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Які моменти з дитинства ти пам'ятаєш?

karina_sidoruuk’s Profile Photo☍°˙˙ Та SаMа : °˙˙Ɏⱥꞡīđҟⱥ☍
Привіт. Пам'ятаю смак персика. Як я думаю у жувальній гумці це був смак який найбільше запамятовувався. Принаймні для мене.
Сьогодні з їжею стояла гаряча кава і запахи змішались і я раптом згадав один з запахів дитинства. Кава об'єднувала багато запахів їжі, як виявляється. Приємно щось зрозуміти через десятиліття..
Згадуються атракціони, але нічого особливого згадати неможу. Просто тішуся, що батьки мали змогу, у не надто прості часи, робити нам свято.
Чую спів цвіркунів за вікном. Пам'ятаю селище для туристів чи, що воно там у Криму. Ніч де в повітрі крім спеки, чулось море. Хоч до нього треба було йти кілометр, чи щось таке. І цвіркуни... Якось таємничніше співали.. І небо з зорями глибоке.. Фантастичніше. Хоч у вересні, чи кінці серпня на Київщині не гірше. Але південь є південь.
Hello. I remember the taste of peach. Chewing gum with the taste of peosika was also remembered.
Today there was hot coffee with the food and the smells mixed and I suddenly remembered one of the smells from my childhood. Coffee combined many food smells, as it turns out. It's nice to understand something after a decade..
Attractions are mentioned, but I can't remember anything special. I'm just glad that my parents had the opportunity, in not too simple times, to make a holiday for us.
Crickets singing outside the window. I remember a village for tourists in the Crimea. A night where, in addition to the heat, you could hear the sea in the air. Although you had to walk a kilometer or something to get to it. And crickets... Somehow they sang more mysteriously.. And the sky with stars is deep.. More fantastic. Although it is not worse in September or the end of August in the Kyiv region. But south is south.

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What helps to calm your mind when all else is chaotic?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I then occupy myself with my hobbies: singing, drawing, writing, and playing games. It's a good distraction.
Or going out for a walk. Especially a walk by the ocean is very soothing for me.

What’s a skill you’re proud of?

CrxstalCastles’s Profile Photo☆Ɲęɓɓƴ☆(18+ Only)
I absolutely adore singing. Love singing and leading singing. Did it before in my life. Would do it again. The feeling you get it 100% living life up and wonderful.

What's your opinion on British people? I like them. The Irish are the most empathic, caring and resilient of them all. The Scottish have good food, nice personality, and skirts. The Welsh have good sense of humour. The English.

Northern Irish* 🤓
The English are known for their love of tea and football ☕ ⚽ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
The Scottish are known for their bagpipe music 🎶 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
The Welsh are known for their vibrant language, their love of rugby and having a strong tradition of singing, storytelling and poetry 🗣️ 🏉 🎶 📖 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
The Northern Irish are known for their vibrant music and dance culture 🎶 🕺 💃
Whats your opinion on British people I like them  The Irish are the most

Someone just made an AI song with Trump's voice, singing "Many men wish d*ath upon me", which is an old song from rapper 50 cent. How can we not like the modern technology? it redefined our entire sense of humor.

Some people are scared about technology advancing but for some reason, I’m not scared. In my opinion, people can have fun with AI as long as they aren’t damaging anyone’s reputation that isn’t already damaged.

Tell me something you love. May it be something you love to do... or a hobby.. a person.. thing. Something you love.

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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┃ ᴀ ʜᴏʙʙʏ ┃ –
singing · writing · drawing · gaming · reading · talking to my close ones
┃ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ┃ –
my fiance · my best friend · my moms (both my and my fiancé's mom)
┃ ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ┃ –
my pc · books and manga · my smartphone · art & music · the universe · everything that sparkles and glitters

What was something you were reluctant about getting yourself into but you ended up being really good at it and was happy with your decision in the end?

Probably singing. I didn't believe in myself due to people not thinking I could do it. Their projections onto myself.

What do you miss about your school-going days?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
– How, because it was a very small one consisting of only 150 students, I knew everybody. And when I say everybody, I mean it. I was literally friends with this grade 1 student, she wrote an essay on me for the topic "best friend."
– How I'd play head and tails with everyone during free periods. We were SO loud.
– At the back of our class, we had this empty place without any seats. Whenever we had a free unit, we all sat on the floor. Collective floor time??? Hello??? We were literal goals.
– My classmates. I will never vibe with humans like I vibe with them. I love them so much it hurts.
– Luca. That kitten. I adopted him for a month before he went away :(
– I was a prefect. During break time, I was assigned the duty of supervising the "ground" where students of grade 4 till grade 7 were allowed. Sab badmaash thay. I miss handling them.
– We had two consecutive units of Economics on Mondays in grade 9, and my teacher would ask me to sit in front right after entering the class because I always fell asleep.
– The gossip. We'd talk about everything.
– PT. Please, the best unit ever. I miss Tuesdays.
– MY ART TEACHER. I used to bully him and he'd let me. Love that old dude.
– Van times. We had a group, we'd wait for everyone to leave so we could play Kings.
– Singing all the time.
– One time, a class fellow lost his brother. We all cried with him.
– How I'd see my Chemistry teacher enter school and he'd laugh at my grimace every single day. I always used to tell him to take a goddamn break.

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Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
100%-ly the healing flower! 🌺😁👍 It reminded me the time when my son was around 1 y.o. and he was willing to eat when I was singing songs to him only. 😂🎼🎵

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
It’s either B or C but I would probably wear the flower out with my singing voice, healing all the rock wounds I get because of the singing 😂😂😂😂 let’s try B 🙏

Why do you choose to persist?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Because I have good days; plenty of them. I go to university and everybody compliments me after noticing a little change, I tell my mum I don't feel pretty and she retorts by singing songs to tell me that I am gorgeous, the breeze never misses me, my sister likes the name of a movie and her first thought is to ask me to watch it with her, my friends are gentle with their words because they know I can be sensitive, my dearest friend knew my walking schedule before I ever did, my friend turn to me whenever she's having an anxiety attack, and the president of my drama club hugged me to desperately thank me for performing.
Life is harsh but days are gentle. Let me end my yap with my favourite quote ever, “I guess I love this life in spite of my clenched fist.”

Do you think people should be allowed to sing and dance at concerts?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
Definitely! There was a woman at P!nk literally tapping on another woman's shoulder and shouting at her to sit down. The other woman was happily dancing and singing with her teenage daughter. What's the point in even going if you're not going to at least sing. She was a misery guts! The woman with her daughter just ignored the woman behind 🤣 it was awkward for me and my friend but funny at the same time.

How would you describe your ideal work space? 💻🗃️🔧

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Since I used to dream of singing in a restaurant or a small pub, it would most likely be a small stage in a pub.
Apart from vocals and piano, I see myself in very few places. Perhaps I would have studied writing and become a poet, if music had not worked out at all.
How would you describe your ideal work space

How do you make yourself happier?😄

prosaeed2’s Profile Photoprosaeed2
~ dance around the kitchen, singing:
"I'm so happy, o-so happy . . . . (x8) . . . . & I really care . . . . "
~ to the tune of: "Pretty Vacant" by 'the Water Pistols'
~ wait a minute, was it 'water' ? ?
~ it was all so long ago . . . . can't be sure . . . I could be wrong, I could right . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv0efmUKP9sigotamatch’s Video 174162871674 Nv0efmUKP9sigotamatch’s Video 174162871674 Nv0efmUKP9s
~ even RU can DO !
https://rutube.ru/video/23fdff35e0128d4618a7df57565c87bf/ ~

What things energise you? 💪 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Yoga, meditation, walk in nature, singing, riding a scooter, relaxing in the bath, singing, playing the ukulele.
What things energise you

Suppose I'm your Jin, What three wishes you have for me to do....!

CSBS12’s Profile PhotoValar Morghulis
Well, first is that you always have a steady supply of my favorite food on hand - cause let's be real, good food is one of life's greatest pleasures. Plus any time Iam stuck in traffic, the cars around me turn into singing and dancing performers to put on an impromptu musical number - cause if I have to be stuck somewhere, might as well make it entertaining and lastly if someone tries to argue with me or bring negativity into my life, they suddenly get transported into an alternate dimension. 😤

What things are you naturally good at? 💪 😎 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Only in singing and playing the piano. I'm learning to play the ukulele, because I always wanted to be able to play the guitar, but there was no opportunity.
What things are you naturally good at

Co gdyby ktoś powiedziałby Ci że masz bardzo dobry głos do śpiewania i powinnaś iść w muzykę, co Ty na to ? 😉

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
What if someone told you that you have a very good singing voice and you should pursue music, what would you say?
Then this person wouldn't be the first person to tell me this.
Stwierdziłabym, że ten ktoś ma rację
Co gdyby ktoś powiedziałby Ci że masz bardzo dobry głos do śpiewania i powinnaś

What are some of your favorite Eid traditions or memories? 🌙🌸

Warisha_khan13’s Profile PhotoWarisha khan
jis tarah jag reha hun eid ka din sotei hue na guzar jyei> lol aur when i saw her eid pics my mind started singing "teri nazron nae dil ka kiya jo hashar" this girl do deserve flowers>

If you woke up famous tomorrow, what would it be for?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I wouldn't like to be too popular, because it's too responsible and I don't like people's attention. But since I have been singing almost since childhood, I would like to possibly sing in restaurants or small pubs.
If you woke up famous tomorrow what would it be for

I was in the car this morning and the radio station played it 🤣 such a 90s classic.

I should find a 90s playlist. That song pump up that jam or whatever keeps playing on an ad. I’m singing it to my cats. “While your peets are pumping…” 🐾🤣

What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to? 🏞️🐠🏔️🏜️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
As a nature enthusiast, there are so many beautiful landscapes that draw me in. However — if I had to choose one type of environment that resonates most deeply with my soul - it would be the serene beauty of a forest. The way the sunlight filters through the trees and creates dappled patterns on the ground is truly magical and there is something about being surrounded by towering trees and listening to birds singing their melodies that makes me feel at peace - as if time stands still for just a moment. ✨️🌻💙.
What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to

Строка из песни, которая навсегда запомнилась тебе?

You singing "Happy Birthday" without me, wtf?
All the many days you were on my mind
Here in my life, just you & I
My best friend, you can't never be replaced.
B8tch Came Back the very next day
I'm in love with an angel Heaven forbid
With the lights out, its less dangerous, here we are now, enternain us
We're sitting in Ventrilo, playing DotA

https://ask.fm/Jessy1220/answers/175084870052 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPxe4WMNus0 - This song is making more and more sense to me as I get older 😳

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Why is that ?😀😀 Ola 🎤 can’t help but singing on the top of my voice to that song while dancing round the room 😂😂

Language: English