

Ask @Glass22

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Are you addicted to shopping?

nope not at all
but i'm always tempted to shop endlessly for SHINee merch TT_TT

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Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

not in order:
God (Mostly in praise and occasionally in expression)

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

First things first, I'd pay off my student loans. Then I'd pay off the house, my dad's car, then my brother's tuition, my best friend's tuition, and then another friend's tuition.
The first thing I'd buy for fun would be a marimba ^-^

Pancakes or waffles?

I've had pancakes all my life, but I recently fell in love with waffles lol
I honestly don't know which I prefer OTL

Why do people smoke?

"Cause they're idiots" said the blunt and honest part of my brain.
In case you haven't noticed, I hate the act of smoking very much. Don't do it in front of me.

What's the best thing you can do with a stick of gum?

put it in the freezer and after about 40-60 minutes take it out and chew it OuO

Who is your favorite teacher?

To this day, it's my sci-fi fantasy teacher, Mr. Stevenson :)
and maybe my graphic arts instructor, Klc

If you had to lose a sense, which would it be?

shit that's hard.. it's between smell and touch...
i guess smell.. *cries* but i don't wanna lose my sense of smell!! ><

Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?

Can I just be a regular elephant? or as big as a baby elephant? lmao
I guess I'd prefer to be a tiny elephant than a hamster at all haha


Language: English