@GhostGoth#9 🇬🇧


Ask @GhostGoth

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Me and my ex share a dog. We also have daughter. dog wont go with him and has to pull him by his collar to go not like this with me and gets excited to see me but not him I’ve kept him as I feel it’s not right. Have I done the right thing?

Honestly, have you kept the dog? If you have then that's the right thing to do seeing as the dog is your dog. As the dog picked you as it's main owner. If your ex has the dog, the dog could play up or even pine away for you. So if you have the dog that's the right decision.
Me and my ex share a dog We also have daughter dog wont go with him and has to

Why are people that aren't married say they will NEVER get married..like it's the most awful thing ever ?

Honestly, because it's Hella expensive for a sheet of paper. Marriage is exactly that money, you have to then get new documents created that cost money to tell you that you're now Mrs/Mr (insert surname here). When you could be extremely happy and content in the relationship you're already in. Why fix something if it isn't broken?
Why are people that arent married say they will NEVER get marriedlike its the

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Honestly, no you probably never loved them to cheat on them multiple times.
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Honestly, I have a few people who are younger than I am and they're friends. I also have older friends and also friends of the same age as I am.
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Honestly, I could drink coffee all day and it doesn't give me any effects. Apart for ripping my stomach to shreds. Which is why I haven't been drinking it for about well over a month now. I have a cup of tea like a 30oz travel mug amount. I might have 1 or 2 of those a day. With water as well.
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AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Honestly, apart for myself and my partner. Nobody else helped me, or even helps me when I need it.
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Are you going with @poetalunam to the concert in Manhattan tonight?

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Are you going with poetalunam to the concert in Manhattan tonight

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Honestly, talking in front of people.
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Jan927’s Profile PhotoJa24
Honestly, I enjoy a few different types of snacks that go with whatever mood I'm in. I like snacking on grapes, watermelon, or mixed melon. Hummus and crisps.
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Liked by: Ja24

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