

Ask @Brutalzone

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May I see the last piece of artwork you enjoyed? It doesn’t have to be formal art either. It could be a design on a shirt or something that caught your eye. Anything visual that caught you for a moment in time.

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I pay homage to "Millo," an internationally renowned street artist from my hometown of Mesagne.
May I see the last piece of artwork you enjoyed It doesnt have to be formal art

According to research, the heart produces an electromagnetic field that exists about 3 feet outside our body. It allows us to read emotional energy within proximity. Have you ever experienced this? Is it more so with certain people than others for you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
The electrical activity of the heart and brain generating electromagnetic waves is certainly a proven fact, from what I've read. However, I believe that perceiving another person's energy or emotions through these waves is still a hypothesis. I can perceive these things, for example, from a person's eyes, especially their facial expressions. For instance, if someone is depressed, I immediately notice a dark shadow in their eyes.

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What’s your primary use of this app? [Examples: venting, socializing, journaling, entertainment, etc.]

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I mainly use Ask.fm for fun and out of curiosity. I enjoy reading other users' questions and answering them in a creative and entertaining way. Sometimes I also use the app to make new friends or to get to know people I already know better. However, I don't take Ask.fm too seriously. I know it's just a social network and that it doesn't represent reality.

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When interacting with others, do you tend to rely more on gut feeling, or prior knowledge about the other person?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hi there. I should mention that I have very little interaction with people in real life, as I am an introvert with other issues that lead me to isolate myself. However, from the few interactions I do have, if I had to choose between prior knowledge and instinct, I would say both. I am very wary of people, so I have a habit of scrutinizing them carefully. I don't want to be taken advantage of! 😉

If you had to choose a musical artist/band to write a song about you, who would it be and why?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Thom Yorke, the frontman of the English rock band Radiohead. Their music explores a wide range of themes, from existential and social issues to reflections on technology and alienation. Yorke's lyrics are often cryptic and poetic, open to multiple interpretations. They touch on themes of paranoia and regret, as exemplified in the song "Creep" (a personal favorite), which expresses feelings of inadequacy and isolation. These themes resonate with me personally as well.

What is the most valuable trait in a person? (Examples: intelligence, kindness, integrity, courage, morality, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Choosing a single characteristic as the most valuable overall is a daunting task, as each one contributes significantly to building a well-rounded individual and improving the world. The important thing is to strive to cultivate and develop all of these qualities within ourselves, in order to become better people.

Hey Salvatore, I didn't know you spoke English too. How good are you at Spanish?.

Felipeferra’s Profile PhotoFerras el bielorruso
Hello! I speak Spanish poorly... even less so when writing it, despite Spanish and Italian being similar. Moreover, my school English is also deficient, in short. 😆👎

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