
Joe Edward Mason

Ask @JoeeeMason

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What was the last piece of media which had you truly invested? Like a book, show, video game etc. 🤩📺📖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I've recently been reading the The Last Kingdom novels and my God, they're great, if a bit samey. Very interesting though.
Liked by: Tobbe

Roughly when do you eat your various meals throughout the day? 🕔🍔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I rarely have breakfast but when I do, it's usually around 8AM. Never have lunch, but dinner is usually around 7PM.
Liked by: Tobbe

How would you describe your ideal work space? 💻🗃️🔧

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Away from everyone and somewhere I can listen to my music as I work xD It's why I like my current job, it's usually away from people and I play music all the time.
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you prefer your taxi driver quiet or chatty?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
Quiet, usually! But I don't necessarily mind a chatty taxi driver either! A driver was talking to me about him giving up smoking to protect his family from it, and it was very wholesome. Hope he's still going strong.
Liked by: LYNDSEY

If you won the euromillions tonight you would win 180million. What would you do with that money?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I'd immediately gift some of it to friends and family, and then a big holiday for close friends, then another for my family like we used to as kids. Then move out, and likely buy multiple places around the country!
Liked by: LYNDSEY

Do you think singers are running out of songs to sing? There have been a lot of remakes this year.

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
A hell of a lot of remakes and samples, I agree! I don't think it's about running out of songs but rather pure laziness and easy money.
Liked by: LYNDSEY

What's your favorite time of day? ☀️🌙

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Probably around 12PM, I usually finish up at work around then and it also means I have plenty of the day left to relax and do what I want!
Liked by: Tobbe

How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not THAT easily, I'm braver than even I think, but a few things catch me out easier. Spiders, for instance and flying bugs xD
Liked by: Tobbe

Have you ever been invited to a stag do? But you weren't invited to the wedding?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I've never been invited to any stag do and I've only been to one wedding so far, though I do have a wedding to go to this month!
Liked by: LYNDSEY

How do you pronounce lemonade? Like aid/ade or nade?

lnr87’s Profile PhotoLYNDSEY
I don't know how to answer this, but it has also given me a crisis because how DO I pronounce lemonade?! xD
Liked by: LYNDSEY

Have you read the vampire diaries books?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I don't think so? I can't remember, I think they're on my TBR list. Either that or I tried the first one and thought it was bad xD

Would you consider visiting London ? And if you wouldn’t, why not ?

I've been to London many times, and I'll likely go there many more times too.
Liked by: Princess Tally


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