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What was the first book or book series you remember falling in love with? Do you think it still holds up today? (If you're not into reading, feel free to name a film/TV series instead!) 📚

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
The Hunger Games series. It was the second book I read, and I was so caught in the thrill of it all. Peeta and Katniss were adorable, I'd daydream and giggle about them for hours. I finished the first two novels (I couldn't bring myself to read Mockingjay), then proceeded to the movies. I devoured the movies too, of course.

What was the first book or book series you remember falling in love with? Do you think it still holds up today? (If you're not into reading, feel free to name a film/TV series instead!) 📚

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Literature : Plays and sonnets by Shakespeare (Julius Caesar, Merchant of Venice, The Seven Ages etc)
Series or Movie : All those Christmas movies or Science Fiction
Anime : Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, De@th Note , Detective Conan etc
How about you?
What was the first book or book series you remember falling in love with Do you

What book, movie, or song will always be a timeless classic to you?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
Without a doubt, The Lord of the Rings trilogy! I love the original Star Wars movies but I don't feel like they have the same timeless quality. Especially with how they were changed in the special editions. I'm not sure if my kids will be woved when I show it to them.
LOTR however used practical and visual effects in perfect balance. The costumes for the orcs were amazing, yet the CGI for Gollum holds up to this day. The dialogue I think will never get outdated, with it's Shakespearian quality at times! It's also the closest to a perfect trilogy I think any movie franchise has ever gotten. None of the movies disappoint!
Looking at the beautiful New Zealand landscape will never get old. And the MUSIC!! MY GOD the MUSIC! Howard Shore was COOKING when he composed the score! The trilogy is rightfully considered one of the epics of our time, not just because of how long it is 🧝‍♂️🏰

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What book movie or song will always be a timeless classic to you

Koi aysi horror movie suggest kren jis se neend ur jye 💀

sherry987’s Profile Photostrange
I'm not sure how well you grasp the true essence of horror but this particular scene stands out to me for its unsettling slow pace, instead of the unnecessary jump scares common in today's films. In the entire movie this is the only scene that delivers such a chilling atmosphere, capturing the essence of the film perfectly.
(P.s to me the true horror stuff is not these supernatural movies but the ones where human serve as a replica of devil)
https://youtu.be/FQidBg6ESRc?si=6QaFCo_5Nplfh9UsMMaryamKhan’s Video 173969388845 FQidBg6ESRcMMaryamKhan’s Video 173969388845 FQidBg6ESRc

how to improve english speaking i can write it down pretty good but i can't speak that well yall got any tips

khaan87012’s Profile Photokhaan
To speak English better:
Watch movies and sitcoms/dramas.
Listen to news in English, any news channel, BBC, or CNN.
Speak to people on online gaming platforms. That way, you'll find people with struggling accents and various backgrounds, and you'll blend in and learn better.

If you were to live life as a mythological creature, which would you choose? Why? 🐉🧚🧜‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Thank you for asking this! 🥺
I would like to be a witch! I fell in love with witchcraft in 1999, when Charmed first hit people's TV’s. ❤️ It was the best TV show in the world for 12-year old me at the time.
The next thing I fell in love with even more passionately, was the world of Harry Potter 2 years later. When I saw the Philosopher's Stone in the cinemas, it was the beginning of madness for me, lol! I fell passionately in love with that world and hoped that one day I could be a witch too. 🧙🏻‍♀️
That magical world carried me through the hard times. I was bullied badly at school and I escaped into that world and wanted so badly to be a witch. I thought in my head of all the possible punishments for my bullies. I have read all the books so many times and seen the movies just as many times.
Now think how wonderful it would be, if people had magic wands and you could do magic. You would be able to stop time, move objects, read other people's thoughts, make magic potions, etc.
Even though I'm still not a witch to this day, my love for Harry Potter remains to this day! 💕

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If you were to live life as a mythological creature which would you choose Why

Changed my mind, gonna watch 50 shades of grey 😜🥵😍

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile PhotoSerena —Thick'ems
It wasn’t that bad in my opinion. There were parts that some viewers didn’t like and claimed were toxic in a relationship but relationships aren’t perfect and you learn what to do and what not to do after watching movies like these.

Share a poignant movie dialogue, and how did it impact you in the first place?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Tbh, the only dialogue I remember is, "I died for 5 minutes, and then I came back to life." This is what Jason said in spy. I know it's not poignant at all, lol. My memory's pretty bad, so I usually forget movies just a week after watching them.

Have you ever imagined changing something about your personality? What would you change?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I’d love to have a better sense of humor/be more comedic in general. My humor is honestly like… very bland and dry. From my perspective at least. I’ve never been a jokester or anything. That’s not always a bad thing, obviously, but sometimes I do feel like a lot of comedy/jokes go right over my head. And especially with references to media, movies, shows, etc, I’m terrible with those. 🙈 I’m also quite a serious person, so I feel that my demeanor makes trying to be humorous, just generally unsuccessful. Only cause people can’t really tell if I’m being funny or not. 😅 So yeah, I’d say if I were to imagine any change in my personality, that’d be it.
Have you ever imagined changing something about your personality What would you

Super weird question, but do you want someone to ask you the same questions that you send as shoutouts? xD xD

Actually, Yes. I'd be happy to discuss the Pakistani drama industry, my workout playlist, the government's 100-day performance, the T20 World Cup, the country and its various issues and non-issues, the army, YouTube and some YouTubers, summer, friends, some Instagram reels, and some movies. 😅

Hi Rachel, On this Independence Day 🇺🇸, are you having stuffed turkey? (I highly doubt it!!🚫🤣) I can't even count how many times I've seen people eating stuffed turkey in movies and TV shows set on this holiday. I guess it's part of your tradition. ☺️

I’ve never heard of people eating turkey for Independence Day. Usually it’s a cookout like burgers and hot dogs. I just had my usual fruit but I did go see fireworks downtown. The sky was pretty tonight before it.
Hi Rachel

On this Independence Day  are you having stuffed turkey I highly

Do you think true love is worth it if it results in heartbreak?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
You should have defined heartbreak. I have too many variations. 🤭
All these romance movies have taught me a horrible way of thinking, which breaks my heart to even think about it. I see it a lot lately on TikToks, Instagrams, Twitters, you name it.
* You find the love of your life, and he tragically passes away. Now, that is heartbreak. If he breaks your heart in another way, at least you know he is well and safe. You wouldn't wish that for him even though he broke your heart. Oh, and people post about their situations quite a lot, and even though I'm not them, I can imagine how they're feeling...
* The true love between a mother and her baby. Her baby tragically passes away. I don't know; no comment. It's horrible. But it's true love that ends with heartbreak.
I think all kinds of love are worth it. You learn a lesson regardless. You learn to appreciate all the good and bad moments.

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Describe a time you have celebrated someone else's birthday. What did you do to celebrate it?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I went to his home. He was my brother. Although he did not know I would be coming to surprise him. Like a normal birthday, we ate cakes and sweets. Later on that night we watched movies till late at night and drank a lot with him brother. When we woke up we got caught by his mother that we were drunk.

What's your best Birthday memory ? As a kid ? As an adult?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I have this core memory as a kid when my parents threw a huge birthday party for me all my family and friends were invited and my mom did all my birthday decorations along with my sister. And they set a few games for my birthday so that I could play with my friends in the end. That was quite memorable for me. — And as an adult, I have a few of them that are quite special to my heart, there was this time I came home from uni' tiring and exhausted and my sister surprised me with the cutest birthday cupcakes and we celebrated it with my grandma. And during the lectures my friends wrote the cutest birthday wishes to me like we shared notes with each other, they are the real keepers. And these, dates 19th Oct - 20th Oct were very very special to my heart so many things happened that am grateful beyond all the memories I was able to spend time with loved ones doing things we enjoyed together, whether it was going out for a nice meal or just hanging out at home watching movies. It is those simple moments of connection and joy that make life truly special. 🌻💙.

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How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t get scared by horror/thriller movies very easily but do get scared easily in real life, especially when someone unexpectedly makes their appearance known and/or deliberately tries scaring me somehow. Other than that, I am scared but for the “wrong” reasons such as when I find myself in social settings and worrying about the impression I give off to others, being scared of pushing people away but my fear alone pushes them away anyways. I also get scared of being outside late at night or even walking around the house sometimes due to listening to true horror stories and subconsciously being affected by them.

movies or tv series? 📺🍿

I find myself drawn more to tv-series. The opportunity to delve deeper into complex narratives and characters appeals to me. Movies, while captivating, but tv-series feel more complete to me. 🌻

movies or tv series? 📺🍿

aik baar pehlay bataya tha aaj phir bata deyta hoon... mein movies bhi daikh leyta hoon aur series bhi, Pakistani dramas bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Sports bhi, News shows bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Fashion shows bhi,
National Geographic bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Animal Planet bhi,
Youtube ads bhi daikhh leyta hoon aur Tik Tok bhi
Sunset bhi daikh leyta hoon aur sunrise bhi,
Ubalta doodh aur bistar pay sota bacha na gir jaye wo bhi daikh leyta hoon.
aik dou baar SHABBIR busy tha,
uski jaggah bhi meinay he daikh liya tha 🌚

How much do you care about avoiding Spoilers when it comes to movies and television shows?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I'm not usually bothered by spoilers, to be honest with you. I understand why people don't like them, and I'd never go out of my way to purposely spoil something for somebody else. But if I'm watching something and someone tells me how it's going to end or what's going to happen, my first thought isn't "oh man! why did you tell me that?!" but "huh, neat, I can't wait to see that with my own eyeballs!"
There have only been two occasions where I've actively tried to avoid spoilers. The first was when I watched Naoki Urasawa's Monster for the first time. The mystery was just so well-constructed and the show had managed to catch me by surprise multiple times already... I couldn't bear to find out how it was all going to end before actually seeing for myself!
The second was more recently, when I went to see Rite Here Rite Now with my fiancé.

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How much do you care about avoiding Spoilers when it comes to movies and television shows?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
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I study media sciences. In the courses I've visited so far, we discuss all types of media, therefore I needed to learn that there are no spoilers. x'D
Actually, I didn't care about those before I started studying but I can get why people get mad about it.

How much do you care about avoiding Spoilers when it comes to movies and television shows?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
If I were to talk to someone and we’re talking about a particular movie that I loved, I would encourage them to watch it one day but I wouldn’t spoil it for them. Otherwise, if someone wants me to elaborate on what happens in the movie, I’d gladly do it for them. Spoiling a movie for myself would depend on whether or not I’m patient enough to follow through with watching the movie until the very end.

Do you think it’s creepy how normalized and romanticized the relationships between teachers and students were in old movies and series? I mean, even if the actors were both adults, one portrayed, a teacher, a.k.a. a grown adult and the other portrayed a highschool student a.k.a. A minor.

I didn’t think of it as creepy when I was younger but, the thought of a high school teacher being interested in a student/minor is now something that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Language: English