

Ask @Michelleofmyspace

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Mental health here, mental health there & mental health everywhere. Wtf! Life is not that hard folks. Get over it….😤

Well aren't you delightful.

Are you ever reluctant about complimenting people on their looks and/or asking them how they achieved a certain look, in fear that you’ll make them feel uncomfortable?

I am reluctant to make comments on appearances to those I meet. Even if it's a compliment.

Do you believe divorced women should give advice to people who are in a relationships?

Why the heck should they not give advice? You make no sense at all.

A family member went to the hospital yesterday & came back today. A relative then said that I had to learn how to cook & take care of myself so I could take care of them if they need me one day. When I replied, “I don’t have to learn to cook” they told me to be more logical. How is that not logical?

Nice trolling there.

What’s your take on only fans would you make one?

I don't think it's a good choice but you do you.

Are you anything like any of your grandparents (the way you express yourself, your interests, personality wise, looks, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yes of course. I think we have something from all family members in some way. It's like an all you can eat buffet, a bit of everything.

Ladies, which one do you prefer in a guy? Six feet or six figures. 🤔 Be frickin’ honest! 🙄

Six figures if I HAD to choose because financial security is important to me personally. However. I am financially independent.

Would you thank a family member for making you go to the gym on a regular basis?

Not applicable but I have lost almost 20lbs in two months.

How often do you get up around 5 AM?

Rarely. I get up at 630 most days for work. My days off it's a bit later but not much.

Do you think girls show more skin to feel confident or just get likes on social media

Can't relate because I cover up as much as possible.
Liked by: Lex Talionis


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