@natalehjayne#60 🇬🇧

Natalie ♡

Ask @natalehjayne

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hey how are you is your hip okay hunny xo

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
Hey! It’s still incredibly painful. I’m waiting for my x-ray results, but I have a blood test next week to rule out infection in the joint. If there’s no dislocation or fracture which I doubt there will be, then I hope the bone scan at the end of August gets to the bottom of it! For now though I’m walking with a cane 😂

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Would it make you a monster if you didn't want to spend loads of money on your pets' health?

Depends what your version of not a lot was. If it was basic vet care & treatment then you shouldn’t have a pet if you can’t afford it. If it’s surgery/risky/they might not make it anyway then I think that’s case by case and whatever’s best for you and the animals welfare. I’ve spent thousands on my animals, I’ll go without for them. If your pet is in pain and you refuse to treat but leave them in pain for your own benefit then yes, maybe you are a monster. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Have you ever been painfully stung / bitten? Like by a wasp, fire ants etc. 🐝🐜

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yup, got locked in a car with a wasp once whilst my mum was in the shop. I set the car alarm off from screaming cause it got me right on my underwear line. Got stung a couple years later by a lil gang of wasps cause they were trying to get my drink, bloody hurt! I avoid them at all costs 💀

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how are your cats they must be sooo big are they about 2 yrs xo

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
A little bit nervous at the moment as we’ve just moved house. They still actually weigh the same as they did at their one year check, they are quite small framed cats! Salem in particular, he still has a bit of a kitten face haha. Shadow is looking more like an adult cat now and yeah, they’ve just turned two last month 🥺
how are your cats they must be sooo big are they about 2 yrs xo

How does a guy get lucky enough to be fancied by you only to the point he is the only lucky guy you will Make Love to once he is your BF? 😉 😂

I don’t understand the phrasing 😅
How does a guy get lucky enough to be fancied by you only to the point he is the
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

How do you like your milk?

I don’t. Only time I have it is in a Costa white hot chocolate and I go for coconut milk as they don’t do almond anymore 🥺
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

How do you deal with temptation?

Depends what’s tempting? If it’s another pet, then I force myself to be logical and practical even though I’d love more. But a skirt or a crystal I see and like? I get it if I want it or wishlist it for later when I’ve been paid 😅 that is a temptation I struggle with haha


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