

Ask @eunzit

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so the parents are still dating? srsly how can??

honestly it depends on how open minded you are to these sort of things?? like imo it's alright as long as they don't get married (because it's unfair for them to stop dating just like that too) and as long as yeoldoo are legally registered as siblings, it's fine. so that's why they just decide to not get married.
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can u tell me what are yeoldoo talking abt in the last minutes after yeondoo ask if kim yeol cheat or not i can't find it because it just sub yeondoo's narration

uhm lmao no he didn't cheat she just ask him what he is doing and he said nothing so it sounded very suspicious and she was like "are you cheating on me?" and he said "no i'm not (defence mode on lmfao)"
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can i meet wongeun eunji again in the future? i still can't get over with their chemistry

same haha same we can only hope
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i'm sure they think they have given us yeoldoo moment in this episode but we need more of it so we are not satisfied enough

hahaha as shippers we always want more and i think that is one main reason why some of us were not satisfied with this episode, because not enough yeoldoo. BUT honestly putting yeoldoo aside, the whole plot about the cheerleading was pretty meaningful imo. (i only hated the last 10 min like wtf was that)
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same here, i expect the last minutes is yeoldoo moment too but it doesn't happen the one that appear is hajoon and yeondoo srsly i don't need that

i was literally saying that they are placing the focus on the wrong pairings (bc right after that there was the hajoon x yeol scene which honestly idek what purpose did it serve)
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do you think jisoo-kang minah-wongeun are more close than jisoo-eunji-wongeun because there are more pics of them bts and they even take more pics together and most of the times are close/next to each other in pics

nah i'm pretty sure they are closer to eunji. i think people forget eunji is an idol and she doesn't like being involved with male idols/actors so she does try to keep a distance in photos. that's probably why we haven't seen any photos of eunji x male actor alone throughout the whole sassy go go period (which is also why a yeoldoo selfie is actually quite unlikely T_T)
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Are you satisfied with the ending? also any other thoughts on it overall? :)

i won't say i'm satisfied but not disappointed either. on the very bright side, we got a yeoldoo ending! but i just didn't like how the writer spent the last 10minutes or so rushing through all the unsolved problems like sooah and hajoon's parents and the yeoldoo parents thing. AND I WAS EXPECTING ANOTHER YEOLDOO KISS AND MORE FLUFF T_T
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well thank you so much for ur hardwork u are such a nice ppl lets meet on eunji next drama though i still can't move on with yeoldoo hahaha

aww thanks <3 and yeah i'm gonna take a while before i can move on from yeoldoo too :-((
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the film is ended and the producer wont release ost anymore? do you know any other songs?

i only know the 3 songs (turtles fly, shooting star and flower). the rest have not been released officially.
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Eunzit, thank you so much for your hardwork in translating sassy go go and Eunji related stuffs! I really appreciated it <3

no problem! <3
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got many insta updates from co star but still there isn't the one that i want if u know what i mean hahaha

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what is the caption of photo which wongeun's company recently released?

increasing the heart's warmness through holding his girlfriend's hand
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yeoldoo ship makes me so happy i can't even breathe <3 never been so addicted to a drama like this ;w; KIM YEOL IS SO CUTE WHEN HE'S JEALOUS LMAO.

hahahaha same ok same i totally feel u
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6만 언어고 내가 너 얼마나 좋아하는지 설명하는 것을 시작할 수 있는 말이 없배열 있어요, 윤보미. Taeyeonniex3 translated it. Is it okay? ^^

taeyeonniex3's korean is a hundred times better than mine so yeah you can trust her :-)
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i still can't believe that kim yeol is such a romantic and possessive boyfie hahaha so cute

HAHHHAAAH well im not surprised haahahaha
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can u tell me what does yeondoo and yeol write on post it?

the first post it is the same post it that yeol had stuck on yeondoo's head in ep7, which read "do you want to watch a movie together after the exams?". yeondoo added on to the post it "exams have not ended after 100 years?" (basically saying that it's taking too long for the movie to happen haha)
then after that the post it where yeol pasted on yeondoo "How about a midnight movie? After the roll-call"
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do you know what happened between their parents? or what they talked about?

uhh you mean yd with yeol's dad and yeol with yd's mom or what?
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do u know such a drama like that? sweet at first but not being together in the end?

i don't watch much dramas and tbh i have never watched a drama where the leads dont end up together...
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