
Ellie the Elephant:3

Ask @elmusy

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Don't act all fucking smart.

WOW language:/ and as I said it's a habit sorry someone gave me that habit because I'm not good at spelling so it helps me, sorry but next time if you do not like it type properly :L

yes but why bother with him when you obviously know hes never going to want you. hes never going to want to be with you

how do you know unless this is him you dont know his true feelings inside and even if he isdnt im not in it for the relationship its not all about being together x

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hate feeling so used and unwanted argh over thinking :/ don't know why i bother with people they mess me about so much :L i guess i just fall every time... i was fine and read something and my mood changed with in a split second :'( why do i bother :@


Language: English