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50 posts


Do you think being in love makes a person slowly start to become lazy, too laid back and/or too relaxed as time goes by or, do you think it motivates them to be more productive in life?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I think this is more circumstantial than a generalization, and a lot depends on personality too. You can love someone for a long time and when they leave you, find yourself depressed, devastated, and unfruitful. On the other hand, how many songs, paintings, and movies have been inspired by the intoxication of love, which is euphoric in nature and a studied release of oxytocin in the brain. Everyone and every love story is different. Some will be overly stimulated and productive while others will find themselves in a state of despair.
Do you think being in love makes a person slowly start to become lazy too laid

Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh, spring? More like "sneeze season" for me! It's like Mother Nature decided to play a cruel joke by unleashing her floral army just to see how many tissues I can go through in a day. Honestly, I'm starting to suspect that trees are secretly plotting against me. Every time I step outside, it's like walking into a battlefield of pollen. My nose has declared war on the entire plant kingdom, and let me tell you, it's not winning. So, while everyone else is frolicking in fields of flowers, I'm over here stockpiling antihistamines like a doomsday prepper. Springtime bliss? More like springtime sniffles. And since Germany decides to be as ambivalent as possible in April it's like a mixture of gentle warmth and deadly storms out here. Eh, I guess it's nice though? At least I am having a blast with random ladybugs and cherry blossoms landing in my hair like I am constantly experiencing a magical girl transformation.

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Liked by: nox Tobbe Sora

Opisz siebie w 3 słowach!

ZVSJ3’s Profile PhotoCathy
Trzy słowa to zdecydowanie za mało by opisać swoje życie. Szczególnie gdy nieustannie stajemy przed wyborem, czy skłonić się do refleksji, czy może jednak czy wykonać skłon w stronę życia, akceptując własną naturę z ogromem niedomówień i niejasnych ścieżek, które przewodzą impulsy elektryczne, by pod ciągłym napięciem, w obliczu nadziei na pograniczu szaleństwa, dać sobie kolejną szansę na błędy w trakcie działania, na poczucie niezadowolenia i niezaspokojoną próżność, a z ambicji czyni natomiast jeden z elementów, który nas scala w organizm działający przeciwko społeczeństwu dla jego korzyści.
Opisz siebie w 3 słowach

Saray fasaad ki jarh kia hai ???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal — True Detective

Why is the world materialistic?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I think the world can sometimes feel materialistic cause we are constantly bombarded with messages and images that emphasize material possessions as symbols of success or happiness. We are told that we need to have the latest gadgets, designer clothes, or luxury cars in order to be fulfilled or respected by others. But when we take a step back and reflect on what truly matters in life - things like love, connection, creativity, and personal growth - it becomes clear that material possessions are only one piece of the puzzle. In fact, focusing too much on accumulating stuff can actually detract from our sense of well-being by creating unnecessary stress or financial burdens.
So I think it is important for us to challenge these cultural narratives about materialism and cultivate a deeper awareness of our own values and priorities. By staying connected to what truly matters to us on a soul level - whether it is through relationships, nature, art, spirituality or something else entirely- we can resist the pressures of consumer culture while also living more meaningful and fulfilling lives. 🌻

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A cabin in the woods or a cottage in a village?

gawnferal’s Profile Photoھدیٰ
Thats like a toughie choice for me cause am more like a soft-cottage core person and both options have their unique charm and appeal. A cabin in the woods would be perfect for getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnecting with nature - I can just imagine cozying up by the fireplace with a good book on a chilly evening. But then again, there is something so quaint and picturesque about a cottage in the village, surrounded by gardens and winding cobblestone streets. So am gonna go with both. 🤧✨️💙

Have you ever had issues with commitment or are you the kind who isn’t afraid of commitment in most cases?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Never been an issue on my end but I demand it in return and that has been a challenge for most. I have learned a simple truth about most people. Once they have your attention, it is only a matter of time until boredom creeps in and they focus elsewhere. Somebody else will always appear more exciting, attractive, etc. Rare exceptions exist but the average person has the attention span of a gnat. Here today, there tomorrow. Perhaps it's human nature to explore externally when one's search should begin from within. Silly species. It ignores the gravitational constant, insists on falling up and wonders why it orbits the wrong planets... 🤣
Have you ever had issues with commitment or are you the kind who isnt afraid of

Wiosenne porządki. 🌺

valkyr_’s Profile PhotoValkyr
Wiosenne porządki w mafijnym świecie Sophiji Morietti były niczym taniec na linie nad przepaścią. Jesteś potrzebny - żyjesz. Przestajesz być ważną figurą na szachownicy... No cóż... Poczuj się niczym mityczny Ikar, któremu właśnie stapiają się skrzydła - stojąc na dachu florendzkiej budowli, albo też z lotu ptaka zaczynając "zwiedzać góry".
Kiedy wiatr wiosenny przynosił ze sobą zapach kwitnących kwiatów, ona wyciągała pazury swojej władzy, pozbywając się niepotrzebnych "elementów". Dla niej, wiosenne porządki to nie tylko sprzątanie ulic, ale i zbieranie długów wszelkich Kolekcjonerów Piękna, gdzieś wśród ciszy nocnej. Oczywiście Treflowa Dama czyniła to z nienagannym uśmiechem, który przełamywał wszelkie lodowce ...- dłużników, choć nie tylko.
Wśród kwitnących jabłoni i rozkwitających narcyzów, ona porządkowała swoje królestwo. Krew na chodnikach była dla niej jak krople deszczu, które oczyszczały jej dom od zdrajców i konkurentów. Nie istniało miejsce na kompromisy ani litość, gdy wiosna budziła naturę do życia, ona budziła swoją brutalną determinację do utrzymania kontroli. Wszak tego chcieli, nieprawdaż? Włoska familia ponad wszystko.
Wiosenne porządki nie były tylko oczyszczaniem ulic, ale też umysłów. Wiosna przynosiła nowe nadzieje, ale dla tych, którzy przekroczyli granice, stawała się też ostatnią szansą na wybaczenie. Sophija znała jednak tylko jedną drogę: tę przez krwawe szczeliny w murze lojalności.
W międzyczasie, gdy miasto tonęło w wiosennym blasku, ona budowała swoją potęgę, krok po kroku, jedno ciało po drugim, a wokół niej rozkwitały nowe pędy zdrady i pożądania w mafijnym ogrodzie. Wiosenne porządki były dla niej nie tylko obowiązkiem, ale i ceremonią, w której z wielką pasją wykonywała swoje rytuały.
"Uczennica przebiła mistrzów" - pomyślała. "Skąd zatem wasze zdziwienie? A może... Może to wszystko to blef - uśmiechnęła się słodko nie wypowiedziawszy słów". "Wy chowacie w pośpiechu trupy do szaf, a ja... Ja posiadam swe żołędne zasady".

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Wiosenne porządki

What fascinates you the most?

maryamwaheed129912’s Profile PhotoMaryam
Life and nature in general fascinate me so much. The wonders of Allah' tala fascinate me in the daily mundane routine of my life. Though I have always been fascinated with nature and oh the fluffy clouds and plants. I think that not only some of them are aesthetically pleasing, but they also have such great complexity which demonstrates the beauty and genius of nature. Even as a kid I would examine plants closely and was awed by the diversity ultimately plants bring me comfort and inspiration. 🌻💙✨️🍃

What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to? 🏞️🐠🏔️🏜️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I love nature in general and appreciate all aspects of it but probably the forest or some wide open space? The wide open spaces of the west with the mountains, forest, ocean and desert is honestly my favorite thing about living in California. I love the west coast a lot. I genuinely love the freedom of the wide open spaces. It fills my soul.

Is something being irrational a reason to say it doesn't exist or is it rather viewed as a condition of its existence?!!

I think the existence of something is not dependent on whether or not it is rational. The concept of 'rational' itself is subjective and varies based on individual perspectives and experiences- what may be logical to one person might seem illogical to another. Like, emotions such as love or fear - these are intangible yet very real experiences that can greatly influence our thoughts and actions; even though they cannot be scientifically measured or quantified in any way- we know for sure they exist because of how deeply they affect us emotionally and some philosophical concepts like morality or justice are also irrational but still hold value within society as guiding principles for ethical behaviour. So, I believe that irrationality does not negate the existence of something; rather it is an aspect that adds complexity and depth to our understanding of its nature - acknowledging irrationality allows us to recognize different ways people experience reality while embracing diversity in human thought processes altogether. 🌻

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What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to? 🏞️🐠🏔️🏜️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
As a nature enthusiast, there are so many beautiful landscapes that draw me in. However — if I had to choose one type of environment that resonates most deeply with my soul - it would be the serene beauty of a forest. The way the sunlight filters through the trees and creates dappled patterns on the ground is truly magical and there is something about being surrounded by towering trees and listening to birds singing their melodies that makes me feel at peace - as if time stands still for just a moment. ✨️🌻💙.
What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to

If you got a paid trip to anywhere in the world, where'd you choose to go? What'd you want to do there? ✈️🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
That's so difficult, I want to visit so many different countries! First one that came to mind was Scotland though! Maybe a nice cabin in the mountains! Just destress! Live and experience the nature around me.

Proteste vor Abtreibungs-Beratungsstellen: Wie finden wir das?

Chromosomenfascho’s Profile PhotoJimmigrant
Richtig peinlicher Vollidiotenmove, wer das macht. Da kann man sich auch „Ich bin ein unreflektierter, weltfremder, ignoranter Frauenh4sser“ auf ein Schild schreiben.
Und nein, das hat für mich nichts mit Meinungsfreiheit zu tun, weil Betroffene und Ärztinnen teilweise bedroht werden und es nicht um eine Meinung, sondern Einschüchterung und das Aufzwingen des verschissenen Weltbildes dieser Leute geht. Wenn wir darüber reden, müssen wir über Abtreibungen reden und Menschen, die >dagegen< sind und vor denen habe ich einfach keinen Respekt, es tut mir leid.
Das ganze Kinderthema ist sehr emotional für mich. Du bist gewarnt.
Ich liebe Frauen und ich bin mit Herzblut Feministin. Während ich über manche Probleme wie die Gender Pay Gap noch hinweg sehen kann, weil es nur um Geld geht, betrifft das Kinder-und Schwangerschaftsthema einfach das komplette, folgende Leben von Frauen (jeden fcking Tag ihres Lebens ?!). Es betrifft ihre Körper in einem Maße, über das einige sich keineswegs bewusst zu sein scheinen, aber sagen wir so viel, eine Schwangerschaft kann so ziemlich ALLES in einem Körper durcheinanderbringen. *thanks nature for that!🙃*
Ich finde es unendlich frustrierend, dass bei dem Thema Schwangerschaftsabbruch deutlich wie sonst selten zu Tage tritt, wie blind Menschen für Frauen sind. Es werden bei der Diskussion einem lebensunfähigen Zellhaufen mehr Rechte zugesprochen, als der lebendigen, meist erwachsenen Frau, die in der Regel in der Lage ist, Argumente für ihre Entscheidung anzubringen. Nur scheinen diese leider einfach niemanden zu interessieren. 😩
Ich möchte jedem *Synonym für Idioten* ans Herz legen, den FRAUEN ZUZUHÖREN bevor ER sich heraus nimmt, zum Thema Abtreibung irgendeine Art von Meinung haben zu wollen! Ihr seid nicht im Recht, wenn ihr irgendein „Leben“ in eine befruchtete Eizelle hinein interpretiert und wenn ihr konsequent gehirnverblendet sein wollt, dann zündet gefälligst auch für jede weibliche Periode und für jedes Mal jixxen, das im Taschentuch gelandet ist, eine Kerze an! 🖕
Also ja, diese „Proteste“ verbieten!

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What is the ideal holiday destination for you? 🏖️ 🌴 🍹 🏄 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ȶɛռǟƈɨօʊֆ ȶօʍʍǟʏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
For a long time now, I have been considering the idea of going on a long hike in the mountains or on some interesting nature route with overnight stays in tents.
The location doesn't really matter.
The main thing is peace, quiet, nature and maybe someone for company.
That would be perfect for me.🐦‍⬛

What’s the best part of living in Tasmania? I’ve always wanted to go!

user83163930’s Profile PhotoCrybaby37
It’s so close to nature, you can be in the bush or on a beach within 30 minutes from almost any home in the cities
You get genuine seasons, the folk are mostly friendly and you can afford to live here easily 😊

Bfs friend hearts my selfies and requested me on snap. Also hugs me every-time he sees me. Is that strange? Or just friendly

It could be his friendly nature if he’s like that with others too but it could also mean that you have a special place in his heart and he’s letting you know how much he appreciates your selfies and appreciates you by giving you hugs. You’ll only know why he is the way he is if you ask him why he does what he does. I wouldn’t assume anything unless he confesses that he sees you as more than just a friend.

What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to? 🏞️🐠🏔️🏜️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I feel so drawn to mountains and hills! I absolutely love seeing them, haha!
Half of the pictures made in Germany and France is of mountains I saw during the trips 😂
What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to

What kind of nature do you feel most drawn to? 🏞️🐠🏔️🏜️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
As someone who is acquainted with different types of geomorphological landscapes I can see how each region serves its own purpose and beauty.
I am mostly comfortable with the familiarity of my own surroundings (consisting mainly of European and Caucasian deciduous forests, lakes, gentle hills, mountains, seas and overall, a lot of vegetation and water). I am curious about deserts and dry areas as well but I doubt that I would feel comfortable around these areas for a longer period. All of that empty and vast space evokes a rather eerie and uncanny vibe for me.

Kiedy dana osoba ujawnia swoje prawdziwe oblicze?

staringintheshade’s Profile Photo×Nie obchodzi Cię to
Myślę że taka osoba może ujawnić swoje prawdziwe oblicze w różnych sytuacjach. Oto kilka czynników, które mogą wpływać na to, kiedy i w jaki sposób dana osoba ujawnia swoją prawdziwą naturę:
● Osoby często ujawniają swoje prawdziwe oblicze w bliskich relacjach, takich jak związki partnerskie, przyjaźnie lub rodzinne więzi. W tych sytuacjach ludzie czują się bezpieczniej i bardziej komfortowo, co może sprawić, że otwierają się emocjonalnie i pokazują swoje prawdziwe uczucia, myśli i zachowania
● Czasami stresujące sytuacje mogą sprawić, że dana osoba ujawnia swoje prawdziwe oblicze. Kiedy jesteśmy pod presją lub narażeni na trudne okoliczności, nasze naturalne reakcje i emocje mogą wypłynąć na powierzchnię, odsłaniając nasze prawdziwe ja.
● W sytuacjach konfliktowych lub sporach, ludzie mogą być bardziej skłonni ujawnić swoje prawdziwe oblicze. Emocje mogą się wznieść, a ludzie mogą wyrazić swoje prawdziwe uczucia i poglądy w bardziej bezpośredni i niewygodny sposób.
● Czasami osobiste przeżycia i wydarzenia mogą sprawić, że dana osoba ujawni swoje prawdziwe oblicze. Traumatyczne doświadczenia, takie jak utrata bliskiej osoby lub trudności życiowe, mogą prowadzić do otwarcia się emocjonalnego i ujawnienia prawdziwych uczuć i reakcji.
Zwróc jednak uwagę, że każda osoba ma wiele aspektów swojej osobowości i może ujawnić różne oblicza w różnych sytuacjach. Ważne jest jednak, aby czuć się bezpiecznym i akceptowanym w otoczeniu, które umożliwia ujawnienie prawdziwego ja.

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Kiedy dana osoba ujawnia swoje prawdziwe oblicze

What's the most interesting place you've ever visited, and what made it memorable for you?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
There's this piece of land my grandfather owned. It's near a canal of fresh water. It's quite a great scenery and away from population so there's complete privacy for me my my hijabi squad. We often go there to enjoy the beauty of nature and our own selves.

A message to someone without mentioning his/her name?

tayyba612’s Profile PhotoTAYYBA
I wish I could meet you in another dimension free from the imprisonment of time, where we could see our bare souls stripped of masks and pretenses, admiring our raw selves without being vulnerable. Where we never had to worry about the judgments of this society driven by a hypocritical mindset with conflicted definitions of words and messed-up psychology, completely against the very nature of our creation. It's a dream that haunts me all the time, to show the depths of my soul and the yearning to sacrifice its existence for you. Kher...!!!

Are u always heartless

I’m far from heartless (imo) but sometimes I come off as cold due to my distant nature as an introvert, hardly ever smiling in public, living in my own little world rather than making a great impact on the society by helping others, always looking anxious and uninterested in others while constantly worrying about what people think about me but also looking self absorbed at the same time, and hardly being able to connect with others on an emotional level.

What's something that never fails to cheer you up?

ElsJ_’s Profile PhotoEls
I don't think there's anything that never fails, unfortunately... but I'll list some things that do cheer me up sometimes.
🌺 Going for a walk with my dog
🌺 Being in and around nature
🌺 Chocolate or ice cream
🌺 Retail therapy
🌺 Spending time with my niece and nephews
🌺 Watching Impractical Jokers
🌺 Going out to eat
🌺 Having a holiday to look forward to
🌺 Music
🌺 Being with my boyfriend
Liked by: Doug zack vaughan

What do you mean by 'everyone seeks attention, it's normal'? that's a weird take haha. Can you explain, if you have time and mood

it's normal to seek out attention from people simply because it's human nature. we seek attention from friends, family, pets, colleagues, etc. it's a type of validation we all need.
the whole "attention seeking is bad" thing stems from ableism, and it only perpetuates stigma associated with neurodivergence because it makes people think that reaching out to others isn't good or is selfish. the only time attention seeking is bad is when it's detrimental to your or someone else's well-being.

If you make art of any kind: Who/what do you draw inspiration from for the things you create? Was there something/someone specific that inspired you to get into the kinds of art you do now? ✍🏻🎨🖼️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Inspiration for me comes from everywhere really, but particularly from nature - it’s incredibly grounding and helps me feel in a more creative state, as well as topics such as architecture, history, literature, mythology and folklore, etc. Anything involving fantasy or storytelling is immensely inspiring, and is definitely the main backbone of my art!
In terms of people, I think I’ve always been interested in art, even as a very young child. My mum has always encouraged me and took me to museums and galleries as a child, so that definitely helped in terms of exposure to all kinds of art and history! ✨

You have a day off and the weather outside is really nice, what do you do? ☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would definitely go for a long nature walk cause there is something about being surrounded by greenery and fresh air that just makes me feel so alive and energized. And with the good weather, it would be the perfect opportunity to explore some new trails or parks that I haven't been to before or just sit by a lake or under some shade trees. Or might plan an outing with my loved ones. 🌻✨️♡.
You have a day off and the weather outside is really nice what do you do

If someone broke ur trust! Would u ever give em a second chance....

Imrizz’s Profile PhotoImrizz
Now someone has broken his trust and exposed himself to you and if you give him another chance then it is not his fault but your fault because it is his nature.

Zwracasz uwagę na to, co Cię otacza? Mam tu na myśli przede wszystkim naturę, widoki. Budzą w Tobie jakieś emocję, czy raczej przeważa obojętność?

MartaNowaczyk1’s Profile PhotoMarta Nowaczyk
Zwracam, bardzo lubię to robić :)
A co do emocji, to budzą we mnie różne - czym innym jest widok np. plaży, jeziora, roślin, lasu czy zachodzącego słońca, a czym innym widok jakiegoś opuszczonego pustostanu pośrodku niczego 😌

What fact amazes you every time you think about it? 🤩 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ȶɛռǟƈɨօʊֆ ȶօʍʍǟʏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
It amazes me how everything was just nature and now we have things made of plastic, steel and chemicals… I know it’s logical being explained, but it just amazes me that we were able to create so much.
Also, how they build big things and transported stones that weighted more than 20000 kg… 🤯
What fact amazes you every time you think about it

Zwracasz uwagę na to, co Cię otacza? Mam tu na myśli przede wszystkim naturę, widoki. Budzą w Tobie jakieś emocję, czy raczej przeważa obojętność?

MartaNowaczyk1’s Profile PhotoMarta Nowaczyk
Uwielbiam delektować się naturą, doceniam jej piękno i potęgę, a także funkcjonowanie, które jest nadal zagadką a które tworzy cudowne widoki, cudowny cykl życia.
Zwracasz uwagę na to co Cię otacza Mam tu na myśli przede wszystkim naturę

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