

Ask @jessicaremy99

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Do you still remember kung kelan yun last orgasm mo, and like most girls your age and as pretty as you, was it all because of Christian Grey?

wait what ?

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hi, i know that a lot of people r insecure at this age so I just want to say that I think you're beautiful and nice. i understand u might be a bit insulted that I've sent this to multiple people but i just wanted all of u to know that i still think you're truly a masterpiece, love u ❤️

Awww thank you ❤️❤️

Ew u r fattt

1. I'm definitely not fat.
2. I know I'm a bit curvy, a lot of people in my family are curvy and strong so I can't do anything about it.
3. Why the fuck is it "ew" a lot of people who are overweight or curvy are beautiful. They are perfect just the way they are and they probably have a nicer personality than you.
4. I don't care if you think i'm fat because i learned how to not care about what other people think about me and I also embrace my curves. So stop waisting your time sending me hate.
5. Im pissed off just because u said "ew "thats it tbh.

You always look tired when i see you in school

Cause i wake up early and have a bad habit of sleeping late like at 2am.

Vr of you talking about being home schooled

Eh its kinda late and I'm exhausted hahaha sorry i'll try to make one tomorrow ❤️ :)


Language: English