
Captain Hok Hok Hok

Ask @stillnotken

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Ooh~! One of those little 'Superhero' people. How /adorable/! Now, if you had to change one defining event in your past, what would it be and why? And /don't/ say losing your pally on the train… it's SO cliché.

(Q ö_Ö Oh my <3)
"Superhero-people?" What is that even supposed to.......... No. No, actually I answered this only yesterday, I'd prevent them from killing Howard so Hydra won't be able to...... wait. Does that even count as 'my past'? After all I was already frozen at that time.

Ooh. Temper. Temper. Fine. Next question. If your best friend in the world was about to kill you, would you kill him first? Oh wait I already know the answer to this one. NO.

Jim Moriarty
.......... That wasn't even remotely funny. *sighs* ... Why does ever Hydra Agent have to dig this up?

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2012 style? Yuck how boring. Ok next question. If you could alter one historical event to change the course of the future what would it be?

Jim Moriarty
2012? Well, it's a bit late to do that in 2012, right? *looks confused* (XD Aw, popculture references) Hydra infiltrating Shield, obviously. Probably simply by stopping them from killing Howard. If he'd lived, he'd known what to do.

(Hey. I'm bored. So random question time) if the world was to end tomorrow how would you want it to end? Armageddon, zombie apocalypse, vampire apocalypse, alien extermination, fly into the sun, etc etc.

Jim Moriarty
... Anything is better than Hydra, I guess. How about we all get into a spaceship and leave earth?

What do you think Thranduil would say if he were to be asked as to why he has long hair?

That he liked his hair? That he was afraid of scissors? Who is that person anyways? Franduel sounds rather... exotic.

Do you believe in horoscopes?

..... Listen, I know, being a christian isn't "in" anymore, but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious. Stars are just rocks that god put up there for some reasons, what are they supposed to know of my fate?

//Or.. you could go to bed and dream about it.. ehe. Goodnight!

(I never dream about cool stuff ewe or hot stuff for that matter, note the pun. Goodnight to you too!!)
Liked by: Rex Laufeyson

//His voice is like butter. Ugh! It's beautiful! Woe!

(.... I'll go to bed now and try not to think about it, okay? Okay.)

//It is perfection. Ugh, yes! And Terrance Zdunich's voice is freaking amazing!

(Aww maw gawd, that voice >//< Especially when it goes all low and... don't even get me started on his Zydrate Anatomy performance! That movie is still giving me chills, and I know the whole thing by heart.)
Liked by: Q Rex Laufeyson

//Oh my God I love Repo!

(That's because you're cool. I'm literally addicted to that movie! It's perfection. Plus, Anthony Steward Head has been my favourite actor for a looong while now.)
Liked by: Q

Wie viele Sprachen sprichst du?

Das ist eine schwierige Frage die ich schon ziemlich oft beantwortet habe Oo Was heißt schon "sprechen"? Richtig so dass ich es als fließend bezeichnen würde nur englisch und deutsch, das sind auch die in denen ich mich am Wohlsten fühle. Uh... Ich hab in der Schule Französisch gelernt und werde das ab nächstem Halbjahr als dritte Fremdsprache im Abitur weiter machen, ich denke darin kann ich mich ganz gut verständigen, aber ich kenne keine französisch-sprachigen Leute, darum fehlt mir da einfach die Praxis. Uhm... italienisch hab ich auch in der Schule gelernt, aber da kann ich nur noch vereinzelte Sachen. Spanisch hab ich danach irgendwann gelernt, aber auch da fehlt mir die Praxis, dh mein spanisch klingt recht holprig.
Sprachen in denen ich vieles verstehe aber mich nicht so recht traue selbst was zu formulieren sind hauptsächlich dänisch und portugiesisch.
Ach ja, meine zweite Fremdsprache im Abitur ist russisch :D Aber da besteht mein Wortschatz bisher noch aus ungefähr 300 Wörtern, also kann man das definitiv noch nicht als "sprechen" bezeichnen, da beschränkt sich mein Können bisher noch auf ganz einfache Satzgefüge und Floskeln.Muss aber dazu sagen dass ich gerade erst so richtig damit angefangen habe.

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If you could only talk to one person for the rest of your life, who would it be and why?

I guess it'd be Jarvis. After all, he's always up to date.


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