anime fan and a lifelong cartoon lover.

I'm questioning my future, from learning how dirty the networks or film business works, being around film students that are not willing to put any effort in anything, Did you have something happen that made u question your career path or future and if so how u get through that?

Man, that's a tough one. Honestly, I've rarely (almost never) questioned my career path, I'm just having too much fun. But on the few times I have questioned it, I realized that it's important to think about the quotient of joy I'm getting out of something relative to whatever the downsides might be. If there's ANYTHING fun or exciting or that could provide me with learning or personal growth in my work, then that's the thing I hold on to when I feel like I'm buried in the bullshit. Luckily, there's never been a time when I couldn't find something to be excited about, that I felt made it worth dealing with bad stuff. So the question is: is all that stuff you mentioned SO bad that it makes you not want to create, and saps your joy for the idea of making something? Hopefully, the answer is always "no." Then you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, get back to work, and concentrate on doing whatever it is that drowns out the awful shit. Good luck Eric.

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Liked by: Eric

Opinions on Jeremiah Jae's and Jonwayne's newest tapes?

Not super into Jeremiah Jae's new tape but I like his album and I generally like what he's doing. Looking forward to his Warp release. The Jonwayne tape hasn't grabbed me yet, but I've only spun it once so I gotta go back when I have some time and give it a real day in court.

Hey Jason, did you hear about Chris Brown? He said on his twitter that he is quitting the music business because he don't want to be reminded of a mistake he made when he was 18.

If I actually believed he had the balls to quit, I'd be happy.

How did you get into the whole cartoon/anime business thing? Did you always want to work with cartoons?

I met Sean Akins in college. He had a job at TNT and was leaving for Cartoon Network, so he got me an interview for his OLD job. I got hired at TNT as a promo producer. In my free time, I developed Toonami with Sean and some other folks. I didn't have any plans to work in cartoons originally, although I was always a lover of toons.

What do you think about Drake?

I don't love him but he's got the occasional jam. He's soft as butter and it's cute when he tries to flex like he's a real rapper, but he always surprises me. He's got a great ear for pop music.

Favorite show on each. (CN, Toonami, AS)

I don't play favorites about work stuff. Also, I've mentioned a bunch of times what SOME of my favorites are...

What was the oddest/most surreal moment (celebrity encounter or anything else) you've had as a result of your job?

I think I've already spoken about this, but definitely improv acting with Michael Cera in a commercial (which was not something I was expecting to do) was one. Riding around with Michelle Rodriguez at about a thousand miles an hour across LA, while she told me all about her ideas for cartoons she wanted to make is another one.

What has been some of your favorite TV shows to watch?

The Wire is the best TV show ever made, full stop. Other favorites of mine: The Sopranos, Twin Peaks, The Twilight Zone (original), Seinfeld, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Battlestar Galactica (reboot), Friday Night Lights, Deadwood. All great.

would you say that Toonami's framing device in the early 2000s inspired Cartoon Network to establish the Cartoon City bumps for that time period?

Andrew Abbensett
Pretty sure not. I'm almost 100% certain the production company who made them came up with the idea.

Is atlanta a fun place to live ?

I love it. There's a lot of crime but there's an amazing music scene, it's a super diverse city, there's a great bar scene and amazing restaurants, and just a good overall vibe.

Xbox One or PS4 ?

I'm buying both. I don't believe in brand loyalty for electronics manufacturers, and I review games for a living. I know that's not what most people would/could afford to do, though.
Liked by: Eric

Having been in the TV business for a while, what are, to you the biggest changes you've seen the the tv landscape from your start til now? What do you think will continue to change/evolve?

Well, Netflix and the whole streaming revolution are clearly the biggest thing. I'd say the impact of broadband and streaming technology hasn't yet been fully felt. I'm not sure if TV's decline is inevitable, but it's POSSIBLE.

What are some books, comic books or manga that you are currently reading?

I just finished "The Golem and the Djinni." currently re-reading AKIRA manga, too.

What has been the greatest day in your life so far?

These sorts of questions always stump me. I'm sort of an always in the moment type, so I don't have a lot of enshrined memories. I'd say obviously, my daughter's birth. Definitely my first trip to Tokyo, and a trip I took to St. Croix with my fiancee.

Any classical musicians you like? Any you'd like to see sampled or have been sampled?

I know my way around the genre, but I'm honestly not a huge fan of just listening to classical. I guess my personal favorite would be Chopin, although I like Beethoven (of course).

Did you have to relocate your family to be closer to work and was it difficult for you ?

No, I've been living in ATL since 1996, so my family have been here for a while!


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