

Ask @ririmadrid

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"Islam di mulutmu, shalat 5 waktu selalu, tapi hatimu, pikiranmu, perasaanmu ada pada beiber, chance, gomez, grande, mahoney, dna, lovato,,,," dengarlah riri, dengarkanlah ibu mu dah cakap tu. INGAT! disitu kadang saya merasa sedih :(:(:(:(:(

Seriously, it was 3 years ago. Probably you've stalked my mom twitter account right? Well sweetie, as Elsa's said " the past is in the past " so just let it go. I'm no longer that girl who adore singer too much. And, thank you for reminding me about this. Really, i appreciate it so much!!!!❤️ xxxx oh ya, who the hell are you?

si bebi love me hardehhhhhhhh nyeww azkaban always? always.pokonya mah if you want keep meh you gotta got to ganti tu poto propil jelek nyew

Yeh, setelah allowed anonymous question again, langsung pd muncul lg question org2 tidak berotakkk❤️


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