

Ask @nicolecjmx

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Favourite food?

japanese food HAHA i answered this w japanese a few days ago and realised how wrong that sounded

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What did the last text message you sent say?

The best
Meridians yes we will be
As this is our choice
We speak with one clear voice
Rising above the rest
Born of a vision to be the best
The best
Meridians yes we will be
As this is our choice
We speak with one clear voice
Rising above the rest
Born of a vision to be the best
As our hopes and dreams will shine
We will reach the highest star with meridian
As our journey here begins, we're together
Passion further we will strive, come together as one
Facing challenges ahead we will overcome
Born of a vision to be the best
Cause we are
As this is our choice
We speak with one clear voice
Rising above the rest
Born of a vision to be the best
Liked by: Alyzza

@lizzzavine asks, "Would you rather have crazy turbulence on a flight or only be able to eat through your nostrils?”

Eat through nostrils so I can finally eat while talking without being told to stop
Liked by: Dan

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

ALL the way at the back man like omg I've had enough neck tilting days

ign is in game name la fuck

Lmao chill bruh, I asked what game. But whatever the case it's the same name everywhere

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?


Do you still contact any school members

Hmm members of the school.. Nope :) don't really have junior friends, don't really have friends at all Haha I'm so funny


Language: English