

Ask @katelynloveyou

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Ur bf in the army?

nah,,a lot of my close friends are though and im inlisting soon myself into the airforce,, the shirt im wearing is from school bc im in the JROTC program there

Fuck that. I should just end my life

no! dont do that! dont even 5hink about doing that. thats the worst thing you could do,,who even is this?

I can't do shit. My life is going no where fast

well than make it go somewhere and stop thinking that you cant and start working on making those "cants" into "cans" bc you can do anything you set your mind to all you have to do is put forth some effort

I don't believe God because if there was a god he wouldn't give me a fuck life

its only a fucked life if you make it out to be one, to achieve greatness you have to believe you can

I have nothing to look forward to in the future

how do you know that tho,, i dont mean to affend you or anything by saying this but God never throws something at you in life that you cant handle,, just look forward and stay positive and make the besrt out of every moment

It is true. You gave no idea about my background

well the past is in the past, look forward to the future and make it better than your past,, its easy just have a little faith


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