
Key B.

kakak suka duka project cover yg lost in tunes itu dong

yang seneng-seneng duls:
i've been blessed with an opportunity to collaborate with such lovely girls, it has been amazing to get to know Shila @DORKyungsoo, Kak Tiff @tiffaniafifa & Val @KAISOONE. let me repeat: they're ultra lovely!
i love the part when i met up pre-team recording session with Shila several times to brainstorm over our acapella duet, the first track in the cover project album, Overdose. we've brainstormed in such ways until we came up with the idea to merge almost all the singles exo had released during all eras (MAMA, Wolf, Growl, Overdose, minus What Is Love from (i guess) pre-debut era and History) into one song, using the single from the latest era a.k.a Overdose as the root of all era transitions, along with a precious arrangement that we had been laughing at over and over during the whole process. http://soundcloud.com/dorkyungsoo-1/overdose. if you listen very closely, the hardwork is evident. we have burried some subliminal messages within the song, find that message, and you'll understand of how hard our work was. ain't that right, bruh? @/d/o/r/k/y/u/n/g/s/o/o
aside from the making process of Overdose, i basically cherish everything, like, super cherish them. all of the solos and duets are wonderful, i can't even leave myself for a single day without listening to the whole album (yes, i am just that narcisstic). and as if working with the girls weren't yet enough, we even collaborated with another helpful, precious friends who were willing to help us with the lyrics, even also music arrangement and mixing. and just so you know, they are damn good. so, thank you so much Kaiyalan, Keudae and Jarbone! and also thank you, Kim Jongdae, for indirectly putting all of our efforts into a huge success. thank you, for ripping open the wrapper of our cover project album, checking out the back of the album for its tracklist right before Val's eyes and bowed down in 90 degrees to her saying words she couldn't comprehend but the "thank you so much" you let out of your mouth; fans couldn't ask for a better idol than you. i hope you had an outstanding birthday, Chen.
yang sedi-sedi:
we didn't have the chance to work altogether as a complete group... it's always either two person or three person, but never four as a whole. and as if the difficulty wasn't bothersome already, our tight personal schedules and whatnots didn't let us to do our recording sessions at ease, so we were kinda rushing out everything by the nearing days of deadline, and trivia: the covers that you've heard (or yet to hear) had some part of them missing. but then, those are it. after all, it has been a whole pretty month, i like working with y'all! looking forward for more projects in the future! saranghae x o x o
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Halo, Ms. Key! Tau satu-dua hal mengenai 'pengeluaran tak terduga' ndak? Sepengalaman Ms. Key pribadi, pengeluaran tak terduga tuh bentuknya apa? Lalu, punya kiat/tips untuk mengelolanya gak? (Contoh: harus sisihkan sekian persen tiap bulan untuk pengeluaran tak terduga) Thanks in advance! ?

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Jujur, pengeluaran tak terdugaku yang paling ekstrim adalah terlambat bangun dan terlambat hadir di dalam meeting lalu buru-buru ke stasiun kereta yang super ramai dan antrian kartu kereta mengular dan ternyata kartu multitrip-ku ketinggalan di rumah. Rp. 50.000,-, saudara-saudaraku sekalian.
Aku jarang punya situasi pengeluaran-tidak-terduga-tapi-gak-punya-uang-untuk-dikeluarin semenjak mamaku menyuruhku untuk selalu siap sedia spare cash di dompet atau saldo di ATM.
Dan selalu lunasi hutangmu sesegera mungkin kepada orang-orang di saat uangmu sedang banyak, supaya orang yang kau hutangi itu tidak punya kesempatan untuk datang kapan saja dan membuatmu semakin miskin di saat kau already miskin.

Girls gimana respon kalian kalo ada temen akrab kalian.. tiba" ngechat ngebahas tentang menikah, dan dia tau" nanya ke kamu "siap gak nikah tahun depan? "

B aja

Ketika saya diremehkan karena keadaan saya kurang mampu dan kurang berada tidak bisa beli ini itu, saya sering diledek karena saya lahir dari keluarga biasa, saya hanya bisa merenung, berdoa dan menangis kepada allah??

Jadi di mana letak pertanyaannya

What 3 words are better than "I love you"?

"Sudah cair, ya."
"Besok tidak kelas."
"Kita nonton, yuk?" #EaaAaAaA

Kakey rambutnya warnain dong tp nggak full gitu lho, kayak yg kakey pernah snapgramin pas Mubank dulu lhoooo inget gaaa:( aku sukaaak

Sama aku juga suka, tapi aku malas kalau rambutku rusak. ( •́-̯•̀)

Pap pas rambut panjang dong kak

Hmm, di handphone-ku sudah tidak ada lagi fotoku saat masih berambut panjang. Coba cek Instagram-ku agak ke bawah sedikit, nanti kamu akan menemukan apa yang kamu cari.

Gmn caranya biar tahu talenta kita sendiri..

Kalau kamu merasa kamu penasaran akan sesuatu, lakukan. That's the only way to know if you love what you're doing.

Keybi kok sekelas sama angga? Bukan nya kalian gak seangkatan?

Yes, aku cuti setahun di awal-awal perkuliahan, jadi ada mata kuliah di semester lalu yang baru aku putuskan untuk ambil di semester ini.

Language: English