@amycheetham09#56 🇬🇧

Amy Rose

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Do you catch spiders in a glass and put them outside or ignore/kill them?

I just ignore them. I don't like spiders. I think they're terrifying, but I wish them no harm. 🙂🕷️
Liked by: C ❀

Are you scared of losing your memory?

Obviously it's nothing compared to other people, but I have struggled with memory loss. On two separate occasions I lost parts of my memories. It is scary and it makes you feel really alone. Other people tend to not understand, and I've even had people get angry with me for not remembering things. I don't even remember my boyfriend and I getting together, our first date, our first little holiday etc. I'm a strong believer that people should always take pictures. Even though I don't remember those events, there are photos taken that I can look back on and it's quite comforting. 🙂

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How's life

I thought it was going well until yesterday when everything messed up. ☹️. Just gotta keep going, I suppose.

What is the make and model of your first phone?

AlexeyAntonovT101’s Profile PhotoАлексей Владимирович
I can't remember the exact model, but my first phone ever was a Motorola. It was the one with the aerial sticking out! I was very lucky to have it because not many people my age had a phone back then. I ended up breaking it in the end though, and then my next phone after that was the trusty Nokia brick. 😅
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

Have you ever cheated on anyone?

It depends what you personally class as cheating. Nothing physical ever happened, but I fell in love with someone else whilst in my first proper relationship. I ended it, and a lot of people hated me for a while. It was the right thing to do, though. I couldn't go on having feelings for someone else.

Have you ever ended a friendship?

I have. My best friend (at the time) basically fell off the ends of the earth. She got into a new relationship and suddenly her friends didn't matter anymore. I was also going through one of the worst times in my life, and I couldn't even get a text back from her. I ended up in a really bad state mentally and sent her a long kind of break up message haha. The main point was that I just didn't feel like she cared anymore and so I felt I had to end the friendship. This was years ago and I still miss her! I do regret it to an extent, but she didn't seem all that bothered in the end. Why should I care when she obviously didn't?
Liked by: Doug Jo

Hey how are you?

I'm really sad right now. I thought I'd come on Ask for a little bit to distract me from my thoughts.
Liked by: Doug

Do you keep a diary?

AlexeyAntonovT101’s Profile PhotoАлексей Владимирович
No, I don't keep a diary. This may seem a bit silly, but I sort of use Ask as a diary. I've had this app for over a decade so it's full of memories. I wish there was a way to go back to your old answers. It'd be interesting to see how much I've changed over the years. Depending on what I've been asked, I write down my thoughts and feelings so it may as well be a diary. 😅

If you were in a crowded place and accidentally stepped on somebody's shoe, would you say sorry to them or keep on walking pretending you didn't do anything?

I'd apologise.

I should go to my friend's wedding but I'm so lazy these days, any advices

I think you should definitely attend as you might regret it if you don't. You'll have to think up an excuse and lie to your friend if you choose not to go. Make the effort! I'd be pretty sad if a friend didn't make my wedding just because they were feeling lazy. Assuming there's a meal and a party afterwards, you don't have to stick around. As long as you show your face at the actual wedding, I'm sure your friend would appreciate it. 🙂
Liked by: Sophie Jo

Worst pickup line you can think of?

My very unlucky in love friend (bless him) actually said "I think I just died and went to heaven" to a girl recently. The girl did not respond well. I think he was probably a bit embarrassed afterwards. I think the majority of pickup lines are bad, very cheesy and cringe. 😬
Liked by: Shannon Jo

Agree/Disagree: Men shouldn't be super skinny. The ideal body for a man is leaning towards ripped. Not twiggy, not dad-bod-beer-belly like. Not super buff, like heavy weight lifter champ. Just medium buff, and a still intact hairline. Never patchy beards. Full beard or no beard at all.

I disagree with your opinion.


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