

Ask @schielerin

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What's your favorite water sport?

Sailing and kayaking! I am planning to learn windsurfing and/or kite surfing.

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Would you rather continue your life as it is or start it over?

That’s a real conundrum.
I love my life and treasure my experiences. But there are a few things I am dying to do over, it is my greatest wish to, but if I did, the circumstances in which I met my boyfriend would not occur. So, no, I cannot imagine my life without him. Isn’t that real love, answering in favor of him on this stupid platform I question myself being on?

What are you most proud of?

Currently? I guess what I said somewhere below.
Being a slow learner in hair & make-up school but finishing with a 10 (an excellent!) and an 8,5.
I know it’s just make-up, it’s not brain surgery.
But it’s more that I have been one of the worst in class and was able to turn that around, while that unfortunately is not a charasteristic of mine. I am a quitter. I have major performance anxiety so usually I quit once I start to ‘fail’, or what others would call, to not do something right instantly. But for the first time I wasn’t quitting on my education. I even could have made that 8 a ten as well as I was being lazy about something, I knew I would get comments on that but my laziness is super deeply rooted unfortunately, so that cost me 1,5 point. That’s the same principle as why my friends say my hair has a sexy undone nonchalance about it, while I in the morning I tried to make it chique and put together for example, and not nonchalant at all. My laziness always works out for me as a person because it gives off that French vibe, luckily for me, easy make-up where you cannot go wrong with and hair that is nonchalant on accident, but it’s not a good thing to usually be too lazy to put the dots on the i, or too easily distracted, I don’t know what it is exactly.
But I learned my lesson, the second look I was mad at myself so stayed on top of everything, and there they had not a single comment on, they really loved it, i got so many compliments, i was flabbergasted. Then it clicked. It was so healing to notice that I have never been that bad at make-up, i have just always been lazy and unfocussed. I should have known that already, after years of wearing the same perfected eye make-up every day that I could almost do by muscle memory without a mirror, that look suits me but it was also a lazy thing to do. I don’t know why i didn’t realise I just was not putting real effort into make-up. But it is a craft, after all, and once you do, it really becomes magical.
So, that’s what I’m proud of, of not quitting, and even a bit of succeeding.

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Whats your favorite thing about where you live

The beach and dunes. How many (big) cities have guys biking by in a wetsuit with a board under their arm. Isn’t that so summery and charming? That’s speaking about the Hague. The other place I live is called Ermelo and there I love how we live in the middle of the woods and have a big garden, I discovered I love gardening a lot.
Liked by: Kimberley

How many languages do you speak?

This used to be five, but it became two, because, well, I am dumb. Improving them tho!

Whos makeup tutorials you like watching

I have a few make-up artists that I am subscribed to on YouTube, but more than “who’s” i’d day “what” i like watching. Most people are probably most interested in the eye make-up, but me especially as I am scared to unlearn what i learned in beautyschool, so it’s really only eyes where I usually get to learn. So I really enjoy watching people do creative eyes, as I am not naturally drawn to be creative in eye make-up, before make-up school I have just worn my signature black winged liner, no eye-shadow ever. Maybe a smokey eye with new years but that was really pushing the limit.
I do enjoy tutorials overall and get great recommendations for products from it, but the usage is scary. The current trend in influencers to do too sharp all fake brows, baking, drag queen techniques and too much highlighter, just really unnatural painting of the face, sometimes, while luckily in school I learned too use as little product as possible and not to re-create face but just accentuate or camouflage and correct. Not re-create. And to not put the concealer on after the foundation. If my teacher saw me do that, I would be expelled. Although there should not be any rules. Just preferences.
So, only you can now what or who you like watching yourself, it’s pretty personal.

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Liked by: Kimberley

What's the most unusual thing in your refrigerator, right now?

Two houses ago that would have been my dead bird.
Is saw her fly into a windshield and when she landed near me on the biking trail, she was gone before she hit the ground. She was still so warm, as if she was alive, and so pretty. That really moved me. Still the warmth of life without the life.
Soooo i put her in my freezer. I know that had nothing to do with all the above. At some point i put this bird in my freezer and kept it there for a year, maybe. I think i should leave it at that. I’m not a mental case. I hope. I just have those American Beauty moments, too.

Do you play any online games?

No, gaming bores me very quickly. There are so few games I’m interested in. Luckily, maybe. I have a game addict friend. Always thought I would be prone to join him sooner or later but guess not. Guess I am more the foodie and alcoholic type.

What’s your motto?

Gefrituurde smart is halve smart
Stel niet uit tot morgen, wat je heden kunt frituren
Beter 1 frituur in de hand, dan 10 in de lucht
Liked by: Kimberley

Post a picture of somebody or something you find inspiring!

These flowers that I’m gifting a friend that I’m visiting. Love the colours. Most important part of my interior is always flowers. I do believe someone in the train is allergic to them tho because he’s sneezing relentlessly but oh well, i’m staring at them just fine. The visual of a train full of dead people and then me with a bouquet and a faint smile quite pleases me.

If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?

Art and art history, I think.
I used to go to weaving school and was planning to do a post to be a teacher in textile design until the school changed their schedule and it became too impractical for me to follow the lessons. But that would have been cool, I was really excited about that for a while.
I also just finished make-up school before summer and got classes from really high end people in the field, who really inspired me, but especially my main teacher talked a whole lot about how we should apply the make-up and only did a demo per aspect to learn, ònce, while the entire class of fourteen people were standing around her. I really struggled with this because I am a very visual learner for practical things, hence why I cannot read notes very well but will play the piano by sight and ear. People also think I can draw quite good, but I can only copy quite good, i can copy your face to a paper when you are sitting in front of me but if you tell me to draw a giraffe i can only make the geekiest cartoon giraffe, and then i’m already having a hard time and feeling like I am working as hard as Michelangelo while when I turn my notebook around, you’ll see a giraffe with a moustache and a hat and my sweaty exhausted face behind it.
In a nutshell, i perfect the art of mirroring, nothing is in my already.
At make-up school I was one of the worst in class even, I am very proud I managed to finish top of the class together with one other girl because secretly no one was expecting that of me, me the least, that did so much good for my self esteem. We both killed it. But it could have been so much easier if there were more demos. I am very observant, i really analyze the shit out of make-up turorials, if someone just tells me about what to do I feel like a caveman that want to hit himself on the head with a bat. The truth why i wasn’t doing so good also had to do with a lack of practasing because I was very distracted by some things i’m dealing with, but overall, demos STILL would’ve taught me quicker and more. I might like to give make-up workshops that are more like this. I already did a few times and I notice a lot of people really do profit from it.

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Liked by: Kimberley

Who is the most famous person in your country?

Ivo Niehe is unanimously a ridiculously great success


Language: English