

Ask @jigsaw20216838

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Would you date you?

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
No, but only because I think you can actually have too much in common with a potential partner. I would want to date someone who had different interests and different opinions. Someone from whom I can learn new stuff and have new experiences. The only important thing is that they should have similar values, eg honesty, integrity, accountability etc

What is the most unique or interesting thing you've seen at a wedding? 👰

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
One of my friends (and their partner) is pagan/wiccan and at their wedding they had the wedding rings delivered from the back of the room by a raven (like a large black crow) which flew over the heads of the congregation. However, the bird appeared to get distracted by one old woman's hairstyle which, tbh, did look a bit like a bird's nest, and it landed on her head instead of on the special glove worn by the groom. Much screaming ensued.
Liked by: lionessence

What was the first book or book series you remember falling in love with? Do you think it still holds up today? (If you're not into reading, feel free to name a film/TV series instead!) 📚

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
There's an old TV series from the early 1960's called "The Prisoner", with Patrick McGoohan, that they repeated when I was a kid which I remember being obsessed with.
The story still stands up today (it's a bit weird in places), but the picture quality, the wobbly film sets, and 4:3 screen format haven't aged well. I think all the episodes are on YouTube.
They made a modern remake/sequel about 15(?) years ago, but that was rubbish.
Liked by: Jo

Name something that makes people age faster? 🤔

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Smoking, obesity, and makeup (not good for your skin to cover it in chemicals and hide it from the sun too much).

I am 19, from the UK and was talking to a 17 year old. I will turn 20 4 months before she turns 18. I find this uncomfortable and the few friends I spoke to find it weird. However I get on better with her than anybody in the world and she says she doesn't want to wait till she's 18. What should I do

Assuming that you are still resident in the UK as well as being from the UK, then the legal age of consent is 16, for both heterosexual and gay relationships. However, as the older partner, if you don't feel that your partner is able to give her full and informed consent for some reason, then it is your responsibility to do the right thing. In order to give consent, a person must have the mental capacity to do so, regardless of their age (this may apply in cases of mental illness, for example). Also, if you are in a position of responsibility over the other person (teacher, sports coach etc) additional rules can apply. Personally, I don't think a 20/17 relationship is usually a problem, but it depends on the individuals.

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Delete one thing from earth? 🌍💁‍♀️

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Snails. They can destroy my garden in a day if I don't keep on top of removing them

Describe your sense of humour?

Well put it this way, I just this moment came out of seeing Shakespeare's Richard III at The Globe, and despite about 20 people getting murdered in it, I actually thought it was quite funny 😂
Describe your sense of humour

When you book a hotel/ or caravan do you like to inspect how clean it is on your arrival ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
I often book caravans as they're quite a cheap holiday and I like the flexibility that you get with self catering. I always use the same company, Parkdean, and I've never had a problem with their cleanliness. I've always been very happy with them.

Do you like trip to your local park to feed the ducks ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
There are loads of parks near me, but not many of them have ponds or ducks. When I do go to a park with ducks I often think that I should have brought something to feed them, but I never remember this before I go! You're not meant to feed them bread so I'm not sure what I'd take instead.


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