
Captain Hok Hok Hok

Ask @stillnotken

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What would you do if someone you desire ask you to marry them?

You mean... like Jarvis? I would marry him. Without a second thought. But I hope he doesn't because I don't feel like it is the right moment. When I do I'll ask him myself. It's just to earlier, there are to many unresolved issues and we don't even know each other long enough... What can I say, I'm an old fashioned guy.

What is your most treasured possession?

My shield, I think. Not only is it a good companion in battle and made of Vibranium and Adamantium, but it also has an obvious idealistic value.
Liked by: JARVIS

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Bucky shook his head slowly, "Not yet, Steve.." He sighed, then turned his head to look out of the window. "If you want to know.. I.. I will tell you.. When I'm ready"

"Yes! Yes, it's... fine. Don't push yourself." Steve stared ahead as they reached the city. It was probably better that way.... they made Bucky go through enough stuff for the rest of his life.
Liked by: D α b r i α

The room for Mr. Barnes is ready. And.. Do you need anything else, sir? I might have heard that you will have a /date/ with Agent Carter. Please tell me if you need anything for your upcoming date, /sir/.

mrjarvis’s Profile PhotoJARVIS
What... Jarv I'm not gonna have with anyone. Natasha and I were just joking around, don't be dumb. I won't date anyone but you... you're way enough work. *smiles*
Liked by: D α b r i α

Loki shook his head and came closer taking the black hood he was wearing off. "Why would a SHIELD agent look for Hydra classified documents?" He asked and looked straight into his eyes. "Documents about soldiers... crazy scientists, Zola, The Winter Soldier, Second World War." He said quickly.

"A lot of people are searching for the Winter Soldier right now... Me included, so if you have those files, I'll gladly take them", Steve replied stern and closed the door behind him.
Liked by: JARVIS

Bucky nodded, then followed Steve to the car. Got in, and sat quietly. While on the way to the tower, he looked straight ahead, his mind was running through his memories.

"Bucky..." Steve spoke very slowly, he seemed to think about it for some time. "Do you think you can tell me what they did to you? You don't... you don't have to, if it hurts you."

If you could ask your favourite celebrity one question, what would it be?

ShellrockStones’s Profile PhotoTyler
Mhhh... I guess "Y U SO AWESOME IN DAT AGE?!???!)Nl<sdcnsdljc" would be a waste...? It would probably be how he manages to portray two people in one, or in other words, how he managed to be Giles-Nathan and a second later Repo-Nathan. ... I hope all those of age know who I'm talking about.
(I don't exactly have a favourite celebrity, but if I had one it'd probably be this guy. He's the next best actor I know, right after Samuel L. Jackson who is so high above anyone else in terms of talent that he doesnt even count XD)
Liked by: Ade littleMrsMuffin

Bucky was pissed. So he refused to turn to look at Steve, let him said whatever he wanted. And then he sighed, yes, Steve was right. "I'm sorry about that, I will be more careful next time" he said. But he was still upset, so Bucky just kept looking at the floor instead of Steve.

"... Thank you. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just hard to believe that you're really here, and I might be afraid now and then. But none of that is your fault. Feel like getting in the car before that guy wakes up?"

Who are your boy/girl crushes? (For example, if you're a straight male you could say Tom Hiddleston.)

ShellrockStones’s Profile PhotoTyler
Uh... I don't think I know what I'm supposed to say here.
(Hurr, uhm... there are... some. I mean, if we stay with fictional characters it's probably Victoria Hand XD I have a friend who's probably something like that, but I mean, gosh, she's like... just the perfect female being. But celebrities? That's a hard one. Used to be Gwyneth Paltrow, though. For the... obvious reasons. She was a huge crush... For a girl who isn't exactly bisexual (not exactly straight either). This is kryptonite. But right now I don't think I have one. Good question though :))

No. Oh wait, I think you better leave the motel. *giggles and when Steve looks at the window she's gone though she's still talking to him on the telephone* *Stands close to his door with a gun in her hand*

... I think we'll stay for lunch.
Liked by: D α b r i α

We /did/ delete that !! We changed him and we can do it again ! I'll make a single call and he'll disappear until I'll bring him back. Do you wanna try that ?

Steve opened his mouth to give a sharp answer, then stopped. He knew all the things Hydra implanted were still there, trigger words, leftovers of the damage they did. "... No."
Liked by: JARVIS

He trust the person who he thinks saved him. But deep inside he thinks something else, the things we taught him. And you would wonder how fast that could change ..

No. No, you can't change him. You just changed his... his thoughts, his memories, his perception and behaviour... but you didn't change him, he still remembers me. He knows what we've been through. You can't just delete that!

Because you think you have enough power to change the world, to save the ones you love ! You should know that it's not true, that's why I told them to free Bucky. *lowers voice again and takes deep breath* To show you that hydra destroys everything that's in its way, they didn't destroy Bucky yet...

All I hear is talking. But Bucky is here, he's with me, and he's getting better. That's all that counts. He remembers me. He /trusts/ me.

He's there with you because we allowed him to be with you ! *raises voice and steps before the window again so they can see each other again*

Why would you do that? *whispers* *stares at her*

Oh, we've seen every memory he had, we know him damn well, /Captain Rogers/. *sighs silently* Don't you think it's a bit sad that you couldn't free him ?

... Well, he's here now, isn't he? *sounds slightly unsettled* He's with me.

Of course it's normal. But you still think he's your old friend, Steve. But Hydra destroyed him. His soul. It took away every memory he had and replaced them with new ones. You're believing the wrong things. *stands up*

Well, he remembers me. *stares up at the window she's hiding behind* When he doesn't black out he's very much his old self. But you couldn't tell, you don't know him.


Language: English