@omernasim#86 🇵🇰


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soos369ss’s Profile Photo♪♥❀ فـلـســᰔᩚــطـيـن ❀♥♪
الشهرة الحقيقية في السماء، ومن أعظم أسبابها كثرة ذكر الله، قال الله (إن ذكرني في نفسه ذكرته في نفسي، وإن ذكرني في ملأ ذكرته في ملأ خير منهم)
Real fame is in the heavens. One of its greatest causes is frequent remembrance of Allah. Allah said, “If he remembers Me inwardly, I will remember him inwardly, and if he remembers Me in an assembly, I will remember him in a better assembly (i.e. that of angels).” Hadith Qudsi

How do we know what's normal?

espresso6785’s Profile Photoummay
We determine what is normal through the guidance of the Quran, the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the consensus of Islamic scholars, and ethical principles like justice, honesty, and compassion. These sources collectively help define acceptable behavior and norms.

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What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
One of the most profound lessons I've learned in life is the importance of Tawakkul. We are never alone..... Allah's support is always with those who trust in Him.
“And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.” Quran 65:3

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soos369ss’s Profile Photo♪♥❀ فـلـســᰔᩚــطـيـن ❀♥♪
لو أن الله رفع الحجاب عن عبده وأراه كيف يدبر له أموره، وكيف أن الله أحرص على منفعة العبد من نفسه، لانصهر قلبه من حب الله وتمزق من شكر الله.
Had Allah lifted the veil for His slave and shown him how He handles his affairs for him, and how Allah is more keen for the benefit of the slave than his own self, his heart would have melted out of the love for Allah and would have been torn to pieces out of thankfulness to Allah.

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1__ذو الحجة 📝♥

asEm609’s Profile Photoاخوك عاصم ➰
لا تشرق شمس على أفضل من أيام عشر ذي الحجة، العمل فيها معظّم، وأفضله الصلاة والتكبير والصدقة والصيام والحج، والزمن المعظّم تُعظم فيه السيئات
The sun does not rise on any days better than the first ten of Dhul-Hijjah. Deeds are exalted therein; and the best of deeds are prayer, takbir, charity, fasting and Hajj. Moreover, in exalted times sins are also greater in magnitude.

صلِّ ع النّبي 💚🎀

soos369ss’s Profile Photo♪♥❀ فـلـســᰔᩚــطـيـن ❀♥♪
من تعظيم الله تعظيم نبيه ﷺ ومن تعظيم نبيه ﷺ كثرة الصلاة عليه في أفضل الأيام يوم الجمعة
From the veneration of Allah is the veneration of His Prophet ﷺ, and from the veneration of His Prophet ﷺ is to send much ṣalāh (supplications for peace) upon him on the best of days; Friday.


soos369ss’s Profile Photo♪♥❀ فـلـســᰔᩚــطـيـن ❀♥♪
أكثر الملحدين يتبنون الإلحاد لفك قيد الشهوات، فإذا ذهبت الشهوة رجعت النفس في صراع مع العقل إما تتوب أو تُكابر أو تهرب من الصراع بالانتحار
Most Atheists embrace Atheism to release themselves from their shackled shahawat (desires). Then once the desire has gone, the nafs returns to a conflict with the intellect; it either repents, or remains stubborn, or flees from the conflict by committing suicide.


soos369ss’s Profile Photo♪♥❀ فـلـســᰔᩚــطـيـن ❀♥♪
وعَدَ الله أن المسجد الأقصى يُفتح بالجهاد لا بالسّلْم، وباب الأقصى أغلق بلا قفل ولا مفتاح ولن يدخله إلا من يؤمن بقلعه لا من يبحث عن مفتاحه
Allah has promised that Masjid al-Aqṣa will be conquered by Jihād, not by peace. The door of al-Aqṣa has been closed without a lock or a key; none will enter it except those who believe in removing the door, not those who search for its key.


soos369ss’s Profile Photo♪♥❀ فـلـســᰔᩚــطـيـن ❀♥♪
اجعل محبتك لله أقوى من خوفك من الخلق، فإذا فقدت خوفك من الناس وقوتهم عليك، فأنت حرٌ في سعادتك وسكينتك.
Make your love for God stronger than your fear of people, for when you lose your fear of people and their power over you, you become free in your happiness and tranquility.


Language: English