@muhammad_ibrahim2#6 🇵🇰

M.Ibrahim Mujahid

Ask @muhammad_ibrahim2

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Tell me one of your "I'm cooked" moments.

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Once, my friend and I hadn't completed our assignment. When we went to university in the morning, we found out that almost everyone had completed theirs. Hence, we borrowed our third friend's assignment, got it printed, and just changed the title page. When class started, our professor decided to check the assignments in the class. When it was my turn to submit, I went to the desk and realized I had made a blunder with the title page, using the wrong subject. I was asked to explain but I couldn't so the professor just sent me back to my seat with some beautiful remarks. When it was my friend's turn, the same issue happened, and the professor caught on. My friend said that he had retrieved all the information from the internet and had sent it to Ibrahim via WhatsApp to write and I have just copied it. The professor then asked me to show the WhatsApp messages, and yes that was exactly the moment.

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they should invent a heart that doesnt tremble at the the thought of being abandoned again

When doctors are unable to save a patient, they inform the family by saying, "We couldn't save him." Similarly, when a patient is diagnosed with a disease that causes permanent damage to an organ, shouldn't they say, "Sorry, we couldn't save your organ," because it will never be the same again?

Random thoughts?

Islam gives significant rights upon parents. However, we often forget that sometimes one or both of our parents may be orphans, and Islam places special emphasis on the rights of orphans too. This is why I believe we should take double care of our parents, recognizing both their roles as parents and their potential experiences as orphans.


Language: English