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Latest answers from slowbeef

About "True Gamer": I liked, but it is kinda rough around the edg hamming it up was... not good at all, actually it was cringy. Also, why would anyone not shit on this game? Why pretend that someone is actually asking for people not to shit on the game?

thank you for the feedback

I saw that you follow "hbomberguy" on Twitter... first of all: ew. Second: Why? Hasn't the whole Shmorky-situation taught you how toxic these people are?

FreshWithSouthernDames’s Profile PhotoAManInBackOfThisPlace
Who fucking cares who follows who on twitter

Do you realize that the RE7-demo takes place in the same universe that in which an American city was h-bombed, wherein China, West Africa and Spain were overrun by mutant-terrorists on roids and Chris Redfield punched a rock into an active volcano ??? ....

FreshWithSouthernDames’s Profile PhotoAManInBackOfThisPlace
that does sound like where we'll be in eight years

What would be a good place to start out with Romhacking for dummies like me that aren't the greatest with programming but want to dabble in it in my free time?

Patricia Cornflower
Pick a project that you love, because it is a lot of hard work and it's better to be invested in it than try a project that you don't care much about to "learn"

I already bothered you about this on twitter, but do you and 'betus have any plans to attend RTX '16? If so, which day?

deevvviinn’s Profile PhotoDevin M.
Yes and our panel is Saturday 12:30

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