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What is the first thing you notice about somebody? 👀 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ₜₑₙₐcᵢₒᵤₛ ₜₕₒₘₘₐy™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I've always tried to notice the Aura/Vibe and Nature of a person ✨💫🍀
I strongly feel that it's better to never judge a book by it's cover... Be it work ot personal life ...✌🏻🥂
Looks , finance or anything else doesn't really matter ...
What matters in life or at work is who is more respectful, trustworthy and loyal ! Or with whom you can vibe more or has a more logical and sensible response to what you say 🍀💫
Life is full of fakes and when you find the right and genuine ones around you ... You go farrr...!! ✨
How about you Tom ?
In Picture: A model from Pinterest 🥂
What is the first thing you notice about somebody

I can't NOT to cause trouble and be defiant. I am an Aquarius. It's in my nature, I can't control my rebellious side.

Aquarius. Yeah, I seem to only have issue with them of all the signs. Or rather they have issues with me. 🤣 I’m on the rebellious side too but I know when something is worth the energy. Don’t make yourself angry over someone doing their job. There’s more important things to be angry about.

Miłego weekendu 😉😊

taconajebalasieKubusiem’s Profile PhotoNIEIDEALNA
Im dłużej pozostajesz wśród ludzi.
Tym dalej pragniesz od nich uciec.
Im lepiej poznajesz ludzką naturę.
Tym bardziej nie chcesz mieć z nią kontaktu.
Ludzie potrafią skutecznie zniechęcić do siebie.
Budząc w Tobie pragnienie, aby żyć jak najdalej od nich.
W swojej samotni, mając za towarzystwo naturę, za przyjaciół zwierzęta.
I w tym prawdziwym, szczerym świecie ukoić wszelkie niepokoje
Black Angel
Miłego weekendu

Elden so are you the man who is good and reading love stuff from other people? If so what’s going on with Lestat and Baal with Nugget?

Elden: I have looked into and both men feel very intense about this clueless human girl. The road is very unpredictable and is due to her... strange nature in all of this.
Both feel heavily attracted for the same individual. The problem is, there's so much aggression and animosity on both ends.

Jaki masz temperament? :3

Dość niejednoznaczny i momentami ciężko mnie zaszufladkować.
Gdybym miała opisać swój temperament tutaj, to by mi miejsca nie starczyło, w dużym skrócie mówiąc sporo analizuję, ale jednocześnie nie oddaję się melancholii. Nie jestem typem osoby melancholijnej, sentymentalnej ani zbyt emocjonalnej, w tym negatywnym sensie. Nie użyłam sformułowania "(...) zbyt wrażliwa emocjonalnie", bo to byłoby dla mnie zbyt dużym uogólnieniem. Są takie aspekty mojego "ja", gdzie ta wrażliwość jest większa, inne - mniejsza lub jest jej brak. Bardziej panuje u mnie empatia poznawcza, bez większego angażowania się w emocje, które choć są potrzebne, to moim zdaniem czasem wiodą na manowce i przyćmiewają rzeczywistość. Pewnie, pozwalam sobie na przeżywanie uczuć, ale zamiast skupiać się np. na tym, jak się teraz okropnie czuję, jak mi smutno, jak ktoś mnie zranił, jak coś tam przykrego się stało, to wolę odnieść to do przyszłości i dostrzec w tym szansę dla siebie (np. przy zerwaniu). Nie mam tendencji do nadmiernego rozpamiętywania przeszłości. Nie lubię jak coś jest nie po mojej myśli, krzyżuje moje plany, ale jestem w stanie to zaakceptować i czasami lubię zmiany. Zmiany mnie pozytywnie nakręcają. Niektóre wywołują trochę stresu, ale też motywują i dają dobrego kopa. Nie lubię się podporządkowywać i mam wrodzoną buntowniczą naturę. Jestem też indywidualistką, zawsze będę szukała własnej, odrębnej drogi i swojego jestestwa. Nie lubię działać na spontanie, moje działania są z reguły przemyślane i zaplanowane co do minuty. Nie lubię też życia w pędzie, bo pośpiech upokarza, a po drugie biorąc pod uwagę różne bodźce temu towarzyszące, łatwo mnie nimi przytłoczyć. Preferuję aktywność na swoich zasadach, taką umiarkowaną i częściej w formie "samotniczej". Lubię ludzi, ale nie mam potrzeby otaczania się nimi często. Potrzebuję dużo czasu i przestrzeni dla siebie. Nie wiem co jeszcze mogę napisać, ale jak coś, to pytajcie.

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How do we distinguish between truth and Falsehood?

Ssars’s Profile PhotoSayed Sibtain Ali Rizvi
You give it time... Truth is always universal and real ... It'll always be the same way as it has to be !
But falsehood is personal and fake ... It'll never stay the same no matter how many layers of it one keeps on adding... You just have to be careful/precautions enough that you don't end up taking huge hit of loss because of it ... So it's a better thing to keep guards up and be neutral in opinions until you see the drapes off ...
Going with intuition, nature or experience of instincts and vibes you receive are some of the tools one has that definitely comes in handy in such situations ...
What's your take on this ?
How do we distinguish between truth and Falsehood

If you like animals why do you eat their food?

I became a vegetarian at 8 y/o. It was the time I knew about death & didn’t want any animal to die for me because I love them. It’s not like I found no difference between humans & animals instead I appreciated diversity. Back then, I lacked any knowledge about vegetarianism so I just refused to eat meat nor fish. Anyway, I always perceived meat & fish as corpses by my senses which transferred it to my mind, body & soul. It gave me heaves to the extent of throwing up. It’s some kind of taboo like cannibalism for the majority of people’s mindset. I never ever wanted to become a vegetarian. It’s just a matter of respect. That’s just a personal choice. There must be omnivorous and carnivorous humans. But not from a an anthropocentric point of view. More than 8 million of species in the world. We’re not the centre like believing we are the Sun & everything round around us. Way too arrogant. I was a vegan per times. You should ask this to some creepy omnivorous & vegan people instead. The so-called carnivorous make comparisons about love or lust to be a predator. They say haunting or fishing is like when you find some cute man/woman so they want to eat them. The so-called vegans want pets, farm and wild animals to die because they believe this is the way to save the planet. From?! There’s an overpopulation of people. We’re are the dangerous pest. The actual problem for the planet, nature, animals and ourselves. Isn’t it a complete nonsense?

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Is marriage necessary?

If you crave genuine companionship, then yeah.
One shouldn't get married because they are lonely, or they are bored, or simply to fulfill their sexual needs. Marriage requires commitment. And one needs to be ready to fulfill their duties if they decide to get married. One needs to be emotionally mature. Men tend to remain closed-off emotionally, and lack communication skills, as well as empathy. They should change that and try to be softer in nature. Women tend to be impulsive. Being emotional is okay but one needs to keep their behavior in check and learn to be a little logical when dealing with marital matters.
Marriages nowadays don't work because both men and women have big egos, and they aren't willing to work on themselves. Gone are the days when people used to make compromises for their spouses. And ykw, the older we grow, the more we start resenting the idea of marriage, and it makes sense because we start seeing couples around us and observe the way they treat each other. We start seeing the reality of everything. And it scares us.
At some point, people start craving a partner, someone you can share your life with, but it is soooo difficult to find someone understanding, sincere, and mature. Marriage is necessary because you can't spend your life alone, it's just how it is. Allah sent Bibi Hawa for Adam (A.S), right? But people have made it difficult now to get married.

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A dlaczego pieczarka? :]

Nebuss’s Profile Photo╬╬♥N♥E♥B♥U♥S#╬╬
Dodałam pieczarki do dań, o których nie myślał że można je tam dać, i ogólnie na różne sposoby je przyrządzam, w wielu daniach je podaję, więc są stałym asortymentem w kuchni. Akurat tak się zdarzyło, że miałam ich dużo, nie chciałam, aby się zepsuły i było kilka dań z nimi w tygodniu, no a jeśli dodamy jeszcze szyderczą naturę mojego męża to właśnie są takie efekty. 🤗

If you were a book, what would be the title? 💬🧐

《 The art of finding beauty in everyday life 》. 🌻
Cause to me life is all about finding joy and wonder in even the smallest moments. It is about taking time to appreciate nature, connecting with loved ones, and pursuing creative passions that light up your soul cause I believe in seeking out beauty in our everyday lives, we can uncover so much magic and meaning. ✨️♡.
If you were a book what would be the title

Miałem kilka czarnych kotów, a każdy z nich był wyjątkowy, więc o co chodzi z pechem i czarnymi kotami. Może to nie czarne koty tylko niektórzy ludzie z czarnym charakterem przynoszą pecha?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
W Japonii czarne koty przynoszą do domu bogactwo i chronią przed złymi duchami, szczególną troską otaczają kobiety. W 889 roku cesarz Uda pisał o swoim czarnym kocie:
"The color of the fur is peerless. None could find the words to describe it, although one said it was reminiscent of the deepest ink. It has an air about it, similar to Kanno. Its length is 5 sun, and its height is 6 sun. I affixed a bow about its neck, but it did not remain for long.
In rebellion, it narrows its eyes and extends its needles. It shows its back.
When it lies down, it curls in a circle like a coin. You cannot see its feet. It’s as if it were circular Bi disk. When it stands, its cry expresses profound loneliness, like a black dragon floating above the clouds.
By nature, it likes to stalk birds. It lowers its head and works its tail. It can extend its spine to raise its height by at least 2 sun. Its color allows it to disappear at night. I am convinced it is superior to all other cats.”
Koty do Japonii przybyły z Chin i wiele z nich było symbolicznym podarunkiem pozostawianym na cesarskim dworze.
Chyba jedyny pech związany z czarnymi kotami którego echo utrzymuje się do dzisiaj to ten, który przynosił im średniowieczny biały kmieć.

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Miałem kilka czarnych kotów a każdy z nich był wyjątkowy więc o co chodzi z

Dzień dobry ❤️ [demonic nature] odbieram rezerwacje na Iana i nie mogę się doczekać wspólnych historii 😈

CHAINSOFTHORNS’s Profile Photo⠀⠀⠀☆⠀⠀⧸⠀⠀amias castellan
wszystko się zgadza. Zanim jednak przystąpisz do pisania tych wspaniałych historii, najpierw uzupełnij profil, by inni mogli dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej o postaci. Masz na to 7 dni, liczę jednak, że pójdzie Ci to szybciej!
Miłego dnia i powodzenia! 🌹
Dzień dobry  demonic nature odbieram rezerwacje na Iana i nie mogę się doczekać

Write something for your heart ❤️

AbdelrahmanRamdanSalah’s Profile PhotoRamaViç98
How can we measure the nature of time?
The strength of sunrise or tire o’ Chronos chime?
Chasing, toiling, or stretching thin?
Who weighs the force of man within?
Who determines failure or the sway of might?
Be we all Sisyphus, scorned and no right?
Or are we Atalanta, conquering fates of the Gods?
May no meter capture the luck of our odds?
Perhaps we’re all seconds, no matter or mean?
Or perhaps we’re last champion one second redeem?
To leave it all up to fate would be pity and shame,
For valor favors the strong, the witty, and those who claim—
Let us seek then to make, to weave, and tell songs,
Of the dust we created by the fates we proved wrong—
Let not man submit to defeat or to blame,
Instead let us rally, this life yet to tame.
Write something for your heart

How do you overcome your negativity thoughts?

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
For me, it starts with self-compassion rather than getting caught up in negative thoughts or feelings, I try to approach myself with kindness and understanding - recognizing that everyone struggles sometimes even sometimes it is hard and it sucks where at one point I can't stop overthinking. But, I like to focus on gratitude. Even when things feel difficult or overwhelming, there is always something to be thankful for - whether it is the support of loved ones, the beauty of nature around us, or simply the fact that we are alive and breathing. And I find that movement helps me shake off any lingering negativity. Whether it is taking a walk outside in nature or a physical activity can help release tension from our bodies and minds. 🌻

How do the changing colors of leaves affect your mood?

bellmona212’s Profile PhotoMona Bell
I love autumn somuch and changing colours of leaves have always had a special place in my heart. There is something so magical about watching nature transform before our very eyes - from lush greens to fiery oranges and deep reds. Personally — I find that these seasonal changes can often mirror our inner transformations as well. Just like the trees shedding their leaves to make way for new growth, we too must sometimes let go of old habits or beliefs in order to move forward. And while the fall season can also bring feelings of melancholy or nostalgia at times especially with shorter days and cooler temperatures there is also a sense of comfort and warmth that comes with cozy sweaters, warm drinks and such. The changing colours of leaves affect my mood by reminding me to embrace change while finding joy in simple pleasures. ✨️🌻♡.

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How do the changing colors of leaves affect your mood

What is your favorite way to spend time bonding with others?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
A quiet day in with dinner and a movie. A peaceful walk/hike together in nature. Sitting under the stars talking. I enjoy peace and quiet. If I like a person I'd want to share that with them. Just existing together can be enough I think. Though I'm always open to adventures and more lively fun also

Wolisz krajobraz morski czy górski?

MartaNowaczyk1’s Profile Photo࿋ ✷ Zakazana. Ω ࿋
Krajobraz górski.
Igły, które obłożone prześcieradłem i szorstkimi kamieniami wtapiające się w zielone drzewa, ciepłe cienie i wyszumiane finezyjnie przez szmaragdowe korony opowieści.
Wschód i zachód słońca, które chowa się za szczytami gór wygląda ciekawie, jak jeszcze stara się gdzie nie gdzie przedrzeć przez pnie i odstępy między wykształtowanymi przez naturę wzgórzami i pagórkami. Jest to ciekawsze, bardziej intrygujące. Kocham ten krajobraz za piękno, jakie mi daje. Za spokój, za sam wygląd, cechy jakie w sobie ma. Ma w sobie ''to coś'' co mnie tam urzeka, w każdym detalu, wręcz ciągnie magnetyczną siłą nie puszczając z uwięzi.
Namioty w górach, codzienne wstawanie na łonie natury. To jest dla mnie cudowne, nie umiem wyrzucić słów opisujących jak bardzo uwielbiam góry, lasy i jeziorka, pomiędzy malowniczymi szczytami. Tak jak i deszcz, las i zapach po nim- jest dla mnie przyjemne i cudowne. Kocham to, nie umiem odciągnąć się od nawet najsłabiej trzymających mnie więzów.
Może stąd też moje zamiłowanie do lasów, łąk. Do kwiatów i przyrody - życiu jakie mi się marzy, blisko gór, w które jak niektórym wiadomo jeżdżę co roku.
Chciałabym uciec w góry, z kochającą osobą, czyli z mężem. Podróżując, żyć jak się nie żyło, przeżyć coś niesamowitego.

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Wolisz krajobraz morski czy górski

Why is ask so addicting?

smalltownliving’s Profile Photosmalltownliving
My best friend and I have discussed this one before. We came up with a few ideas. The main reasons why it is so addictive is just human nature really. You get encouraged to talk about yourself in a way that's mostly one sided. Sure there are comments and threads, but there is no actual pressure to respond. So it isn't a conversation necessarily. You don't have to answer every question. It definitely can be socially rewarding while reducing social anxiety to a degree. which is probably why it attracts so many neurodivergent people. There are other elements, like built in features that almost have a rewarding effect like gambling, but this was a long conversation. So you get the gist

What do you do when you're tired?

goodbyheart’s Profile PhotoGood by Heart
I find a lot of peace in spending time in nature, gazing at the sky while pouring myheart out to allah. I have this habbit of talking to allah whenever my heart feels drain or tired or just a simple walk, trying to take a few minutes to just breathe and relax. It is like the world slows down for a moment, giving me space to breathe deeply and refocus. Or take a short nap. Other times it might mean doing self-care and pampering myself, watching my favourite tv show or praying and meditating; it helps centre my thoughts and brings me a sense of inner calm. Whatever it is, I try to give myself permission to rest and recharge so that I can come back feeling refreshed and ready to go. Sometimes people need some time, themselves to recharge so that they can be their best person, and that's sokay. 🌻

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Masz problem z agresją bądź chamstwem? Radzisz sobie z tym, czy nie masz wcale z tym problemów?

Ogólnie mam naturę bardzo spokojnego i cichego człowieka, bardziej słuchającego niż mówiącego i wiecznie zakręcony(pozytywnie), ale jednak zakręcony. Taka moja jest już natura...
Są momenty kiedy mówię dużo i są też takie kiedy tylko milczę...
Jeśli ktoś jest do mnie przyjaźnie nastawiony to ja też taki będę do niego/do niej, jeśli zaś ktoś mi zrobi krzywdę lub zacznie działać na moją szkodę, to też takiej osobie dłużny nie będę...

Where is that beautiful and peaceful place you are visiting in your DP? If it's not a secret.

Mrjensa’s Profile PhotoJens❤️
I can't recall the place, I apologize. It was last year in winter when I went there. Though it sure has such a beautiful ambience - a calm and peaceful environment. I also got to pat the swans over there. Giggles happily. And I, absolutely love calm places like that filled with nature and greenery makes me feel alive. 🌻✨️♡.
Where is that beautiful and peaceful place you are visiting in your DP If its

=I gasp and growl from the p*in. My body aches so much. It burns up= M-Milting!? W-what is that B-Baal!? I don't like the sound of that! N-no! Please! I'll be good! I'll be good!

Baal: I could either beat you to death or you will accept to consume each and every single one of these urns. The contents of these wonderful vessels is relatively both sacred and putrid in nature. You will drink and drink, until you finish gulping every single last drop of what's in here.
This is the act of milt consumption. Oldest practice among our kind, among our wonderful faith to punish treacherous people and liars like yourself. You dare speak lies, then you also deserve to consume something just as sinful.
It is the only way to attain forgiveness and another chance from me. So, what is it going to be? Drink the milt or be beaten to death by me? :3

Jesteś zdania że homoseksualizm i tranzycja to choroby na tle psychicznym?

Jakby od dawna wiadomo, że homoseksualizm nie jest chorobą (choć był uznawany). Co do tranzycji, to nie tyle sam proces, ale zaburzenie tożsamości płciowej, które leży u podłoża dokonywania tranzycji, jak najbardziej ma podłoże psychiczne. Często przy okazji robi się młodym ludziom wodę z mózgu, wmawiając im, że płeć to spektrum i może ulec zmianie. Dobrą robotę na temat uświadamiania ludzi w tym zakresie robi blog ToTylkoTeoria, a fajny literacki wątek z tym związany pojawił się w "Antychryście" Marcina Majchrzaka.
Ja rozumiem, że jako ludzie wielokrotnie musimy zwalczać swoją naturę, żeby nie dać dojść do głosu zwierzęcym instynktom, ale nie sprzeniewierzajmy się jej i nie plujmy na nią, bo to droga donikąd.

Что тебя вдохновляет ? 💫

fancy3519’s Profile PhotoF A N C Y
Welcome to my world
@fancy3519 вдохновляет архитектура. Иногда смотришь на здание 🏢, и хочется самому побывать там. Природа 🍄‍. Это одно из вдохновляющих мест. Даже включив тот же «Viasat Nature», можно перенестись туда где ни разу не был, но видел это в изображении.
Что ещё 🤔 Музыка. Иногда слушаешь те же электронные ритмы, и думаешь как композиторы соединили ноты так, чтобы не получилась какофония, а "вышел" звук который был приятен и слушателям и самому себе.
P.S.: пойду выпью чай с лавандой. Это и нервы укрепит и поможет успокоиться после вчерашнего дня
(Трек по настроению: Sigmatibet - Chills)
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 09/09/24
Time: 10:55
Что тебя вдохновляет

If you found an injured and cold fairy when walking through the woods, what'd you do? 🧚🤕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I found an injured and cold fairy when walking through the woods I would give her Wiggenweld Potion.
I would use Fairy Dust from other fairy and maybe I would take her to the light of sun, moon or stars because fairies are closely tied to nature.
Also I would use some Healing Spells if I was a witch. 🤭💚
If you found an injured and cold fairy when walking through the woods whatd you

@ (Ps : Pink Floyd 🤌🏻🤌🏻) 🌚

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Oh, my brother, You are my Ed, Edd n Eddy gang partner. Hope you haven’t forgotten about the dollars we’ll make from our tomfoolery. I love how you use GIFs to express your ideas and your welcoming nature. Your profile is great, I envy your content. Plus, our shared music taste is a bonus. You’re 1000/10, my brother. 🥹💯✨
Ps  Pink Floyd

Widzę, że nadal estetycznie, na wyśrodkowanym punkcie wnętrza przenika kolor piękna, to dobrze. Chociaż mówi się o tym że to nie ulga, a krzywda. Dokończ zdanie. Twoje życie jest... (Jedno zdanie, zakończysz wypowiedź kropką. Użyj tylu słów ilu sobie życzysz, ale więcej niż V.) 😊

Nebuss’s Profile Photo╬╬♥N♥E♥B♥U♥S#╬╬
Więcej niż V... *widzi w głowie obraz Vendetty*
Mam naturę buntownika i nie lubię ograniczeń, ale niech będzie.
Moje życie jest nieustanną wędrówką z zimowym przymrozkiem, w którym chodzenie na zewnątrz skończy się śmiechem lub śmiercią.
Zawsze lubiłam dziwne rzeczy, więc dziwne życie samo się napisało.
Widzę że nadal estetycznie na wyśrodkowanym punkcie wnętrza przenika kolor

What is your favorite topic to talk about?

Fatimess72219’s Profile PhotoFatimess
My favorite topic to talk about is nature and life and how beautifully Allah has organized everything. From the way the sun rises every day to how every living creature has its own purpose. It amazes me how everything is in perfect balance and harmony, reminding us of Allah’s wisdom and control over the universe ✨

What is your favorite way to spend time bonding with others?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
One of my favourite ways is by exploring nature together - whether it is going for a hike or simply having a picnic in the park or anything. I find that being surrounded by natural beauty has an incredible way of opening our hearts and minds to each other. I also enjoy baking, it is like a breath of fresh air for me and there is something so special about creating food together while chatting and laughing along the way. The intimacy in that is so beautiful. And I love cosy movie nights - snuggled up under blankets, watching some of our favourite films or discovering new ones together. Honestly — am the kind of person who is up for any kind of adventure. I love doing everything with my loved ones and exploring things together. 🌻♡✨️

Are you a naturally organized person or is it something you have to work at? Do you think there can be beauty in chaos or is control paramount in visual allure?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I am naturally a very tidy and organized person Marie. And I like keeping my things organised and all. As for beauty in chaos versus control — that is complex cause on one hand, there can be an undeniable allure to the unpredictable and spontaneous nature of chaos but on the other hand, there is also something undeniably satisfying about order and structure - knowing that everything has its place and purpose. And from a visual standpoint, I do think there is a certain beauty in clean lines and minimalist design. So perhaps it all depends on context and individual preferences, some may find beauty in chaos while others prefer control and predictability. But I believe both have their merits and can coexist harmoniously if balanced correctly. 🌻

When I was a kid, my family and other families would gather for picnics in parks and green spaces every weekend in the spring&summer. I've been thinking: why don’t we do that anymore? I know some still do, but it doesn’t seem as common as it was in the '90s. People no longer touch grass /literally

We’ve most likely gotten carried away with electronics and probably forgot what it felt like to enjoy nature. I remember being in middle school and taking nature walks with my parents and how good it felt to take in the scenery and be away from middle school drama. I didn’t have a phone at the time so that wasn’t a distraction for me and I didn’t need glasses to enjoy those walks back then either. Now I’m in college addicted to my phone and need to wear glasses to enjoy the scenery outside and I don’t feel confident when wearing them. When I go for walks now, my mind is still on my phone and I’m either anticipating on a text message from an online friend or worried about missing out on the conversations between friends that are happening online. I sometimes wish I could go back to those days and I also miss being a little kid who would actually enjoy spending time with friends/family irl and having a barbecue with them.

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What makes you trust someone in the first place? Is it easy to gain your trust?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
My relationship with trust is a bit paradoxical. I either trust everyone or I don't, and I don't even know which one is it but either way I act the same. I think the best way to put it would be that the extent to which I may trust the person doesn't come into play in the way I treat them, it's not relevant. I'll still act as if I have my trust in you, and maybe I do, because at the end of the day, I trust nature. I trust the outcome of a sincere act

What is your favorite way to spend time bonding with others?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
- With my family I love our trips to the nature or other cities and all vacations - ⛷️ 🏞️
- With my daughter I like watching reality shows relating to talents, visiting concerts and other performances, shopping 😁
- With my son I like visiting theatre 🎭
- With my husband I like walking and going to the cinema 🎞️🎥
- With my best friend we usualy spend time in some coffee bar and talking a lot 😅
- with my colleagues time to time we go for dinner or some wine and telling various funny stories from life 😃🥂👍
What is your favorite way to spend time bonding with others

Quel est le parfait endroit pour passer le week-end ?

Vu que je vis dans notre (horrible) capitale, la campagne.
Pour moi c’est chez mes grands-parents. L’air est pur, les gens sont adorables, y’a des animaux partout, de la nature partout. C’est vraiment ressourçant et apaisant
Liked by: keri Harley Bnhbne

Language: English