
Meha Mavadia

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its not a good answer.

well does it really matter what i say? it should be between them and no one else's business

do you think Noah n Kiran should go out

whatever they want to do is up to them and my opinion does not matter


an amazing person, who stands up for what she believes is right. she is super funny, so sweet, caring, she doesnt mean to intentionally hurt anyone, pretty, really close friend. all in all a really really good friend that i can easily talk to <3

thoughts on Satyam, Noah, Safeer, Maruti.

ive answered this so many times... they are all good friends.

I heard you kissed one of the musketeers.

wanna know how it went?
amazing since it never happened!

last person you spoke to on the phone?

OMG what is with you people, like why do you need to know who i talk to last?
& my dad

thoughts on ania,sastee,priya and kay

ania - pretty, really nice
sastee- miss her and super funny
priya- nice
kay- super funny and really nice

what does your dad to, career wise?

has his own business that sells hair products to salons all across Ontario


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