@gawnferal#47 🇵🇰


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Reply with the 'feminine/masculine urge'

The feminine urge to fall on the ground and let out a gut wrenching scream, to play with your loved ones' hair, to make chai for your loved ones, to get ready when you're getting bored, to dance at the sound of any music, to yap, to isolate yourself, to make cards for your people, to cook food for your loved ones, to laugh out loudly, to compliment every sight of beauty.

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Do you hate talkative people ?

I love them with all of my heart. I love listening to people just yap to me about everything and anything. Like, yes, cutest earthling, get excited and tell me how you got distracted by the fragrance of a fresh croissant on your way to work. I am always the one talking, so, my heart beams whenever I don't have to talk and still be allowed in their presence, like I am actually wanted.

Aj kal kya chal raha idr?

Faiqjunaid’s Profile Photoفائق جنید
“I see her pictures sometimes and they don't invoke a feeling inside me. Sometimes she feels like stranger these days. Like I dreamed her up. Like she never really was there. But the unfinished sweater she was crocheting for me is here. In this wretched world.”
Just read this and my heart dropped at 'but the unfinished sweater she was crocheting for me is here', oh god??? I haven't read something so provocative in a long, long time.
Aj kal kya chal raha idr

Anything happening good?

Faiqjunaid’s Profile Photoفائق جنید
Somewhere in this world, this happened:
“so there’s this mother right, and she’s sitting with her 5 year old son and they’re watching a youtube video on the different sounds insects make; and when they get to the sound of crickets her son looks surprised and says “i thought that was the sound stars make!” now it’s the mothers turn to look confused as she asks “the stars?” the little boy then explains to her that every evening when the stars came out he’d hear the sound (of crickets) which led him to believe that was the sound of stars. how beautiful is that? that at some point in all our lives the world is still so strange, so vast, so enchanting that we can believe the crickets coming out at night are the stars talking to us.”


Language: English