@TobbeAsks#1 🇸🇪


Ask @TobbeAsks

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What risks are worth taking in your opinion? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
To put yourself out there in order to meet new people! Spent my first day at a convention yesterday! I'll be volunteering for the rest of the week, sleeping on an air mattress. Most people would go there for one day but I'll spend much more time than the average person, despite me never going there before Haha But I hope this will be a good opportunity to get to know more people with similar, nerdy interests as myself 🤓
What risks are worth taking in your opinion

If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard, what would you pick? Why? 🧛🦹🧝

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Hmmm, first instinct is to choose a dragon! But I don't know how useful it'd be as a body guard, considering it's size 😬 Like, I'd be without protection when entering buildings! And honestly, a dragon might be a little overkill, don't need the power to burn down whole city blocks! Or do I? 😈 Hehehe
I think I'd more realistically choose someone taller and more intimidating than me. But one who'd probably be fun to hang out with! So I'd probably choose a goliath like Grog from Legend of Vox Machima! A 240 cm / 8 foot tall, blue skinned being with heaps of muscles is sure to make someone think twice about attacking me 😌
If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard what would you pick Why

Do you ever struggle with feelings of sensory overwhelm? How do you cope?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
Sometimes I can get a little overwhelmed, yes! Especially in an environment with a lot of noise which makes it very hard to make out what one individual person is saying. I don't panic or anything but I do often feel a little better if I just shortly withdraw myself and am alone in a quiet space for a while. Then I'm ready to head back in! 😁
Do you ever struggle with feelings of sensory overwhelm How do you cope

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Have you ever experienced being stung/bitten by any bugs? 🕷️🐝

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Yes! I suddenly got stung by a wasp on the arm when I was playing in the bushes on the school yard! It burned like hell! I still remember sitting inside and applying a sugar cube to the sting to make it feel better 🐝
Then I've of course had my share of mosquito bites but luckily they don't seem to be too attracted to me! 🦟
Have you ever experienced being stungbitten by any bugs

What book, movie, or song will always be a timeless classic to you?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
Without a doubt, The Lord of the Rings trilogy! I love the original Star Wars movies but I don't feel like they have the same timeless quality. Especially with how they were changed in the special editions. I'm not sure if my kids will be woved when I show it to them.
LOTR however used practical and visual effects in perfect balance. The costumes for the orcs were amazing, yet the CGI for Gollum holds up to this day. The dialogue I think will never get outdated, with it's Shakespearian quality at times! It's also the closest to a perfect trilogy I think any movie franchise has ever gotten. None of the movies disappoint!
Looking at the beautiful New Zealand landscape will never get old. And the MUSIC!! MY GOD the MUSIC! Howard Shore was COOKING when he composed the score! The trilogy is rightfully considered one of the epics of our time, not just because of how long it is 🧝‍♂️🏰

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What book movie or song will always be a timeless classic to you

Which mythological creature would YOU wanna be, and why? 🧚🧜🐉

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I'll have to go with being a merman! The world probably wouldn't be very kind to mythological creatures and our oceans are the least explored places on Earth, perfect place for me and maybe even a whole civilisation of my kind to hide.
But I'd also just want to be down there cause of the ocean's beauty. I've always loved marine life and when I have been out diving myself, I felt like I never wanted to get out of the water. Imagine the possibilities of being down there, not having to worry about running out of air, pressure sickness and having a fin to make you even more agile in the water. Maybe one could even have a trident, be like Aquaman and have dolphins as friends Haha 🧜‍♂️
Which mythological creature would YOU wanna be and why

When it comes to household chores, how does the workload get divided on your home? Do specific people have specific chores, or do you take turns?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I live in a dorm and a pretty large one at that! I make sure that my own room, balcony and bathroom are cleaned, do my own laundry and dishes etc.
Then for our shared living room and kitchen we have a cleaning schedule! For one or two weeks per semester, each one of us is responsible for taking out the trash and making sure that the dishwashers don't stay full. (Though the rest are incentivised to help taking out the dishes since we have a point system that is visible for everyone. So we can see who has helped out the least etc.).
They also keep those spaces clean generally speaking, within reason! If you've made an absolute mess or have thrown a party, you alone are responsible to clean that up. I usually try to leave the kitchen as I found it after I've been cooking! Sometimes cleaning after me has taken so long so the food got cold 😅😂

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When it comes to household chores how does the workload get divided on your home

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was a pretty average student in school! Excelled in languages, History etc., not so much in maths and physics. I was never a lonely kid but I sometimes could be a little eccentric which lead to me being bullied quite a bit in my younger years. I was into Dinosaurs much later in life than most other kids, sometimes didn't think before I spoke and sometimes what I did say was completely misunderstood. I often stood out quite a bit since I grew very quickly when I was younger, making me often a head taller than the rest.
While many of my peers were out by the lakes drinking and partying, I spent my evenings by the pool training for competitions. At my peak I went and trained around 10 times a week. During P.E class when we went swimming, the teacher made me coach and had me teach the others on how to swim freestyle and backstroke 🏊

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What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

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What small things brought you joy or comfort today?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
Today I went and got myself a haircut! Which was definitely overdue, had been trying to reach my usual barber for weeks without success, so I went to another. I also got a new storage / pillow box set up for my balcony! I plan for it to double as a small table, since I don't have too much space out there. Am overall happy with how both turned out 😄
Not something specific for today but I'm also very excited for next week! Have signed up to volunteer at a big gaming convention as a first responder and to generally ensure the safety of the people visiting! Very much looking forward to meet tons of new people in the team who are into similar things as me 😊
What small things brought you joy or comfort today

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What quality/qualities do you admire most in someone? 😲🤩

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I very much admire openness! There's almost nothing better than someone who is open with how they're feeling, what their boundaries are etc. so you don't have to second guess them! I feel very comfortable with the people I choose to call my friends because of that reason 🤗
People who take the initiative to find the time to hang out I also admire! I've often been the person who's taken the initiative in friendships, so it's very nice when I don't have to 😊
What qualityqualities do you admire most in someone

What is something you feel you’ve outgrown recently? (Can be anything, a certain mindset, belief system, a preference, etc). 🙇💡

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I definitely don't have nearly as much FOMO as I used to! In the past, I tried to be a part of everything I wanted to, take positions in the student life etc. But that did burn me out in the end, something I'll try to remedy by not being part of the student musical next semester for example. Now I really do value the time I get to just spend at home by myself. In the end, I was often so caught up in all the activities so I couldn't really appreciate them all. Especially as I got more responsibility 😵‍💫
What is something you feel youve outgrown recently Can be anything a certain

If you had to choose, would you rather fly around on the back of a giant bug or be miniaturized and trapped in a bottle on the waves of the ocean?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I think I'd choose to ride on the back of a giant bug! At least I could get places quick that way, especially if it could fly! Preferably it would be a bug that didn't look too threatening either, like a bumblebee! 🐝
I see mostly downsides to being trapped in a bottle, I'd presumably have a limited supply of food and water and a bottle isn't invulnerable. It wouldn't take much for it to either crack and fill up with water or get destroyed completely, making me easy food for whatever's swimming nearby 😨 Also, the smallest of waves would feel much bigger and more intense at my size, not making for the most pleasant trip 🤢
If you had to choose would you rather fly around on the back of a giant bug or

Do you receive tourism in your country? Which places do tourists usually come to visit? 🤔

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Around 65 million overnight stays are registered in Sweden each year, which equates to quite a lot of tourists, considering Sweden's population is around 10.5 million people! Considering Sweden is a quite tall country, there's a big difference in climate between the north and south 🇸🇪
But generally, many tourists visit the historical city centres, places like Stockholm's old town has many buildings, some even date back to the 1400s. Many castles and mansions also dot Sweden's landscape 🏰
Sweden has the most islands of any country in the world and ferries take people out to many of the picturesque towns out in the archipelago ⛵
Compared to many countries in Europe, Sweden has a lot of untouched wilderness with forests as far as the eye can see, so many tourists go on various hiking trails! 🌲
Up north above the Arctic circle you can hike in the vast tundras, watch the northern lights and live at the famous ice hotel ❄️🏔️
(Not my pictures)

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Do you receive tourism in your country Which places do tourists usually come to

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Best trip you've been on so far?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
I've been on many good trips but the one trip I'd describe as a "trip of a lifetime" was back in late 2018 when I went to Japan, Australia, Singapore and China 🇯🇵🇦🇺🇸🇬🇨🇳 Got to visit many cool cities such as Tokyo and Sydney and got to see various kinds of wildlife, kangaroos, koalas, penguins, flying lemurs... even got to swim with a wild sea turtle which had been a lifelong dream of mine, they're my favorite animals 🥹
Best trip youve been on so far

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I had a lovely 4th of July weekend! Good food and fireworks. How is your weekend? ☺️

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
My weekend was good! On Saturday I played some Sea of Thieves with a friend of mine! I've been teaching them the ropes and together we defeated a ghost fleet, which can be quite challenging! Got a bunch of loot from it 🏴‍☠️ Then Sunday I went to my parent's place to help them throw away two trailers worth of branches! Then afterwards we had some good food 😋
Also, I was planning on going on an answering spree much earlier but what was supposed to be a few shorter power outages in the building I live in for repairs, ended up being 32 hours long cause of miscommunication between the housing association and the electricians 😵‍💫 So I've had to conserve phone battery quite a bit these last two days 😅
I had a lovely 4th of July weekend Good food and fireworks How is your weekend

What's the fanciest event you've ever attended?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
In the Swedish student life, extravagant balls are quite common! I've gone to a few and they've always been fun! Last one I went to, a movie I made was shown in front of 600+ people and it was an absolute success! Many laughed and applauded throughout! For men the dress code is a black and white tail coat! Which you often cover with various medals you've recieved! 🤵🎖️
Whats the fanciest event youve ever attended

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What's your favourite flavour of cake ? 🍰

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
My favorite kind of cake is Swedish princess cake! 😋 It consists of alternating layers of airy sponge cake, pastry cream, raspberry jam and a thick-domed layer of whipped cream. It's then covered by a layer of marzipan! Traditonally it's green like the picture below but for my birthday I often order mine with blue marzipan 🍰
Whats your favourite flavour of cake

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Since you asked, I’m curious, what’s something you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t gotten to? 🤔

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I really want to travel more around Europe! For example, I've never been to the southern parts of Germany, France and Italy before! I specifically want to see many of the historical places along the way, like Carcassonne, Florence, Venice etc. Have always had a love for castles and I never turn down an opportunity to visit more! Other than that, I have an ultimate goal of visiting every continent at least once! I want to go on safaris in Africa, visit various cities in the US. among many other things 🗺️✈️
Since you asked Im curious whats something youve been wanting to do but havent

If you could have half of your body replaced with robot parts, which half would you pick? Why? (Could be upper, lower, front half, back half, left/right half only, etc) 🤖🦾🦿

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Ideally, I wouldn't choose to have half of my body replaced until much later in life! But when that time would come I would choose my lower half, in order to retain the mobility and freedom that I previously had! I've seen firsthand through my work in elderly care how limiting it is to not be able to move around at your own terms! And with robot legs, I definitely could! Of course they'd be constructed out of a material that wouldn't rust so I could still go swimming and diving! Also, prothetic legs can even now be made to look very convincing to the real thing 🦿
If you could have half of your body replaced with robot parts which half would

What is your nickname?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
Tobbe is my IRL nickname! It's basically the Swedish version of Toby. I much prefer it when people call me that rather than my birth name. Not that I dislike it, my nickname just feels more personal, like the person calling me that feels comfortable with me 😊
What is your nickname

What’s something interesting you’ve learned of/about recently? 💁

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
There are two major sources of sound from cars: The sound of the propulsion and the rolling noise from when the tires friction with the road surface. When watching a recent video from one of my favorite urban planning YouTubers I learnt that above 30 km/h (18.5 mph), the rolling noise starts to exceed that of the propulsion. Above 50 km/h (31 mph), electric cars are just as loud as gasoline cars, because of the rolling noise.
Safety is usually the main reason why people advocate for lower speeds in urban areas, fatality risks increase sharply with speed. But noise pollution cause a lot of psychological and environmental harm and changing to electric vehicles won't magically change that. Which adds another reason to lower speeds 🚦
Whats something interesting youve learned ofabout recently

How old were you when you got your first smartphone?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I think I was around 12 when I got my first smartphone, in the form of a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini. A small little thing which did it's job, I guess Haha The first true smartphone I got which felt more premium was the Samsung Galaxy S4 though! I stuck with Galaxy phones with the S7 and then S10 up until the autumn of 2022 when I got my current Pixel 7 Pro 📱
How old were you when you got your first smartphone

Have you ever been camping? ⛺ 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I have been a few times! My most memorable camping trip was one where my family went canoeing up a river to our camping spot. It was quite nice! Up until sometime in the early hours of the morning where a big herd of young bulls were trudging towards our camp. Luckily we noticed it in time and my dad chased them off 🐮
Have you ever been camping

Have you ever had a horrific experience while travelling?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
When I was in Tokyo we received hotel entrance cards with the hotel and ROOM NUMBER written on them. When we were out, I looked in my small leather folder where I kept my passport etc. and it was missing 😱 It must've fallen out somewhere. So we hurried back to the hotel, asked for the old card to be blocked and got a new one. We went up to our room and luckily, everything was still there. I guess Tokyo if any city is the best one for something like that to happen, since the people there are so nice and polite Haha
Have you ever had a horrific experience while travelling

So, what are y'all up to today?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
Today has been a chill day so far! I started out by finishing my current modlist for Skyrim, which aims to make that almost 13 year old game look almost brand new. In total I have around 200 mods installed! Fixed the last major issue I had which was that no grass was visible in the distance. Then I watched the newest episode of House of the Dragon, it never disappoints 😌
Below are some screenshots from my modded Skyrim:
So what are yall up to today


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