
Meha Mavadia

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Thoughts on joe cal

my first friend and my personal tech guy! we used to talk all the time but we barely see each other :(

What are your marks this semester

business- 90
civics - idk - just did a summative
science- 80
history - 85

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Thoughts on crystal as a whole , be honest .

by the time i press answer i will be tired. i cant explain how she is such an amazing friend and how she is always there for me i can trust her with pretty much everything <3

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, it's Diamond. ;)

LOL wrong way,
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, its Crystal ;)

Crystal's done shine, they have total internal reflectionnnnnn. <3 but my critical angle is high for you



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