@ManWithout1plan#7 🇮🇳


Ask @ManWithout1plan

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What do you think about celestial events, and do they affect us? If yes, how?

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoPanda
I think the celestial events are a real fun to witness if you're curious about the subject... As far as their effects on us is concerned there are some rumours in different traditions while in other's there are logical ones as well ...
Like the rotation of a celestial body around earth can definitely hinder our body fluids and tides on earth because of their gravitational forces ...
Or looking at such an event with the naked eyes can cause damage...
And the best HIDE YOUR SELF in a BUNKER During a meteor shower 😂😂😂💀💀💀
What do you think?
What do you think about celestial events and do they affect us If yes how

If you could brew a potion that would aid you in any sort of way, what kind would it be? 🥣🍶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hmm ... Interesting 🤔
I would brew the luck booster portion.... the same one from Harry Potter and use it more often 😂😂😂
How about you?
If you could brew a potion that would aid you in any sort of way what kind would

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Have you ever been somewhere and had such a bad experience that you've vowed to never go back? Where, and why?

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Yes ... The hospital 😂😂
I'm sure except the people who work there no one wants to go there willingly 😂😂😂
Have you ever been somewhere and had such a bad experience that youve vowed to

What's something you've done/achieved this year that you're proud of? ✨️

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Survived all 7 months 😂😂💀💀
Whats something youve doneachieved this year that youre proud of

Who is the most patient person you know and how do you think they developed this characteristic?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
The most patient person might be the one in the hospital with coma ...
There are many reasons to be in coma but they're very patient as they have no other option 👀👀
How about you?
Who is the most patient person you know and how do you think they developed this
Liked by: ManWithout1Plan

Do you think the ability to ask anonymous questions is a beneficial feature or a source of trouble for you?

SamraMalik181’s Profile PhotoSamra
I think it is ... Because mostly people here on the ask platform are here to escape reality and sometimes they don't want to reveal their ID's while looking for suggestions on personal life issues or doubts .. so it helps them atleast 🤷🏻
But yeah the creepy anons sure use it for evil 🤦🏻
What do you think?
Do you think the ability to ask anonymous questions is a beneficial feature or a

What was the first book or book series you remember falling in love with? Do you think it still holds up today? (If you're not into reading, feel free to name a film/TV series instead!) 📚

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Literature : Plays and sonnets by Shakespeare (Julius Caesar, Merchant of Venice, The Seven Ages etc)
Series or Movie : All those Christmas movies or Science Fiction
Anime : Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, De@th Note , Detective Conan etc
How about you?
What was the first book or book series you remember falling in love with Do you

What’s your current job at the moment and what about your job do you like/dislike?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Due to privacy and NDA I cannot say much about it but ...
Like : it has a lot of thrill and can be quite rewards if the efforts, knowledge and luck are put in the right direction
Dislike : A lot of rough competition and very dependent on government policies
How about you?
Whats your current job at the moment and what about your job do you likedislike
Liked by: ManWithout1Plan

Does pain change a person for the better or for the wors?

DanielleAndreevna’s Profile Photoᴰᵒᶜᵗᵉᵘʳ ᵈᵉ ᴾᵉˢᵗᵉ ᴅᴀɴɪ ᴇʟʟᴇ
"We mature by damage and experiences not by age"
- Anonymous
I think pain is inevitable and most of us feel it and experience it in our lives or are still experiencing it ....
But just like excess of everything is bad similarly excess of painful experiences for too long if survived can totally change you ...
For those with will to continue they'll evolve for good but sometimes people are too damaged and need a lot of time to heal out of it hence they get broken 🙃
What do you think?
Does pain change a person for the better or for the wors


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