

Ask @Glass22

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Who was your first crush? Describe them.

It was in kindergarten and I think he was from India
I liked him like right away x'D
Once, it was my turn to take the attendance board to the office and I could choose one other student to go with me, and I chose him. We didn't even talk! lmao
I don't remember his name though OTL

Which animals scare you most? Why?

wasps and insects in general are the creatures that scare me just by thinking of them

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Are you camera shy or do you like having your photo taken?

generally camera shy, but if someone wants to take a picture with or of me, I don't refuse :P
i'm not photogenic by any standards tho lmao

What's the absolute best vacation you can imagine?

traveling traveling traveling ><
some with my family and some alone!

What are two true things and one lie about you?

Onew's my ultimate bias
Luhan's my EXO bias
D.O's my EXO bias
lol which is da lie? hmmmmmmmm

What's the most meaningful gift you've ever received?

I've had so many meaningful gifts :')
Whenever someone spends their time making me something, or their money buying me something, it holds huge meaning for me.
like, who am i to deserve your hard-earned money? oh, you spared the time to make me something? well damn i love you even more now, yanno? :'3

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

well if there was something i needed to fix in the past then i'd go to the past..
if there was something i was curious about in the future then i'd go to the future
why not both tho lol

What are you a “natural” at doing?

being nice to people haha
lol that's lame! i wish i could say "sight reading music" or something like that lmao but that's my bro oTL

What is your favorite type of flower?

man that's hard.. forget-me-nots are so beautiful T_T and I love tulips as well..
and now that Jonghyun came out with Skeleton Flower, I think that's one of my favorites now too...
asklfjisulsguslug too hard of a choice OTL

What’s one fashion trend you hope to never see again?

I want girl groups to stop wearing little girl outfits! especially the newer groups
*sigh* if only..

Are you high maintenance? Explain.

no, I can live within my means I guess, but I do have some expensive things (that I could live without)

If you were a fruit, what kind would you be?

i've been told i resemble a pear lol
my favorite fruits are oranges and strawberries though :) all fruits are great

If you had to change your first name, what name would you choose?

I don't think I like any other name enough lmao
I like my name a lot actually :)

If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?

my relationship with my dad. it's not broken or damaged, but I want to be able to talk to him better, you know? we're just too alike (quiet), so it takes someone extroverted to get a conversation out of us lol


Language: English